Five days had passed since Hei Tong and the other two joined the team. During these five days, the three of them also received training from Chu Yufan.

"Black Eye's talent is very good, similar to Red Eye's. With training, it will improve quickly."

"As for you two... It's a pity that you're still alive! Can this level be considered elite? Are you kidding me? If I only had this level of strength, I don't know how many times I would have died."

"The movements are stiff, and when attacking, they move straight back and forth without any flexibility. When moving, they also move straight back and forth. Do you think you are buffaloes? Do you only know how to charge and attack people?"

Unlike Hei Tong, Yin and Natara were criticized by Chu Yufan. Indeed, their strength is even much weaker than Hei Tong, and they will die soon.

Therefore, during these five days, the two accepted Chu Yufan's inhumane training.

"What's going on? What are you eating?"Chu Yufan asked curiously, watching the three people with black pupils taking a pill on time.

When he learned that the three people with black pupils were taking some kind of strengthening medicine, Chu Yufan had a familiar feeling. But he couldn't remember why he was familiar with it. After he couldn't figure it out, he could only continue to train the three of them.

Five days later, an urgent mission came.

"The rebels' main source of funding is secret trade with foreign countries, especially salt and tea. We must find their trading channels and destroy them."Gozzi gathered everyone together and began to explain the content of this mission.

"The best thing would be to destroy the other party's salt production den. The spies have invested a lot, but got nothing?"Nahash looked at the information and asked

"So the enemy's tactics are very sophisticated, but we have also found suspicious areas. In the small town of Shuiyun in the southeast of the empire, it is the place where the most spies are lost. Let's go investigate."Goziqi pointed to the map and said. The Water City

, Shuiyun.

This is a city near a big river. The convenient transportation has made it a town dominated by commercial trade since ancient times. This also makes this town a very popular place in the dark ages of the empire.

"Wow, what a lively city!"Tsukushi said with admiration, while Kuroyon and Akoyon were already enjoying the food in their hands.

"I've always wanted to come and see this mausoleum. It's really different from the last time I visited. It's great." Green said after taking off his glasses

"……"By the way, who are you?" Bonnie looked at Green and suddenly asked

"It's Green! How long do you plan to keep talking about this?"

"The enemies in the town probably already know what Green looks like, so he still needs to disguise himself."Akagi explained.

"Is it a disguise just to take off the glasses?"Green expressed his doubts


"It's really perfect"

"Ah... okay, okay." Green heard what Yin and Natara said and replied helplessly.

"What should Nahasu and Chu Yufan do then?"Cornelia asked

"There is no other way. They don't wear glasses. They can only use other methods to enter the town to collect intelligence. Don't worry, those two people will be fine."Goziqi replied.

The group came to a trading guild.

"This is a chamber of commerce run by spies. First we have to find all the enemies. Form groups of four and pay attention to the surrounding environment while doing business."Goziqi said

"……I really want to be with Akame, and we can act together! But, what should I say in this situation? Come up with something! Green."

The first way is to say it seriously and positively.

"I want to act together with Akame!"

【Well, I always feel like I'll be disliked.……】

Second, pretend to be cool

"Akame, do you want to... join me in a group?"

【That would be a completely new character, right? No, no, absolutely not.]

Green directly pushed Akame against the wall.

The third option, stay calm and don't show any emotion

"Ah, are you sisters a team? Then you must need a military advisor, why don't you let me do it?"

【Questions are elegant and calm, perfect! 】 After deciding what to do, Green looked in the direction of Akame, and then saw Akame, Kurome, Tsukushi, and Bonnie had formed a group.

"What are you mumbling about there? Come here quickly, idiot."Silver complained to Green.


Just as the people in the Chamber of Commerce began to act, Nahaxiu and Chu Yufan had just sneaked into the town. Since the enemy already knew their appearance, they had to act cautiously.

"It seems that we can't hang around on the street." Chu Yufan looked at the street full of people and said with a frown.

"That's right, we are not ordinary people after all, and we would be too conspicuous if we walked on the street."Nahashu said affirmatively

"However, maybe we can use this opportunity to find suspicious people."Chu Yufan said.

The two began to walk through the shadows of the city and saw some scenes that they could not see in their daily lives.

"It's the same here... there are many poor and destitute people." Chu Yufan said as he looked at the ragged man lying in the alley.

"This is why we work so hard, to make everyone smile happily."Nahash said

"Do you really think so? Nahaxiu."Chu Yufan stopped and looked at Nahaxiu's face and asked

"……What's the meaning?"

"I have heard that some treasures have been excavated from the ruins last time, but so far, I have not heard that the empire has invested the money obtained from these things into the people."

"Are we...really working hard for the happiness and smiles of the people?"

Nahasu, who was walking in front, also heard this.���He stepped back and looked back at Chu Yufan's face. He didn't expect that Chu Yufan, who usually looked calm and quiet, would actually consider so many things.

"……You are right. I sometimes have this doubt. However, it is meaningless for us now. Because we have no ability to change it now."

"Only by continuing to climb up can we have a chance to change all this."

Chu Yufan was also stunned. In his impression, Nahashu should be a person who completely obeys all of Goziqi's orders. He didn't expect that he would have such an idea. This was beyond Chu Yufan's expectations.

"Is it a bit unexpected?"


"After all, if you don't think so, the only way is to betray the empire, but I won't do that."Nahash said

"You are right."Chu Yufan nodded and replied

"So let’s just get the job done."

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