Back to earlier times……


After holding on for a long time, Natara was punched into the wall by Daniel. Natara spat out a mouthful of blood and then fell to the ground unable to get up.


"It's your turn!" Daniel turned and looked at Green.


Just when Green was about to fight back, a figure rushed in from the window. This person was Nahashu who came with Goziqi.

"Did you kill Barbara?" Daniel asked calmly, looking at Nahashu who had come in.

Nahashu did not answer, but said to Green.

"Green, take Natara away first!"

Before he finished speaking, Nahashu's hair began to grow longer, and the pupils of his eyes turned into the shape of a dragon. It seemed that Nahashu directly activated the enhanced ability of the Water Dragon Sword. Then Nahashu swung the Water Dragon Sword in his hand and killed all the remaining insects in the room.

"Good! Be careful!"

Knowing that staying here would only get in the way, Green didn't hesitate, picked up the unconscious Natara and ran away.

"I am the tail of the god of death Oberg, the hammer of impermanence, and I will lead you to the land of the underworld."

Facing Nahashu, who had already strengthened his combat power, Daniel did not know the seriousness of the situation at this time.

Nahashu came to Daniel in an instant, raised the Water Dragon Sword in his hand and slashed at Daniel. Daniel crossed his arms and tightened his arm muscles to try to resist Nahashu's sword with his body, but it was obvious that he overestimated his strength.

Nahashu's sword directly split Daniel in half like a whirlwind.

"It wasn't me who killed Barbara, but my companion."These were the last words Daniel heard before he lost consciousness.

After killing Daniel instantly, Nahashu used his legs to go straight through the ceiling of the second floor and came to the third floor.

Nahashu's sudden appearance startled the five people who were fighting.

""It's Nahashu!" Bonnie, who was fighting with Jill, shouted.

Nahashu came in front of Jill and slashed him with his sword. But what surprised Nahashu was that, unlike the crushing blow that just killed Daniel, Nahashu's sword only cut a little bit of the skin on Jill's arm.

"Limiter, release!"

Gil punched Nahashu in the face, but the strong wind from the punch made Nahashu afraid to take it head-on, so he quickly held the Water Dragon Sword horizontally to block the attack.

"What a strong force! It's even stronger than my enhanced strength!"After taking the opponent's punch, Nahashu thought to himself.

While Nahashu was retreating to relieve the force, Jill quickly followed. While Nahashu had just stood firm, Jill punched out again.

"Crushing King!" Cornelia's Crushing King collided with the opponent's fist, and the shock wave caused the whole room to tremble.

"Damn! This guy is too strong!" Cornelia thought to herself.

Since getting the Crushing King, no one has dared to take on the Crushing King's attack head-on, and Jill in front of her is the first one.

"We have to evacuate! If we don't leave now, none of us will be able to leave!" said Tsukushi

"I will stop them, you guys retreat first!" Nahashu said as he stood in front of the three people.

However, Cornelia grabbed Nahashu's collar and threw him out of the hole in the wall, saying to him:

"Your power-up time limit is almost up, you can't stop them if the time limit is lifted, so I'll stop them." Cornelia then ignored Bonnie and Tsukushi's protests and quickly threw them out. After doing this, Cornelia turned around and faced Jill and Dora.

"You will die."Gill said calmly as he watched Cornelia's actions.

"Don't worry, I will never die before I say those words to that guy!" Cornelia said confidently.

——— at the same time……

"What a beautiful and charming sword! This is the so-called imperial weapon. It seems that we must avoid being hit by this sword."Mellard thought to himself when he saw the Murasame in Gozic's hand.

"It is said that 70% of all animals are insects. Please respect them."Mallad opened his hands and said

"Using insects to achieve your goals, is this what you call respect?" Goziqi said disdainfully.

"Hehe~ It is because of respect that I can drive them.……"Maillard pointed his finger, and the beetles surrounding him attacked Gozizi.


Goziqi quickly waved the Murasame in his hand, cut down the attacking beetle and rushed towards Mailad.

Seeing this, Mailad also quickly retreated and then summoned more beetles than before to surround Goziqi

"Is this the only move you have! Bastard!"

Goziqi roared while controlling his arms to lengthen, then used his left hand as a claw and his right hand as a knife to cut down all the beetles surrounding him.

A sense of danger came from behind, and Goziqi quickly turned around and attacked with his tongue. The tongue shot like a bullet towards the head of Maillard, who was hiding in the beetle swarm and touching Goziqi's back to attack.

Maillard tilted his head to avoid the attack, and then raised the umbrella in his hand to resist. It turned out that Goziqi controlled his toenails to lengthen to attack. Maillard looked up at Goziqi and found that his hair had also grown longer at this time. Now he is like a lion, tearing the prey in front of him into pieces.

Goziqi's hair swept towards Maillard like an octopus's tentacles. Seeing this, Maillard could only retreat to avoid the edge temporarily.

"The control of the bugs has become slow!"

Mellard kept observing the direction of Goziqi's attack. Suddenly, a few slight metal collisions caught her attention. Melard quickly raised her umbrella to block the attack. It was Goziqi who stretched out his arm to hold Murasame and planned to launch a surprise attack.

Although the attack was unsuccessful, it also restricted Melard's retreat. Goziqi took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on him, and Melard blocked it with the umbrella in his hand.

"The attack trajectory can be changed freely and is difficult to predict. It's really troublesome.……"Maillard thought to himself

"We can win, we just need one last step!" Goziqi thought to himself as he looked at the situation in front of him.

The reason why Goziqi thought so was mainly because he saw that the umbrella in Mailad's hand was only relatively strong, and it could not always withstand the attack launched by Murasame, the imperial weapon. The fact was indeed as he expected, and soon the umbrella in Mailad's hand was cut off by Murasame.


"Do you like me? You are so enthusiastic!"Looking at Murasame getting closer and closer to him, Maillard laughed. An insect stung Gozizi's arm, causing it to stop moving at that moment.

"There is a moment to relax your vigilance against insects!"Mallad kicked the Murasame in Goziqi's hand away, and then rushed towards Goziqi, raising his hand to inject insect eggs into Goziqi.

However, before Mellad got close to Goziqi, he suddenly felt a knife in his back, and his face suddenly changed.

"I let go of the knife on purpose." Goziqi said with a sly smile.

It turned out that while Mailad's attention was on him, Goziqi used his hair to catch the kicked Murasame in the air, and slashed Mailad's back.

""Tsk, he's not dead?" However, looking at Merad who was still alive after being chopped by Murasame, Gozizi said unhappily.

"There are many types of bugs, and I can bring out the best of the bugs. For example, some bugs have very hard bodies, and you can't cut them without holding a weapon in your hand."

"By the way, there is a moth spreading poison powder, but it seems to be useless."Malard said regretfully.

"Half-baked poison has no effect on me... Huh?!"Gozzi suddenly felt a pain in his heel, and when he looked down, he saw a pincer beetle hiding in his shadow, cutting off his hind leg tendons while he was focusing on the moth.

"When did you sneak into my shadow?"Goziqi half-squatted on the ground and asked in surprise.

"They have secretly surrounded you a long time ago." Maillard snapped his fingers.

"All right, come on! Let me see if you can dodge my attack even though you are injured."

A large number of beetles appeared around Gozizi, trying to surround him again.

Just as the beetles were about to surround Gozizi, his hair and body hair suddenly spread out and grew longer in an instant, and he pierced all the beetles that were close to him like a hedgehog.

"This saves me from having to deal with them one by one." Goziqi said.

However, after hearing what Goziqi said, Mailad retreated to the window.

"Didn’t I tell you that there are many types of bugs... Did you know that there is a type of ant that can explode?"



The violent explosion instantly collapsed the entire house. The billowing smoke that rose after the explosion could be seen from a distance.

""Huh... Really, this is the first time I've used so many bugs to kill a person." Maillard said as he looked at the ruins in front of him.

"Hmm?" Maillard suddenly saw several figures crawling out of the ruins, so he went to check.


""Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" Cornelia was standing on the ruins covered in blood. In contrast, Jill and Dora were watching Cornelia gasping for breath with ease.

"Ah~ Haven't you guys solved it yet?" Maillard came to the center of the battlefield, turned his head and looked at Cornelia and said

"Oh my~ How annoying~ But she's my type~ Oh~ What a pity~"

"I'm so sorry, Master Mela."Jill and Dora said respectfully when they saw Melaard coming.

"The enemy leader... huh... No... I'm losing my sight……"Cornelia looked at Maillard with hazy eyes and thought

"She actually stayed to cover her companions' retreat. What a great girl! If it weren't for our positions, we would definitely fall in love."

Mellard, who roughly knew what was going on, walked up to Cornelia step by step.���Red said to Cornelia

"But now, I can only ask you to be the mother of the little ones. Don't worry, I will cherish the little ones born by you."Mallad finished speaking, stretched out his hand and was about to stab Cornelia's forehead, but his hand suddenly froze in mid-air when it was halfway stretched out.


A light footstep suddenly appeared not far from the four people.

Maillard could feel that his insects were trembling constantly at this moment.

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