"All the traps have been broken, and the dangerous species guarding the mausoleum have been killed. It seems that the opponent this time is very powerful." Ji Mo listened to the report from his subordinates and said.

"What are you afraid of? Facing us, you will only die."Jia Mo, the man who brought the three black pupils back alive, said

"Are you stupid? The enemies are all gathered together now. We three may not be able to defeat them."The gravekeeper girl, Kashyuk, who was traveling with us at the time, complained.

"There is no need to fight them head-on. We should find a way to disperse them and then defeat them one by one."Ji Mo thought for a while and then said

"The three people we just captured may be related to the invaders. Let's use this to separate them."


"This... should be the uniform of the assassination unit.……"Nahasu picked up the tattered clothes on the ground and handed them to Gozizi for inspection.

"……Yes, this is the uniform of another assassination unit. Goziqi checked carefully and confirmed that it was the uniform.

"But how did this thing appear here?"Green asked in confusion.

"It seems that the other side wants us to split up our forces.……"Chu Yufan looked at the roads in front of him and said softly

"Are you planning to defeat them one by one? If you don't disperse, you may not be able to save them. You can only divide your forces."Gozzi thought about it carefully, and then decided.

"Chu Yufan and I each took a path, Akahime and Green were in one group, Nahasu and Cornelia were in one group, Tsukushi and Bonnie were in one group, and each of us chose a path to move forward."

"No way, father, how can you let Chu Yufan be alone?……"Cornelia was about to object, but was interrupted by Gozizi.

"Don't worry, your Chu Yufan is probably stronger than me now."

"Ah... Father, what are you talking about?" Cornelia retorted

"Okay! That’s it, let’s get started!"



"Tap tap tap……"

Chi Tong ran quickly in the passage, and Green followed her from behind.

"Hmm? Be careful!"Green, who had been on alert all around, suddenly discovered something and swung the rattlesnake in his hand into the air, colliding with another attack.

"Who is it?" Chi Tong hurriedly stopped and asked

"Haha, you two look very weak."Jia Mo slowly walked out of the darkness and looked at the two with a smile.

"Gravekeeper?……"Akame pulled out the Kiri Ichimonji, and Green also prepared the rattlesnake and was on guard.

"Hmm? You look a lot like one of our captives.……"

"Black pupils! ?"

"Do you know her? Never mind, I'll find out when I bring you to her.……"Jia Mo held a curved knife in his hand and rushed towards Chi Tong. Chi Tong did not retreat and directly faced the enemy head-on.

"The shape of this knife... is it meant to take away my weapon?……"Chi Tong looked at Jia Mo's knife and knew his purpose. He deftly used the knife in his hand to remove Jia Mo's weapon and then launched a real attack.

Chi Tong stepped on the wall and instantly went behind Jia Mo and slashed at his back. Jia Mo barely blocked the attack at the last moment.

"Good... so fast! I almost couldn't react... I can't fight her with swordsmanship!"Jia Mo suddenly spit out black ink from his mouth, and Chi Tong dodged instantly.


"Have you forgotten me?"

Just as Jamo was about to continue his attack, Green's rattlesnake directly wrapped around Jamo and slammed him against the wall. However, what Green didn't expect was that the opponent actually slipped out of the middle of the rattlesnake like a snake at the last moment.

"Are you a snake?" Green asked, looking at the situation.

"Haha, it's not a snake, it's an octopus!"Many octopus tentacles sprang out from Jia Mo's upper body and swept towards Chi Tong and the other person.

"It's so slippery, the knife can't cut it?!" The knife in Chi Tong's hand deflected after hitting the tentacle and couldn't be cut. Just when she was about to retreat, Jia Mo's tentacles quickly cut off her retreat and tried to control her.

"I told you, I'm still here!" Green roared, waving the rattlesnake in his hand quickly, and actually blocked all of Jia Mo's tentacle attacks.

"This guy!"Jia Mo, whose attack was interrupted, rushed towards Green. Seeing this, Green quickly changed the attack trajectory of the rattlesnake, using the swinging trajectory to wrap himself into a ball, and all of Jia Mo's tentacle attacks were also bounced off.

The attack was blocked again, and Jia Mo quickly distanced himself from Chi Tong and the others.

"Damn it, I can't handle them alone... I can only do this, I'll give you a boost!" Jia Mo quickly turned around and ran away

"Stop! Don't run!" Chi Tong and Green quickly chased after him.

"As long as we bring them to Nubis, we can fight back.……"As Jia Mo ran, he thought

"The guy who knows Hei Tong's whereabouts can't be allowed to escape!!"Aka Tong thought to himself

"This is an important opportunity to show off! I have to catch this guy and let Chi Tong look at me with new eyes!"Green thought to himself


"Intruders! That's it!"

Two figures blocked Chu Yufan's way and shouted loudly.

"I'll give you ten seconds to transform into a beast... or you won't have a chance.……"Chu Yufan looked at the two little Karami in front of him and said lightly

"Boy! You are so arrogant at such a young age!"One of the gravekeepers was very angry at Chu Yufan's attitude. In his opinion, a young man like Chu Yufan had no strength. So he rushed forward, and was killed by Chu Yufan on the spot.

"Wow, this guy is so strong?!" The other man was obviously startled, and immediately turned into a beast and attacked Chu Yufan, and Chu Yufan also drew his sword to fight him.

"Ding ding ding ding…��"

"What's going on? Even if I transform into a beast, I'm still no match for him?"The gravekeeper was shocked. Even if he transformed into a beast and tried his best, he couldn't shake the opponent at all. This also made him want to retreat.

"Hmm... probably increased strength by 40 to 60 percent. It's still a bit worse than the dragon transformation of the Tailan people. It seems that others should be able to handle it. I just don't know if there are any other secret techniques.……"After Chu Yufan had a rough understanding of the gravekeeper's beastly ability, a hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"!"The gravekeeper seemed to sense something and just as he was about to retreat, he was stabbed away by Chu Yufan.

"Alas, I hope everyone else is okay." Chu Yufan thought as he continued to move forward.

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