Akagi and his group came to the lake near Shuizhiyun to collect food. As for why they chose to collect food, it was because there were two sisters in the team who loved food.

"This is the lake where you can catch Roman crabs."

"Roman crab...just the name sounds delicious!" Akahima and Kurohima said at the same time

"Roar!"A dangerous species suddenly appeared in the lake.

"Is this the dangerous species that likes to eat Roman crabs?"

"How dare you snatch food from us sisters!"


Red Eye and Black Eye attacked at the same time, directly chopping the dangerous species into pieces. The power of the foodie is indeed strong.

"Wow... so awesome, I haven't even made a move yet." Tsukushi clapped his hands in praise

"No, we just didn't react at all."Boni complained.

Soon, the dangerous species and the Roman crab were served to the table by the four people. I won't say much about the taste of the dangerous species, the focus is on the taste of the Roman crab.

"The stickiness of the crab roe is a perfect match for the taste buds on the tongue!" said Hei Tong

"The crab eggs are full and very rich."Tsukushi said with his eyes closed.

"The crab is also very chewy and tastes great! And the taste of male and female crabs is completely different!"Akagami exclaimed with shining eyes.

"Delicious! Delicious!"Boni said as he ate a crab leg in each hand.

"Can we taste different delicacies from all over the world in the future?"

"Being a trader is a great career."

"We're not on a food tour.……"Tsukushi reluctantly interrupted the conversation between Akahime and Kurohime

"Delicious! Delicious!"Boni continued to eat.

After a while,……

"……Let's not collect food anymore." Tsukushi said tremblingly as he looked at the pile of Roman crab debris in front of him.

"……You two will eat up everything.……"

"I'm sorry, Tsukushi." Akahime apologized

"I really can't help it.……"Hei Tong also apologized

""Ahaha, it's okay." Tsukushi turned around and saw the two people looking dejected, and said helplessly

"Uh... I can't eat anymore. There's still some crab meat left. Should I pack it up for Nahaxiu and Chu Yufan?"Boni was already full and lying on the ground and said

"Ah! Bonnie is right. After all, they can't act openly on this mission, so……"Tsukushi agreed with Bonnie's suggestion. When she turned around, she saw that Akahime and Kurohime had already eaten all the remaining crab meat.

"You two!"

"Yes...I'm sorry!"


Compared with Akame's group, Cornelia and her group were doing very well. After all, all four of them were very serious people.

""Phew! I got a lot of trading goods. It was not a wasted trip." Yin said while sitting in the carriage.

"Brocade is a famous product here, and it can be sold at a high price."Green said

"Although that's the case, I think pottery should be more valuable."Yin said casually

"……If it breaks, I will cry."Green said with a smile

"That's right, we are newbies after all, so it's better not to take risks." Natara agreed

"Hmm... Sister Cole, what are you holding in your hand?" Yin asked curiously as he saw Cornelia holding a box carefully in her hand.

"This is the snack I just bought there, and I left it for Chu Yufan. After all, he can't show up openly for this mission, and it would be too pitiful if he can't eat anything."Cornelia replied with a smile

"……But, wouldn't Nahasu be unable to eat it? Why was it prepared for Chu Yufan alone?"Green asked doubtfully.

Cornelia's smile froze in an instant.

"Oh? Sister Ke Er, you... don't you like Chu Yufan?" Yin's eyes lit up, and he already knew what was going on.

"That...that……"Cornelia blushed instantly and didn't know what to say.

"It's okay! It's okay! Just say it! He's not here!" Yin came to Cornelia's side, patted her shoulder and said encouragingly.

"……"Cornelia did not answer directly, but nodded after hesitating for a while.

"Don’t be shy. Does Chu Yufan know?"

"Of course he doesn't know, I haven't told him... I don't know how to tell him." Cornelia said

"I see! As your good friend, I will think of the best way to confess my love to you!" Yin patted his chest and promised Cornelia.

"Really? Thank you so much! Yin!"Cornelia happily hugged Yin.

"Um...Is Silver okay?" Green asked Natara with a worried look on his face.

"That... should be possible.……"Natara said uncertainly

"We can see the village now, and the sun is about to set. Let's stay here tonight and continue our journey tomorrow."Natara said

"I totally agree." said Green

"Hmm...stay for one night?" Yin looked at Natara's back, then looked at Cornelia, and then whispered to her.

"Sister Ke Er, I will teach you how to confess tonight"

""Okay!" Cornelia replied innocently.


"It's a bit strange, do you feel it?" Chu Yufan frowned and said while looking at the bustling crowd on the street from the roof.

"Did you feel that too? It's really strange. There wasn't a single enemy spy on the street, which doesn't match the intelligence we received earlier."Nahash said

"That's right, since we can eliminate a large number of imperial spies, then the number of people operating in secret will naturally be large. However, the two of us have been investigating for a whole day and have not found anything.……"Chu Yufan touched his chin and said

"……Is this another trap?"

"It is very likely that the other side will release enemy personnel to deliberately let us find them. Then use false information to lure us over, and then gather all the troops to encircle and suppress us."Chu Yufan said

"However, this is just speculation……"

"There is a way to try it out, it depends on whether we dare to do it."Chu Yufan said

"any solution?"

"Aren't our appearances already exposed? Let Gozi prepare another store run by an Imperial spy. Let's pretend that it's our base camp. Then we can just move around the street without disguise and see if we can get anything."

"If we gain something, then we have taken the initiative. If we don't gain anything, then this intelligence is a complete trap."

"But the other party is not stupid, he won't be fooled so easily, right?"Nahashu asked doubtfully. Indeed, this trap is too obvious, the other party may not be fooled.

"When the two of us walk on the street with our faces exposed, the other party will know that the trap they set is no longer effective. At this time, the two of us are the only breakthrough point. No matter what, the other party will send people to test us. As long as we catch the people who come to test us,……"

"Then the initiative is back in our hands!" Nahaxiu said

"That's right, it all depends on how the other party will attack." Chu Yufan said.

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