Strictly speaking, Oberg's sneak attack was successful. Although Oberg's three strongest fighters were killed, their leader Maillard managed to escape.

The Empire's elite assassination team also suffered heavy losses. Silver was killed, and Natara and Cornelia were seriously injured and unable to participate in the next operation.

More importantly, Akame and Kurome were captured alive by the other side, which will undoubtedly put the Empire in a passive position.

Now only Chu Yufan, Nahasu, Green, Tsukushi, Bonnie and Gozizi who survived the explosion are left on the Empire side to participate in the next battle.

The more troublesome thing is that the faces of Chu Yufan and others have been completely exposed to the other side, but fortunately Maillard did not know that Gozizi survived the explosion. Therefore, Gozizi is undoubtedly the best candidate to investigate the other party's location, and soon the enemy's location is also found by him.

"We can't act now."Gozzi looked at the five people in front of him and said helplessly

"The enemy's leader has the ability to control insects, and more importantly, the ability to inject insect eggs into the human body. I estimate that the enemy will inject insect eggs into Red Eye and Black Eye. If we don't find a way to solve this problem, even if we successfully rescue the two, they will definitely die."

"Damn it! Are we just going to sit there and wait for death?" Green couldn't help but get angry when he heard this.

"No, it just so happens that an old friend of mine is nearby. I have asked her to get some help, and they are probably monitoring the enemy's base now."

"As long as the problem of insect eggs is solved, we can completely crush the opponent with the existing combat power."Goziqi said, glancing at Chu Yufan.

He saw the battle at that time. He was only there to help you when he personally went to fight against the three people of Melad.

But Chu Yufan could completely crush the three people, which made Goziqi more worried, because he always felt that Chu Yufan would most likely stand on the opposite side of the empire in the future.

But even if his guess was right, he had no strength to stop it.

"Can we just wait and see?……"Goziqi thought to himself


"Sister! Sister! Sister!"


Chi Tong slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his sight was Hei Tong's anxious face.

"Hei Tong! Are you okay?" Chi Tong became nervous when she saw Hei Tong. She was about to reach out and touch her sister's face when she found that her hands and feet were tied up.

"I'm fine! Sister, you fainted for a long time, I was really scared."Hei Tong saw that Chi Tong was fine and said with a sigh of relief.

"This is... have we been captured alive by the enemy?" Chi Tong looked around the dim and unfamiliar room, recalled what happened before he fainted, and then said

"That's right, I caught you alive." The door of the room suddenly opened, and Maillard walked in slowly, his eyes looked a little red and swollen, probably because he had been crying.

"Your companions are so strong that they can kill all my subordinates.……"Maillard looked at the two and said.

This was the first time she had suffered such a big loss, and she had to sacrifice her subordinates to be saved. It was a great shame.

In extreme anger, Maillard originally planned to kill Akame and the other two to vent her anger, but she finally held back. Not to mention that the sisters were very cute, the main thing was that now was the time to replenish combat power, so Maillard decided to find a way to get the sisters to join her team.

"In order to let Chi Tong and the other two understand their current situation, Maillard took them to another room, where three men were imprisoned.

"Please see, these three are A, B, and D of Little Karami. In order to let you understand your current situation, I specially left these three people"

"Take a good look, you will be surprised."Mallad said, and then snapped his fingers.

The bodies of the three men suddenly swelled up and screamed in pain. Soon, several wounds began to burst open on the three men's bodies, and a large number of insects flew out of the wounds. Soon, the three men died in pain.

"As you can see, I can control these dangerous insects. I injected insect eggs into their bodies, and I also put the eggs in when you two were unconscious."



Merad's words startled both Akame and Kurome.

"Once hatched, you two will die in agony like these three." Maillard said

"……What is your purpose? Or do you want to torture us?" Chi Tong asked

"You misunderstood. I just wanted to make you two understand your current situation. After all, you two are the kind of people who will try to escape if they get a chance."Malard replied with a smile.

"I've gone to so much trouble to do so much, mainly because I want you two to understand the truth of the world."


Akahime and Kurohime did not reply, while Maillard sat on the sofa and watched the two of them quietly without saying anything.

"I don't know how the others are doing now...With Chu Yufan here, there shouldn't be any big problems.……"Chi Tong thought for a while, then asked Maillard

"What did you mean when you said you wanted to tell us the truth about the world?"

"The story will be very long, so why not change to a more comfortable position and tell it slowly, both of you come to my arms and hug me."

Mallad suddenly changed the subject, opened his arms and smiled at the two people with red eyes. Speaking of which, it seems that Mellad's sexual orientation is female...

(Because Jill and Dora left early, so there is no reflection……)

"Just listen to me and I won't kill you. By the way, there are more ways to hatch insect eggs than just snapping your fingers.���Action." Maillard said as if he saw through everything.

"Have you been seen through?"

Chi Tong originally planned to break free from the restraints, but now it is probably impossible.

"I can only listen to her talk while looking for an opportunity to cooperate with me."

"Got it, sister."

Red Eye and Black Eye looked at each other and reached a consensus, coming to both sides of Maillard to let him hug her.

Thus, a scene of hugging each other was born.

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