
"I'm so strong without taking any medicine.……"


The three black pupils watched the battle and were surprised at Guy's strength.

"You have such strength at such a young age... You are such a strong enemy. We have a long history of guarding the mausoleum, and there have been powerful tomb robbers like you in the past. However, they were all killed by the curse of the mausoleum without exception."Vinagu, who was hit by a punch, stood up again and said

"They were just killed by you, but I will not die." Guy replied indifferently. He already knew the strength of Vinai Gu, and he also knew that he would not be defeated by such a person.

But the premise is that the other party does not have other secrets.

"No, you will die. The stronger the person, the more effective the curse will be."Vinagu smiled strangely, then dodged and elbowed Guy in the abdomen.

"In terms of speed, I am faster, so I can just consume him... What?!"Vinagu had just formulated a strategy when he found that his legs were covered with mud.

"Can he control the earth freely?"

"If you are a man, stop and fight!" Guy said and punched Vinaigu in the chest. Vinaigu had a tail behind him in his beast form. Knowing that he could not win in a strength contest, Vinaigu used his tail to stab Guy in the face.

"The guy who used the hidden weapon is not a man!"Guy grabbed Vinaigu's tail and tore it off with force, then grabbed Vinaigu's legs and spun him hard.

"Let’s use this trick to determine the outcome!"

"Are you going to defeat me like this... Stop it, you will die."Vinagu unexpectedly did not struggle, but said to Guy calmly

"I'm going to kill you! Wake up!"

"……Then let's say goodbye." Seeing that Guy didn't believe what he said, Vinaigu stopped talking, and then a strange spell appeared on his head.

"Oh oh oh oh……"Guy, who was preparing his attack, did not notice the spell on Vinaigu's head, and continued to use centrifugal force to slam Vinaigu's head against the wall.

"……It's over."Guy said lightly, looking at Vinaigu's smoking head.

But if there was a mirror now, Guy would probably find that the talisman that just appeared on Vinaigu's head actually appeared on his face.

"Defeat the boss!"Yin said happily

"……Very impressive." Hei Tong said admiringly.

"Phew! It's finally solved. I'm here to save you now...……?!"Just as Guy was about to turn around to save the man, a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from the back of his head.

"Look, it has begun. This is the curse, and you are going to die."Vinagu, who had fallen to the ground, stood up again. A closer look revealed that he did not even have a single wound on his body.

"What... curse... stop kidding... if you... can still stand up... I will... again……"Blood spurted out of his head, and his physical strength decreased, causing his servant to automatically release his weapon. Guy fell to the ground halfway through his words, motionless.

The so-called curse was a secret technique passed down from generation to generation by the gravekeepers, which could return the attacks taken to the opponent. Only the head of the gravekeepers could use it, and it was precisely because of this secret technique that the gravekeepers had been able to stand firm for so many years.

"Did you feel like you were saved just now? What a pity, it seems there are more than one invader. But it doesn't matter, after all, I still have about a thousand compatriots who can fight under my command.……"Vinai Gu looked at Guy who had fallen to the ground, then looked at the three people with black pupils and said

"……You can't escape."

Just as Vinaigu took two steps forward, Guy, who had already fallen, suddenly stood up again and used the Thousand Layer Cloth to create an earthen wall to separate Vinaigu from the

"That guy, is he still alive?!"

Vinagu punched him, but only made a small hole in the wall.

"What kind of physical strength is this guy……"

"I didn't expect... that I would be... the first to die……"Guy on the other side of the wall was talking as he tried his best to finally untie the restraints of the three people with black pupils.

"Damn it! The bleeding won’t stop, the injury is too severe!"Yin checked Guy’s head injury and said

"You guys... hurry up and leave here... escape from the cave I dug...……"Guy said to the three of them

"You must be... Akame's sister, right? My name is Guy... She is also my companion... I must tell my companions... the information about this battle... Do you understand?……"Guy looked at the black eyes that looked somewhat similar to the red eyes and said

"……I will, I will definitely tell my sister!" Hei Tong said firmly.

"Bang! The earthen wall was about to be breached.

"Get out of here!" Guy yelled


As soon as the three Hei Tongs entered the cave and escaped, Vinai Gu broke through the earth wall and came in. Then he saw Guy standing there.

"It's really ridiculous that he can still stand up after expending so much energy."Vinagu said

"After all, I have been watching the spring scenery for so long, so of course I have the energy." Guy said with a smile

"……What an interesting man, your head is worthy of being in my collection, what is your name?"

"There is no need to tell you, after all, my companions will kill you soon." Guy said, and used up his last bit of strength to punch Vinaigu, who also punched back. Vinaigu

's punch went straight into Guy's heart and took out his heart.

"In this way, you can't stand up, right?"After saying that, Vinai Gu crushed Guy's heart, and Guy fell to the ground.

"Hum... you are so tenacious. Now I should go after my lovely young wives."Vinagu said lightly.


Outside the mausoleum, Bald Bill was anxiously waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. Although he had asked Goziqi's assassination team to come, Bill was still not at ease and continued to ask for stronger support from the imperial capital.

However, the reinforcements that arrived surprised Bill.

"I didn't expect you to come and help us in person... Thank you so much!" Bill said respectfully.

"Whether it is the people on standby, those who have already entered, or the reinforcements... everyone has extraordinary strength. The inside of the tomb is likely to usher in an even more terrifying hell.……"Bill thought to himself as he watched the incoming reinforcements enter the mausoleum.

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