How many super dangerous species did Chu Yufan kill? Chu Yufan himself didn't know, but if he collected all the meat of the super dangerous species and let Chitong and Heitong eat as much as they wanted, it would probably be enough for them to eat for a month.

After successfully escaping from the Sun and Moon Swamp, Chu Yufan quickly returned to Shuiyun and saw thick smoke rising from the location of Chitong and others from a long distance.

After discovering that the house where everyone was located had become a ruin, he also saw Cornelia and three enemies covered in blood.

""You're here so soon?" Melard looked at Chu Yufan coming so quickly, and his eyes slowly became serious. He had only observed from a distance before, so he didn't have a direct feeling. It wasn't until the other party stood in front of him that he could really feel how powerful he was.

However, things have developed to this point, and it doesn't matter how powerful the other party is. After all, it's impossible for the two sides to shake hands and make peace now.


A large number of insects swarmed around Chu Yufan. Knowing the opponent's strength, Maillard gathered 80% of his insects together. He didn't want to kill him with one strike, but at least he could injure him a little.

"The breath of the sunset, the shape of the land, the disappearance of the moon's sunset." A colorful sunset glow suddenly appeared in the insect swarm, and a figure rushed out of the insect swarm along with the sunset glow, killing all the insects.


Maillard, who was connected to the will of insects, was suddenly surprised, because she could sense that at the moment when Chu Yufan rushed out of the insect swarm, her connection with all the insects in the swarm was cut off at the same time.

Even in the battle with Goziqi, there was a sequence for killing insects, but Chu Yufan managed to kill all the insects at the same time. What a terrifying speed of swinging the knife.

Seeing this, Maillard had already wanted to retreat. Anyway, the goal of this operation was to capture the hostages, and there was no need to continue to fight with Chu Yufan here.

But Chu Yufan would not let the three of them leave so easily.

"Breath of Fire, Type 1, Shiranui"

""So fast!"

Jill stood in front of Melad and Dora. After all, if it comes to close combat, Jill is a little stronger than the two.

In terms of resistance, the fact that he could directly block Bonnie's knee with his face and block the attack of Nahasu's Water Dragon Sword with his arm is enough to show that Jill has a strong resistance.

However, in front of the breathing method that can cut through steel, this resistance is definitely not enough.

Therefore, when Chu Yufan's knife chopped Jill's left hand off like cutting tofu, the expressions on the faces of the three people were quite wonderful.

""Asshole!" Jill roared, and punched Chu Yufan with his right hand.

"Breath of Fire, Form Three, All Forms of Fire."

Seeing that the other party not only did not retreat but also dared to fight back against him, Chu Yufan did not indulge her, and the second knife directly sent away her right hand

"Damn it!"

Seeing that he was no match for Chu Yufan, Jill could only kick Chu Yufan with all his strength. Chu Yufan blocked it with the handle of his knife. The huge force made Chu Yufan step back a few steps.

Seeing that his full-strength kick only made Chu Yufan step back a few steps, Jill finally realized how stupid it was to fight with the boy in front of him. When

Melad and Dora saw that Jill had lost both hands in just one encounter, their faces suddenly became very ugly. Dora, who was next to Melad, took out the ring and said to Melad

""Lord Melad, please leave here quickly!"

After saying that, Dora threw the ring at Chu Yufan and rushed to the battlefield. The two planned to use their lives to buy time for Melad to escape.

""Asshole!" Maillard couldn't help but say angrily.

Maillard, who had just mocked Cornelia for her great act of covering her teammates, was now the one being evacuated by her companions. As the saying goes, things change over time, but this time the situation changed a little too fast.

However, Maillard was also very straightforward and quickly fled towards the outside of the town.

""Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Although he lost both arms, Jill, who used martial arts to fight, used his legs to attack frantically. Dora's four hands also held short knives to cooperate with her attack, making Chu Yufan temporarily unable to chase Melad

""Breath of Fire, Form Five, Flame Tiger."

The flames wrapped around the blade turned into a ferocious giant tiger, which opened its mouth and swallowed Jill in one gulp. When the flames dissipated, only Jill, who had been cut in half by Chu Yufan, was left on the ground.


Dora's eyes turned red when she saw Jill being cut in half, and she chopped towards Chu Yufan's head with all four hands at the same time. But what she didn't expect was that her weapon actually went straight through Chu Yufan's head.


Just when Dora was stunned, Chu Yufan quickly appeared behind Dora and killed her with a single blow.

"……"After killing Dora, Chu Yufan looked around for Melad, but found that she had disappeared.

"Are you okay? Sister Ke Er?"

Chu Yufan came to Cornelia's side and saw that she was covered in blood, so he hurriedly checked her injuries.

"Phew! I'm...fine……"Cornelia said weakly. But before she finished her words, she found herself being held in a princess hug by Chu Yufan again.

"Let's go to the alternate meeting place first, and confirm the current situation of the others." Chu Yufan said, and then he carried Cornelia away from here.

Cornelia, who was held in his arms, looked at Chu Yufan's face with hazy eyes. After losing a lot of blood and being confused, Cornelia said what she had always wanted to say to Chu Yufan.

"I like……"

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