Chu Yufan and Hei Tong's two teams returned to the imperial capital together. In addition to Guy's death, Hei Tong's assassination team also suffered heavy losses in this battle. Therefore, both teams need to take a temporary break and adjust their status.

Nahashu kept swinging his sword, while Cornelia and Bonnie conducted one-on-one physical training. Akahima and Tsukushi went to the hotel in the imperial capital to take a bath together, Green stayed in his residence to do handicrafts, and Chu Yufan found a place to meditate.

Everyone is looking for their own way of adjustment to deal with the next enemies and challenges.

In this way, a month passed.

"Is there any new information about Putola?"In the imperial palace, Gozizi came to Bill's room and asked as soon as he entered the room.

"After searching the ruins, we only found part of the buried treasure. If we can get all the treasure, we can survive the financial crisis of the empire."

"Although there were a lot of casualties...but the mission was still successful."

You think Bill felt sorry for the death of the assassination team members? That's wrong. Bill just felt sorry for the people who spent so much money to train and died like this. What a waste of money.

"Have the bodies of the assassination team been found?"

"not yet"

"So that's it……"Goziqi leaned on the sofa and said helplessly

"Oh, and there is another piece of information about the enemy. There was a gravekeeper who did not stay in the mausoleum because of a mission. After completing the mission and returning, he found that all his compatriots were killed. He vowed to take revenge on the empire and disappeared."

"Although I don't think I'm afraid of one person, but... it would be troublesome if he told everyone the truth. In fact, after Chi Tong came back, he asked me a lot of questions."Goziqi said

"Isn't it better to just find a random excuse to get away with that kind of thing?"

"That's just the current stage. Those kids will gradually learn about the world... It will be troublesome."As Goziqi spoke, Chu Yufan's face appeared in his mind.

Although Chu Yufan didn't show anything, Goziqi couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The reason was that Chu Yufan was too strong, so strong that any force wanted to hold him in their hands. Being able to fight the strongest Esdeath without losing was a terrifying achievement for a boy under fifteen years old.

"I don't have the same worries as you, because I started to give them hints through sleep learning when they were very young. [Betraying the Empire is a sin】"Bill interrupted Goziqi's thoughts and said

"It's you indeed."

"In short, this time, because of my mistake, your team lost one person. As an apology, I will give you the three selected people here."

"I have made a lot of adjustments during this month. Now they can be taken out to fight as long as they take their medicine on time."Bill said as he handed Goziqi three files.

"……Thank you so much, maybe it would be better if the two sisters were on the same team."Goziqi said with satisfaction.


"Great! Sister, from now on we sisters can fight side by side!"After a month, Hei Tong saw Chi Tong again, and both of them were very happy.

"Ahem... I'm Natara, please give me your guidance in the future"

"Same as above, I am Silver"

"Great! We finally found a compatriot! Let's get along well!" Tsukushi happily grabbed Gin's hand and said

"Don't take me as your compatriot without permission!"Yin said with a blush.

As for why Yin blushed, it was because she was very similar to Tsukushi.

"The current task is to rest. I hope you can get used to it before the next task."Green said to Natara.

"Well, I'll trouble you to give me more advice." Natara nodded and said

"By the way, where are the others? It seems that there are more than just these few people in your elite assassination team, right?" Yin looked around and asked curiously.

"The remaining few people have gone to training, do you want to go and take a look?"


"Actually, I also need to participate in the training, but Hei Tong is coming over just now so I asked for leave."Aka Tong walked to the front to lead the way while explaining to Hei Tong and the other two.

"What is training?"

"Mainly close combat"

"Oh! Then the three of us can also participate!" Yin asked excitedly

"Of course!"

The group came to the Imperial Capital's barracks, where the Imperial Capital Guard was stationed. Goziqi used his authority to let the guards clear this place for team training.

At this time, the resting guards were gathered in their playground, watching Chu Yufan and others training.

"Aren't today's kids too scary? They're too strong."

"If we can join the security team, our survival rate will be higher."

"Are you thinking too much? Such talents must go to work in the central part of the imperial capital."

Chu Yufan, Nahasu and Cornelia in the playground did not pay attention to the discussion of the guards outside.

"Water Breathing, Form Three, Flowing Dance.

Chu Yufan's figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and Nahashu and Cornelia suddenly became nervous.

"It was so fast that I could only barely see a dark shadow." Nahaxiu thought to himself.

"Where will it appear?" Cornelia kept looking around and thinking.

Chu Yufan appeared behind Cornelia and swung the wooden sword in his hand.

"Behind me!" Cornelia felt a gust of wind coming from behind her, and quickly turned around and punched the wooden sword accurately. Chu Yufan, who had no success with his attack, disappeared again.

"Here it comes!"

Nahash saw a black shadow appear in front of him, and he chopped at it with the wooden sword in his hand.


The two wooden swords collided with each other with a crisp sound. Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu began to confront each other head-on. Cornelia also stepped forward to deal with it together with Nahaxiu.

"Hmm... my reaction speed and adaptability have improved a lot, but my basic strength is still weak... I should improve in this aspect." Chu Yufan thought to himself as he parried the joint attack of the two.

"Chu Yufan, Boss, Sister Ke Er, we are here." Chi Tong and the others came out from the crowd and shouted.



Nahasu and Cornelia's attention was slightly attracted by Chitong's shouting. Chu Yufan saw this situation and knocked them to the ground with a knife.

"Don't be distracted when fighting, both of you." Chu Yufan said helplessly.

"Feel sorry"

"It's okay, just pay attention next time"

"Um... I'm sorry." Seeing this, Chi Tong quickly apologized.

"It's okay, this is also part of the training... Why are the three of Hei Tong here?" Chu Yufan asked when he saw Hei Tong and the other two.

"The three of them will join us today." said Chi Tong

"That's great! Chi Tong, you can finally see your sister every day."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"Um... can the three of us also join the training?" Yin couldn't help but raise his hand and ask

"Of course you can, but my training is very strict, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"Got it!" the three of them said in unison.

""Where's Bonnie?" Chi Tong asked curiously.

"I asked her to train her leg strength a little bit." Chu Yufan said


Bonnie's voice came word by word, and the four red-eyed people looked at Bonnie. They found that her two feet were tied with a half-person-high boulder, and she was slowly moving forward.

Seeing this scene, the three black-eyed people suddenly wondered if they shouldn't have come here?

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