Kashyyyuk, who is at the same level as Jamo and Jimo, can only say that her luck is quite bad. After all, she met Nahashu and Cornelia in the team, both of whom are masters of swordsmanship and physical skills.

Kashyyyuk's beast transformation ability is a snake, so if she encounters these two people, she will be killed instantly.

Compared to the others who met the small boss and Gozizi who didn't meet anyone, Chu Yufan's side is particularly lively. After all, Chu Yufan's appearance is so confusing that every gravekeeper thinks that the opportunity to make a contribution has come after seeing him. But the result is that he was killed instantly as expected.

"Hmm... there aren't any powerful guys here. Could they be going to look for other people?" Chu Yufan killed another gravekeeper with one knife. Looking at the corpses all over the passage, he thought to himself.

"Never mind... let's move on"


At this time, the three people of Hei Tong were hung in a room deep in the mausoleum. Due to the lack of medicine, the three of them were unable to break free from the handcuffs.

"Damn octopus man, I must kill him with my own hands!" Yin was hung on the far left, with his clothes on the front completely torn. The spring scenery inside was completely revealed, making the young boy Natara next door dare not turn his head to look over.

It turned out that the assassination team uniform found on the ground that made Chu Yufan and others decide to split up was what Yin was wearing. And the person who did this was the octopus man Jia Mo. As for what else happened in the process, we will ignore it.

(What? You ask what happened in the process? Find a comic and read it yourself. After all, this is a serious fan fiction.)

"……elder sister……"The one on the far right, Black Eye, is thinking about her sister, Red Eye.

"I see... I heard that a few young girls were captured, and they are really lining up to be sent over one by one." An old man with long black hair walked in with a scepter.

"Prisoners! Help us bear children, and give birth to strong heirs who will protect the royal tombs.……"

"Tsk! I was wondering what kind of person the so-called leader was, but it turns out he was just a perverted old man.……"Silver looked at the leader and complained

"Who are you calling a pervert? I didn't ask you to show these two things."The leader said as he poked the

"Isn't it your subordinates who did this?"Yin roared

"I am very happy, after all, we are looking for a strong mother and are worried about……"

"……You can definitely find someone nearby, right?" Natara asked doubtfully.

"We won't involve ordinary people, so I'm really grateful that you took the initiative to attack us." The leader smiled faintly.

"……They won't involve ordinary people? They still have such discrimination? ?"Natara was stunned by the leader's answer.

"Well, I'll choose you... You should be the strongest among the three, I'll give the others to my subordinates."The leader walked up to Hei Tong and said

"My real name is Vinaigu, and my hobby is developing dry food."As Vinaigu said this, he took out a bottle of dry food from his arms and handed it to Hei Tong. Hei Tong smelled the smell of the dry food and was almost confused.

"In short, I am a person who pays great attention to health preservation. Although I am old, I am in good health. In addition, I like blue. Seeing blue things will calm me down."

"……?"Hei Tong looked at Vinai Gu with a puzzled look on his face. It was obvious that the other party's behavior exceeded his impression of the gravekeeper.

"This is my self-introduction, to let the lady know who I am, and then my declaration as a male.……"Vinai Gu turned his head, looked at the ground, and continued

"Let me show you my strength. First... I'll knock down the guy hiding underground.……"

"……It's really surprising that you found it. Guy emerged from the ground where Vinaigu was looking and said

"It seems you have evolved some kind of animal with a good sense of smell."

"I am the chief of the gravekeepers, their leader. If you treat me as someone who can only turn into animals and plants, you will die miserably.……"Vinaigu said

"Hehe... Don't worry, the only person who dies will be yours.

"Huh...Interesting. I want to see how you will kill me.……"As soon as Vinaigu finished speaking, he transformed into a beast, a beast that even Guy had never seen before.

"What is this… What kind of creature is this… Is it a dangerous species?"


It is a sacred beast revered by this land!

Both its destructive power and recovery power are unparalleled!

This is one of the forbidden powers that can only be used by the eldest gravekeeper from generation to generation!

"Vinagu punched out, and Guy crossed his arms to block, but the whole person was still knocked out.

Venaigu quickly approached and punched again, and Guy did not want to be outdone and punched as well.

Venaigu changed his fist into a palm to catch Guy's fist, and then kicked Guy away

"I'm behind you……"Vinai Gu came behind Guy in an instant and punched Guy's head into the ground again, creating a big hole.

This punch made the three people with black pupils sweat coldly. After all, if they were hit by this punch, they would die on the spot.

"……I'm surprised you are really different from other grave keepers……"Guy looked at Vinaigu and said

"Of course, I am tall! Let me finish you off."

After hearing this, Guy suddenly laughed. Then he grabbed one of Vinaigu's arms, and the strength from his arm startled Vinaigu.

"Very good! You have made me excited!"Guy grabbed Vinaigu's shoulders with both hands, lifted him up like a chicken and threw him to the ground with force.

"What a powerful force!"Vinagu thought to himself.

��Guy's weapons are a great test of the user's physical strength, so Guy's own strength is very strong. For this reason, Guy's fighting style is mainly based on wrestling.

Vinaigu broke free from Guy and distanced himself. He opened his mouth and a ball of fire gushed out of his mouth, enveloping Guy's entire body.

"it's useless……"Guy was not afraid at all and rushed out from the flames. A closer look revealed that his entire body was made of mud armor, which blocked Vinaigu's flames.

Guy broke through the flames and kicked Vinaigu away, then quickly rushed forward to give him a fatal blow.

"Look at the power of my scepter!"Venegu grabbed the scepter in his hand, aimed at Guy and threw it hard. The scepter instantly pierced Guy's heart. However, before Venergu could get proud, he found that the pierced"Guy" was actually a puppet made of clay.

"I'm behind you……"Guy said the same thing as Vinaigu, and punched Vinaigu in the face, and Vinaigu was hit directly against the wall.

It seems that the winner has been decided?

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