Goziqi came to another"base camp". According to Nahaxiu and Chu Yufan's ideas, the enemy will reveal its flaws first. Now Chitong has discovered the enemy's flaws, so now we need to proceed to the next step.

"Chu Yufan hasn't come back yet?"Goziqi opened the door and saw Nahaxiu, and asked. In order to save time, Goziqi used a carrier pigeon to send the information obtained by Chitong to Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu first.

"Well, he hasn't come back yet. But it should be okay. If even he can't help, then we'll probably have to send the strongest in the empire."Nahash replied calmly while looking at the book.

On the street... the suspicious businessman that Akame discovered was wandering around aimlessly, as if he was afraid that no one would notice him.

At this time, a young man walked towards him and"accidentally" bumped into him.

"sorry……"The boy bowed his head and apologized to the businessman.

"It's okay, it's okay."The businessman said politely. But when the businessman saw the boy's raised face, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first."The boy still said politely, and then passed the merchant and left.

The merchant's face was uncertain, but he finally decided to follow the boy. Because the boy's face had long been remembered by all the members of Oberg, he would never recognize the wrong person.

But soon he found that he had completely lost the other party.

"hateful……"The businessman thought angrily and left the place.

"So, how will the other party respond?" Chu Yufan looked at the businessman's back as he left, thinking to himself


Location: Sun Moon Swamp

Sun Moon Swamp, a dangerous area with super dangerous species. Ordinary people have no way to survive here, and even ordinary troops dare not approach.

However, the biggest enemy of the Empire Assassination Force, the Oberg Assassination Society, has a base here, which shows the strength of its organization.

In a ruin, there are many corpses of large dangerous species. In the middle of the pile of corpses, a mature woman is sitting there with an umbrella. She is the leader of the Oberg Assassination Society, Maillard Oberg.

"Lady Meera, your meal is ready." said a maid.


""Chelsey, give me another glass of wine." Maillard raised his empty glass and said to Chelsea.

"Yes, I'll be right there."

After the failure of the last operation with Barbara and Taeko, Chelsea, who had no direct combat ability, survived and temporarily acted with Maillard and others.

"I said, Chelsea."Mallad grabbed Chelsea's hand as she was pouring the wine and said to her

"I'm sorry to call you here when you're about to make your solo debut, but as long as you, Chelsi, are by my side, I can do my job well and show you how to do it." Maillard looked at Chelsi with a different light in his eyes, a light that a hunter would see when he sees his prey, which made Chelsi break out in a cold sweat.

"Ah ha ha……"Chelsea didn't know how to respond and could only smile.

"Lord Melard, please be careful with your drinking. An old man in a suit came up and said to Melard.

The old man was Auberge's butler, Daniel.

"If we lose again, it will affect the reputation of our Oberg. We must stop the target this time."

"I say, Daniel, you are so active just because it involves Barbara's old grudge, right?" Maillard said pointedly.

"……You are right. When I was young, I fell in love with her at first sight. After being rejected, I always hoped that she would change her mind. But I didn't expect that when I look back at this age, I still can't forget her."

"I, Daniel, swear to avenge Barbara."

"You are so positive that I feel you are reliable."Malard said as he took another sip of wine.

""Lord Mela, the spy has intelligence." Two maids jumped up from the wall and handed the intelligence to Melad respectfully.

The two maids were Oberg's top fighters, Gilbert and Cassandra.

Gilbert was one of the few fighting masters in Oberg who could remove the limiter. His physical strength was so strong that he could even kill super dangerous species with his bare hands.

Cassandra was born with four hands. She mainly used throwing rings for long-range attacks and short swords for close combat. She also had the strength to easily tear apart super dangerous species.

"Interesting... The opponent this time is very interesting……"After reading the intelligence from the spy, Maillard smiled and said

"The other party clearly saw through the spy, but did not attack him, but instead exposed himself. It seems that the other party has seen through the trap we set.……"Maillard simply explained

"What should we do now? Should we give up?"Daniel asked

"How could I give up? They have already succeeded in catching my interest.……"Maillard stood up slowly and said

"They are going to force us to send out real members to investigate, so I will let the little guys investigate and see how they will respond.……"Before Mailad finished his words, a gust of black wind suddenly blew around him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a group of insects, and each of them was a dangerous species!


Three days had passed since Chu Yufan came into contact with the merchant.

During these three days, Chu Yufan and Nahasu kept going in and out of the"base camp" without covering their faces, just to let the other party know that they were there.

However, the other party did not make any movement.

"It's been three days and no enemy has been found.……"Nahasu frowned and said

"There are only two possibilities in this situation. Either the other party has already thoroughly investigated us under our noses, or they have some means of investigation that we don't know about... It seems that the other party is very difficult this time."Chu Yufan said

"Or maybe the other party hasn't made any moves yet?" Goziqi said

"Or...the other party conducted an investigation but failed?" Chu Yufan said

"But we didn't do anything?"Nahasu said helplessly. After all, these three days were extremely peaceful.

The three people discussed to no avail and could only decide to continue waiting.

In fact, Chu Yufan was not wrong. The other party did conduct reconnaissance and failed. At the same time, Chu Yufan and the other two did nothing.

Because the problem was with Maillard's insect scouts.

Dora and Jill brought Maillard's insects to the vicinity of the"base camp" for reconnaissance, but what the two did not expect was that Maillard's insects did not dare to approach the location of the"base camp" at all. The insects released by the two dared only hover within 500 meters around the"base camp" and did not dare to get any closer. This continued for three days, forcing Dora and Jill to retreat first.

Looking at this appearance, it seemed as if there were some prehistoric beasts living in the"base camp".

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