"What the hell? What's wrong with this guy?!" The man quickly stepped back and distanced himself from Chu Yufan.

Just now, Chu Yufan didn't waste time talking to them. He just flashed behind the three weaker ones and knocked them out one by one. Just when he was about to knock out the last one, he dodged.

"Huh?! He's a bit stronger than the others.……"Chu Yufan was about to step forward, but he found that the opponent's limbs changed shape and flew into the sky.

"Dragon transformation? No, it should be different."

"Breath of the Wind, Type 2, Claws: Koto Wind"


Four wind blades came towards him, and the man only dodged two of them. The other two wind blades hit him hard, and the man fell to the ground in an instant.


Chu Yufan quickly stepped forward and punched him on the head, telling him to go to sleep.

""Well, it's done, it's easy." Chu Yufan clapped his hands in satisfaction and carried the four people back to the town.

After interrogating the captured people, a complete map of the royal mausoleum was memorized by everyone.���All personnel were dispatched for this mission, including Goziqi.

"Even if you memorize the map, you must not be careless. Because the opponent has lost his companions, and you don't know how he will respond or if he has other cards. So everyone must be careful, do you hear?"


"Okay, Guy, you go underground to hold them back. The rest of you, charge in from the front!" Goziqi ordered.

"Father, are you going with me this time?" Cornelia asked.

"Yes, this is an important mission, so I will go with you."Goziqi pinched his neck and replied


"This guy should have the same ability as that guy... He can attack and dive... Let's send him there." The gravekeeper girl looked at the traces left by Guy during his investigation and said

"He has been asked to stand by." said another man.

"No...Oh no, Lord Ji Mo, there is an intruder in the tomb!"

"Did they rush in? It seems that the trap has been exposed. Immediately switch the trap to the abnormal state, so that even if you know there is a trap, you cannot determine the type of trap.……"

"I have already switched over... but I still can't stop the invaders!"

"What?!" The gravekeepers present said in surprise.

"It's our turn to play, and let Nubis get ready."The end of the season gave the order


"In order to prevent those who invade the cemetery from appearing again, we must give them the most tragic death. Death beyond imagination……"

On the other side, Goziqi and others were passing through the traps in the tomb. Although there were various traps, they would not pose a threat to everyone, and there were also dangerous species guarding the tomb.

"Get out of the way! Trash!" Nahashu swung the sword in his hand, and the black scorpions blocking his way were chopped into several pieces.

"Hehe, too naive, intruder, look at me……"A gravekeeper who seemed to have the ability to change into a chameleon was killed by Chu Yufan just as he was about to launch a sneak attack.

"Mimicry? But mimicry that can't even control the sound of breathing is useless."

"What a warm reception! Everyone should be careful."Goziqi reminded. At this moment, the whole tomb shook.

"what happened?"

"What is this vibration?"

A huge iron ball occupied the entire passage and rolled towards everyone. If they were crushed by it, there might not even be any meat left.

"I can only run away……"Before Goziqi finished speaking, two figures appeared in front of everyone.

Cornelia's right hand Crushing King began to accumulate power.

Chu Yufan also began to adjust his breathing.

"Smash King!"

"Rock Breathing, Second Form, Shatter the Sky."

Although the power of Rock Breathing will be reduced when using a sword, it is the only breathing method that is more suitable for resisting this big iron ball. Fortunately, there is Cornelia's Crushing King, and the two of them worked together to successfully break the big iron ball into pieces.

"Why do I feel like these two people have a good rapport?"

"It’s not just a feeling, it’s a tacit understanding!"

"If Guy saw this, he would probably explode."

"Hmm? Sister Ke Er, what are they talking about?" Chu Yufan heard people talking behind him, so he asked Cornelia next to him.

"That... that... it's nothing, nothing, hahaha." Cornelia replied with a blush on her cheeks.


At this time, Guy, who knows everything, is moving in the mud.

"Huh?! Is this voice... the same ability as mine?" Guy suddenly heard other digging sounds in the soil, and then thought

"Tsk, I hate to fight with people from the same department, let's go back to the ground first."

Not far from Guy, a man with a rat face was tracking Guy. When he found Guy moving upwards, he also followed him.

"You dare to run around in the underground of this cemetery? Let me, Lord Lagu, use my claws to twist your head off!"Lagu, who broke out of the ground, saw Guy with his back to him, and pounced on him with his claws opened.

"Hahaha, watch me kill you!"Lagu hit Guy with one blow, and immediately launched a fierce attack on the opponent with full confidence. But he soon found something wrong, because Guy hugged him from behind at some point.

"Idiot, it's just a doll made of clay." Guy smiled faintly, then hugged Lagu and threw him back to the ground, smashing Lagu's head with great force.

"Intruder spotted!"

Just after dealing with Lagu, two more beast-like gravekeepers ran over.


When you see the other person's appearance, you know���Just a novice. But Guy hesitated for a moment, then slapped the ground with his palm.

The powerful force shook the cemetery, and at the moment when the opponent lost consciousness, Guy directly broke the opponent's head with an elbow, then quickly drilled into the ground and jumped out from behind the other person to twist the opponent's head off.

"Hey, don't underestimate me, the strongest one." Guy said confidently.

After dealing with the three gravekeepers, Guy dived underground again to continue his containment mission.

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