Bonnie and Chikushi moved forward while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

"My opponent, are you guys?"Ji Mo was also in this passage and met the two.

"Gravekeeper?" Bonnie heard the voice and quickly stepped forward to block Tsukushi. Tsukushi also raised his Prometheus and aimed at the other party.

"Haha, it seems that if I capture you as captives, I can have fun for a long time." Ji Mo looked at the two people's appearance and figures and said with a smile


Tsukushi fired directly, and Jimo was ejected like a spring in the next moment.


Although Tsukushi didn't see through the opponent's attack, Bonnie, who was a close combat player, could see it clearly. So she also jumped forward and blocked the attack of the end of the season.

"What?! She actually saw through my attack route?"

"Humph... When it comes to leg skills, I won't lose."

Bonnie's servant tool, the Youzhi pants, has the ability to enhance the user's leg strength. However, the enhancement itself is not large, so it requires a high level of strength from the user. Bonnie happens to be the one with the strongest leg skills in the team, so it is quite suitable for her to use this servant tool.

Ji Mo and Bonnie started a fistfight, and soon Ji Mo was a little at a disadvantage. But, is it really so?

"Damn! So strong! How can there be such a strong guy!"Ji Mo cursed, and then retreated and planned to retreat.

"Don't even think about running away!"Boni saw this and hurriedly chased after him.

The two of them chased and fled, and soon came to a small space. At the end of the season, he suddenly showed a weird smile.

"Didn't you realize that I wasn't being chased by you, but I deliberately led you here?"


Many spikes appeared on the walls around Bonnie's location, covering his entire body. Fortunately, Bonnie's body was very flexible, and he bent his body into an incredible shape to avoid the spike trap.

"Not good!"

Boni felt one of his hands being grabbed. It was Ji Mo who took the opportunity to approach and grabbed Bonnie's hand, intending to attack his vital parts.


After repeated ricochets, a bullet hit Ji Mo's outstretched thigh accurately. His attack was briefly paused, and Bonnie took the opportunity to kick back and kicked Ji Mo away.

""Phew! Phew! That was close... You helped me a lot, Tsukushi." Bonnie said with lingering fear. She knew that if she had hit him with that kick at the end of the season, she would have lost her fighting ability immediately.

"Be careful, Bonnie, the other party is not simple."Tsukushi reminded

"Change the target, and deal with the one with the gun first."Ji Mo stood up again, looked at Tsukushi with his eyes, and then attacked her.

"Ha! Don’t even think about succeeding!"Boni found out that the other party was heading for Tsukushi, so he blocked in front of him and intercepted him.

"Get out of the way!" Ji Mo attacked Bonnie with all his strength.


Tsukushi saw the right moment and fired again. The unpredictable trajectory of the bullet restricted Ji Mo's offensive movements and gave Bonnie an opportunity.

"Eat my kick ah ah……"Bonnie kicked Jimo's abdomen hard, sending him flying in an instant.

"Phew... Huh! Huh! It seems I underestimated you guys." The cooperation between Bonnie and Tsukushi surprised Ji Mo, and he decided to use all his strength.

"What?!"Boni and Tsukushi looked at the scene in front of them in shock. The gravekeeper's body had completely turned into a locust. The wings growing from his back were particularly eye-catching. A sense of oppression instantly rushed towards them.

""Full power!"

Ji Mo's figure instantly disappeared from their sight, and then came in front of Bonnie and kicked her. Although Bonnie reacted, Ji Mo's huge force still kicked her away and hit her against the wall.

""Wow! I fainted!" Bonnie said, and then fainted.

"It's your turn!" After Ji Mo kicked Bonnie away, he turned around and rushed towards Tsukushi.

"What?!"What shocked Ji Mo was that the seemingly fragile Tsukushi actually dodged his attack.

"Bang!"Tsukushi dodged the attack and fired a shot back.

"Humph! How could this kind of attack possibly hit me?"Ji Mo said disdainfully, and then attacked Tsukushi again, but Tsukushi dodged.

Tsukushi used a spear-type weapon, so her eyesight was naturally not too bad.

Because of this, Tsukushi's melee combat ability has not been trained too much, and its melee combat ability is probably only slightly stronger than that of an ordinary soldier.

It was not until Chu Yufan joined the team that some adjustments were made to Tsukushi's melee combat ability.

Of course, Chu Yufan did not require Tsukushi to be able to fight the enemy with a knife, but to require Tsukushi to dodge the enemy's attack and use Prometheus to counterattack.

"Fortunately, I have undergone special training, otherwise I would have been hit directly just now."Tsukushi thought to himself as he dodged Ji Mo's attack again.

"It's not enough to just dodge, you must look for opportunities to counterattack!"

"This woman actually saw through my attack. But it doesn't matter, she didn't have any means to fight back.……?!"Ji Mo's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a pain. A bullet appeared out of nowhere and pierced through the joint of Ji Mo's right hand.

"What happened?"Ji Mo was a little confused for a moment, and then continued to attack

"Bang!"Tsukushi dodged the attack and fired again.

When the gunshot sounded, Ji Mo kept staring at the bullet to determine the trajectory of the bullet.

"I see, you used the characteristics of the weapon in your hand based on my movement trajectory to shoot at my landing position in advance, so that when I landed at the position you expected, I would be shot, am I right?" After staring at the trajectory of the bullet, Ji Mo understood how Tsukushi hit him.

"Did he see through it so quickly?���Tsukushi did not answer Ji Mo's question, but thought nervously in his heart

"Hehe... It's written all over your face. I'll take you down with my next strike!" Ji Mo looked at Tsukushi's expression, as if he had already won. Ji Mo gathered strength with his feet, and his whole body jumped on the wall, and his movement trajectory became unpredictable.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Tsukushi's eyes kept turning, staring at the landing point of Ji Mo, and then quickly fired five shots in different directions. What Tsukushi didn't expect was that when Ji Mo saw him shooting, he actually stopped jumping and stopped on the spot

"Haha, as long as you stay still when you shoot, your predicted shot will fail on its own!" Ji Mo said, and rushed straight towards Tsukushi at the fastest speed.

Just as he was about to get close, Ji Mo saw the smile on Tsukushi's face, and his heart tightened suddenly.

"Justice from the sky!"

A roar came from above Ji Mo. Bonnie, who should have fainted, had been waiting for a long time above the passage. When Ji Mo found out, it was too late. Bonnie kicked Ji Mo in half with all his strength.

"How… How is it possible… I actually… lost to two… little girls?! Don’t… make fun of me! I’m… the next leader!!" Ji Mo was in two pieces, roaring madly in his heart, but he couldn’t change anything.

""Phew! I finally beat him. He's really strong." Bonnie looked at Ji Mo's body and finally relaxed and said

"Yes, fortunately I received training from Chu Yufan in Panlongling. Otherwise, I would have been captured alive as soon as we met."Tsukushi said thankfully

"Hehe~ And here’s the reason why I fooled him with my superb acting skills!"

"Are you talking about saying"I fainted" before you fainted? Fortunately, the other person believed it."

"Hahaha, this shows that my acting skills are superb!"

"……Yes, yes, let's move on." Tsukushi could only say helplessly.

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