"You mean, my insects don't dare to approach the enemy's living area?" Maillard asked in surprise after listening to Dora and Jill's report.

"Yes, Lady Meera."

"……Haha, it's getting more and more interesting. This is the first time I've encountered this situation, but insects have a strong ability to sense danger. The little guys probably sensed that there was a dangerous person there... Then the person there is likely to be the strongest member of the enemy."Mallad said

"Now how to do?"

"There must be more than just these few enemies, and it is impossible for every one of them to be so powerful. I think we can send out some spies. Although there is a high possibility that we will be discovered by the enemy, we cannot take action now because the enemy does not know our capabilities yet. We must use this information gap to obtain more information about the enemy."

"Dora, Jill, you two continue to lead my little ones to secretly follow the spy. See who will attack the spy, and then use insects to track them."

"I understand! Lady Meera!"

"Chelsea is responsible for observing the long-distance targets, and Darel is responsible for analyzing the information collected by the three of them."

"Yes! Lady Meera"


Two more days passed……

"The other party's spies have started to show up in the past two days. It seems that our plan has failed."Chu Yufan said, looking at the people on the street.

According to the original plan, the other party was to send out core members to attack Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu, and then they could catch the other party's fox tail, but the other party didn't fall for it.

"The enemy's vigilance is really high. We didn't do anything, but they could still smell the danger."Nahash said

"If Akagi and the others attack the secret detective at this time, they will be exposed, right?"

"Goziqi has already returned to Chitong to take control of the situation, so there is no need to worry about anything there for the time being... It seems that we are the only two who can move freely now." Nahaxiu said

"Then let's take action. Although we can't get any information from the spies, we can't let them run around on the streets."Chu Yufan said.

So, a one-sided elimination operation began.

In just three days, dozens of spies sent by Oberg were cleared out by Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu. It was a huge loss, but Maillard and others still got some information from it.

The enemy that the insects in Maillard's hand dared not approach was the black-haired boy with a long knife on his waist. The other blond boy insect did not show any resistance, so Maillard and others' only breakthrough now fell on the blond boy. However, the blond boy's strength is not weak, and it is not so easy to take him down.

Therefore, after two days, Oberg did not send any more spies to appear on the street.

On this day, Goziqi, who thought the spies had disappeared, came to the"base camp" again and exchanged information with Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu. Although the two parties did not have direct contact, Goziqi's behavior still exposed

"A new target has been found, and it seems to be an ally of the enemy."Chelsey used her imperial weapon to disguise herself as an ordinary person and observed near the"base camp". Since Chelsea did not have the ability to fight head-on, she did not act like an assassin, so she dared to conduct reconnaissance so close. Then she found Gozizi who came here to exchange information.

""Well done, Chelsi. Now it's our mission." Dora said.

Soon, Goziqi returned to where Chitong and the others were, and a small insect followed him from a distance.

"Haha, we found it!" Dora and Jill said excitedly as they watched this scene.


"Is the target determined?"Even in the room, Maillard still held her umbrella. Also in the room were Daniel, Jill and Dora.

"It has been confirmed that all the employees in that store are spies related to the Empire. Therefore, it is not appropriate to target them all."Daniel said

"Don't worry, the other side has so many people that even if we attack together now, it will be difficult to gain anything. In addition, the other side still has that monster, so we must not act rashly."Mallad said.

Before coming to the hiding place of Akagi and others, Mellad specially went to observe the black-haired boy who could keep his insects away. Just by observing from a distance, Mellad could feel the gap between himself and the other side.

Although he knew the gap, now all the strongest combat forces of Oberg are gathered here. Concentrating the power of everyone may not be unable to compete with it, but the premise is that other people on the other side will not come to interfere.

So now Mellad needs hostages, and before getting the hostages, he needs to lead Chu Yufan away.

"Has the information been disseminated?"

"It has now been circulated to the top brass of the empire. I believe they will issue an order soon."

"Hehe......No matter how capable the subordinates are, they are still just subordinates. If they meet a stupid leader, they will just fall into the trap."Mallad said calmly.

Five days later......

Goziqi came to Chu Yufan and Nahaxiu's shop again and brought the order from the empire's top brass.

"Sun and Moon Swamp?" Chu Yufan asked in confusion

"A gathering place of super dangerous species, quite dangerous. But according to the intelligence obtained by the high-level officials of the empire, it is the salt production base of the rebels, and the high-level officials asked us to go there and destroy it immediately."Gozzi said

"......It's an obvious trap." Nahashou said

"But those people above won't understand, so we probably can't shirk it, at least we have to go and take a look before we can explain."Goziqi said helplessly, after all, there are many people chasing power in the center of the empire. There are also many people eyeing Goziqi's position, so he can't disobey orders openly.

"Does that mean I have to go? What a bunch of bastards." Nahaxiu said directly

"I'll go and have a look by myself." Chu Yufan thought for a moment and then said

"only you?"

"Since we know it's a trap, we can't send everyone out. If I'm alone, I can get out even if something happens. If even I can't get out, then it won't be the same for others." Chu Yufan stood up and hung the knife on his waist.

"So this is the best option now."

"......It can only be this way......"Goziqi took out a map and handed it to Chu Yufan and said

"The target location is marked above. Remember to come back immediately if there is any special situation. Do you understand?" Goziqi reminded again.

"I understand. I will be careful."Chu Yufan nodded and said

"Please don't die." Nahashu said

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Also, I'll leave Akahide and the others to you. After all, this could very well be a conspiracy by the enemy to disperse our forces."

"I will do my best to look after them." Nahaxiu said.

After bidding farewell to the two, Chu Yufan left Shuiyun and headed for the Sun and Moon Swamp.

At the same time, Melad and others, who learned of Chu Yufan's departure, also began to plan a sneak attack on Chitong and others.

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