"Huh! Looks like he's recovered." Yin waved the knife in the air a few times and said

"Then let's go back to the base quickly."Natara said.

The three of them took the map and started to prepare to escape from here.

"Which way should I go?"

"We are still in the enemy's territory. We must escape first by the shortest distance.……"

"Hehe, none of you can escape! You will all become my spoils of war"


A voice came from behind the three people, and they quickly picked up their weapons and stood guard.

"Even if you hide, I will find you right away by following the smell of blood on your body. A man who looked like he was going to die soon appeared.

"Damn it! We've been discovered!" Natara said

"Kill him quickly before he notifies other companions to come!" Hei Tong said

"Companions...? There is no need to call them. I am enough. As long as I can deal with you, I can get seven heads. Then my rank can be raised.���Standard term for receiving lunch boxes

"Take the medicine first, and we will need to fight continuously to get rid of the previous situation!" Natara said, and then all three of them took the medicine.

"Drugs to strengthen the body? How boring!"The man's body slowly changed, and his limbs seemed to have turned into the limbs of a wild beast.

Every gravekeeper has the ability to transform into a beast. Unlike the dragon transformation of the Tailan people, the beast transformation of the gravekeeper is reversible. The disadvantage is that the degree of strengthening is not as high as that of the dragon transformation of the Tailan people. But for ordinary people, it is also very tricky.

At least for the three people with black pupils, the other party is very powerful.

"Oh, you three are the best fighters so far!"With his beastly body, the man took on the weapons in the hands of the three black pupils and quickly pushed them away.

"It's too strong……"Natara says

"No, the opponent seems to be fighting back with all his strength. The gap between the two sides is not too big. As long as we cooperate with each other, we can defeat him with a slight advantage."Hei Tong said calmly to the other two.

"That's hard to say.……"The man was still confident.

After a little adjustment, the three men stepped forward to fight with the man again. The three men worked closely together, gradually putting the man at a disadvantage.

"call out!"


Yin, who was fighting, suddenly found a wound on his thigh, and then noticed that the man's long hair had also changed. Each hair shot towards the three people like a silver needle.

"Yin!"Natara's attention was slightly diverted when he saw Yin was injured.

"Seeing your companion injured and exposed, you are still too naive. How could the man miss this opportunity? He kicked Natara into the wall.

"You are the only one left!" The man looked at Hei Tong who was still standing and quickly launched several attacks, but they were easily knocked down by Hei Tong.

"I've seen this move up close twice.……"Hei Tong said calmly

"Tsk……"Upon hearing this, the man gave up the long-range attack and rushed towards Hei Tong.

"Then I will just chop off your head!" the man thought.

"I also see that your slashing is based on strength."

The two figures crossed, and Hei Tong slashed the man's center fiercely. However, Hei Tong dodged the man's attack. It was obvious that Hei Tong had been observing his opponent in the battle to find his flaws.

"I should...solve yours first.……"The man was killed very quickly. After all, this kind of behavior of grabbing heads by oneself will be the fastest to be killed.

"Fortunately, the knife was not deep, and I was able to survive with my strong vitality. As long as you turned around to look for your companions, I would……?!"

It turned out that the man was not dead, although he was slashed by Hei Tong. But he survived with his beastly body. However, as an excellent imperial assassin, Hei Tong naturally understood the essence of finishing off the opponent.

"Ah! He is still alive."Hei Tong said to himself as he stabbed the man's heart with a knife.

"Ah! What? Was Arashi killed?"A voice suddenly came from Hei Tong's ear, and Hei Tong was so scared that he quickly turned around and stepped back.

"He always wanted to take all the credit, so he could only be a small fish in his life. It really helped a lot that he died here."Two men and one woman suddenly appeared here, one of them grabbed the dead man's head and mocked him.

"Reinforcements... there are still so many people!"Hei Tong looked at the three people in front of him nervously, thinking in his heart

""Catch these guys alive, they look like they're going to be fun!" said one of the men.

"……elder sister……!!"


"……"Hei Tong!" Chi Tong suddenly sat up from the bed and shouted

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare? Cornelia was awakened by Akame's movements and hurried forward to ask with concern.

"Huhu... yes... it should be……"After Akahiko saw clearly that it was Cornelia, she answered uncertainly:

"It's okay, Akahime. Didn't your father bring you information that your sister's life or death is unknown? That means there is still hope!" Bonnie also stood up to comfort Akahime.

"You need to have a good rest! Akame, if you can't beat your opponent, you won't be able to save your sister."Tsukushi also said to comfort

"……Um... Sorry for making you worry." Akahide patted her cheeks vigorously with both hands, and then said to the other three.

The next day, everyone came to the town of Putola and began to collect new intelligence.

"The royal mausoleum is located in a remote part of the town, and there are guards in the town, so the gravekeepers usually don't come here."Nahash said

"It seems that no one irrelevant will be implicated, but we are very short of information now. If we don’t have the internal map of the royal mausoleum, I’m afraid that several people may not be able to get out."Green looked at the information in his hand and analyzed.

"All we can get from the town is a map of the first floor of the royal mausoleum. They are really amazing." Goziqi said

"It seems that we can only think of a countermeasure after Guy finishes his investigation."

"That's right! Maybe we can make a feint to attract the enemy's attention, and I will be the vanguard to break into the royal mausoleum first, how about that?"Akagi said excitedly

"No, we can't attack rashly when the situation is unclear. If there are casualties, it will have a greater impact on the next operation."Goziqi explained patiently.

"that……"Cornelia suddenly raised her hand and said

"What's wrong?"

"Has anyone of you seen Chu Yufan?"



"Yo yo yo, why is there a lost kid wandering around here?"In the depths of the Gobi Desert, four figures stood in front of Chu Yufan, looking at him with a smile.

"Hmm... the information is at hand." Chu Yufan thought to himself as he looked at the four people in front of him.

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