The purpose of Merad hugging Akame and Kurome was not only to satisfy his own desires, but also to examine their bodies carefully.

"Hehe~ Both of you are very cute~ It makes me feel better~"

Maillard began to caress the red and black pupils with one hand, and the two of them blushed and struggled slightly.

"Hehe~ You two are both pretty good~ Do you want to come with me?"Malade couldn't help but ask

"No!" the two sisters answered at the same time.

"Then why do you do such dark things?"Malard asked

"……Because it's a mission."Akagi hesitated for a moment, then said

"That's it? That's a really honest answer."

"Of course, it is for ordinary people to live a happy life! Therefore, we must stop those who attempt to start a war for their own benefit!"Hei Tong said bluntly.

"I see~ I see, you guys have received this kind of education~ But if I were to say, no matter how hard you try, ordinary people won't be able to live a happy life."

"Because you are the mastermind behind the scenes, the empire is the root of corruption, this is the truth of the world."Malard said

"……"Don't talk nonsense!" Hei Tong retorted

"When you were on duty, you must have seen many people living in poverty. Isn't it because the Empire didn't do what it should have done?"Malard asked back

"Of course I know this! But the adults will definitely find a way……"Akahiko said

"It's useless, because the current supreme ruler of politics, Minister Ernest, is the reason for the empire's decay. He manipulates the young emperor and treats the palace as his own home and does whatever he wants."

Mellard's words reminded Chi Tong of the time when he was on a mission before. He also heard the same words in some taverns or shops.

"If you want to curry favor with the ministers, you have to bribe them. Therefore, officials of all sizes around the world will make a lot of money in their local areas, and the result is that people's lives become impoverished."

"So your so-called job is just to kill the minister's obstacles."


Melard's words made Akame completely silent. She had actually had doubts a long time ago, but every time she was evaded by Goziqi

"……Humph, that's exactly what a rebel would say. Betraying the empire is clearly the greatest evil. Compared to Akame's hesitation, Kurome sneered at everything Maillard said.

"Black Eye has been seriously brainwashed, but Red Eye is different. What I just said has made her waver."Malade looked at the reactions of the two and thought to himself

"Well, I am just a killer. Political aspirations have nothing to do with me. I just feel sorry for you who blindly follow others despite receiving a distorted education."

"There is no such thing as blind obedience. Our actions are just.……!?"

Before Hei Tong could finish her rebuttal, Maillard suddenly approached Hei Tong's face and licked her face gently with his tongue.

"What are you doing?!" Chi Tong asked when he saw this.

"As a sister, you are a bit overprotective."

"This taste... the drug has enhanced it... and it's already very poisonous." Maillard tasted the taste carefully, and then realized that Hei Tong's mind had already been completely controlled by the drug, and it was difficult to change.

"It seems that the only one who may join is Akame."Malade immediately stood up and said

""Red Eye, come with me. As for Black Eye, you stay here. I have set it up so that as soon as you take a step out of this room, the eggs will hatch immediately." Maillard warned Black Eye with a smile.

"elder sister!"

"Don't worry, Hei Tong. I'll be fine, just stay here obediently."Before leaving, Chi Tong comforted Hei Tong


"What is your purpose?" Seeing that Mailad actually took the initiative to untie him, Chi Tong frowned and asked

"Seeing is believing, so I plan to take you to a place. Of course, I advise you not to have any other ideas, otherwise the eggs will hatch."Mallad said with a smile

"……Don't worry, I won't mess around."

"Then, follow me!"

Mellard said, and ran out of the base, and Akato quickly followed behind her.

The two of them moved quickly in the forest and soon stopped in front of a village.

"here it is?"

"It's just a little-known village. Let's go talk to the villagers. Then we can go to other villages and repeat the process. By then you should understand more or less the current situation of this country." After Mailad finished speaking, he took Chitong into the village.

Chitong asked the locals about people's thoughts, and the answers he got were all dissatisfaction with the current situation of the empire.

The heavy and harsh taxes of the empire made ordinary people breathless.

The lower-level officials who bowed and scraped to their superiors and acted like bullies in front of the civilians.

The local army turned a blind eye to the rampant bandits and even colluded with them.

Chitong found out from the villagers that without exception, they were dissatisfied with and hated the current situation of the empire.

"How about it, do you feel that you are getting closer to the truth?"After running to several nearby villages, the two returned to the forest. Mailad looked at Chitong and said

"No, maybe you have seen it a long time ago. But you have been deceived by the Empire and taught that the Empire is the right one.……"

"It's so noisy!" Chi Tong interrupted Mailad

"Do you think I would believe everything you say so easily?"

"Until you understand, we can keep going."

"……"Akatsuki did not answer, but remained silent.

"But we should go back, you need time to think calmly. Then, I will teach you something for free."Malade walked in front of Akahima and suddenly threw her over his shoulder.

"Although I know you are very upset now, but there are too many loopholes. As a killer, you have too many emotions."

"Although being emotional sometimes gives you more explosive power, it also makes you more likely to die... You should be calmer.……"Maillard looked at Akame who was lying on the ground and said

【Chi Tong, you are too easily influenced by extra emotions when fighting. In this state, you are completely unable to exert your true strength, so you must find a way to change this bad habit. 】

Mellard's teaching reminded Chi Tong of Chu Yufan's evaluation of her during their sparring.

"What are you doing?……"Akame stood up and looked at Maillard and asked

"Because I will be your boss in the future, I have to take this opportunity to teach you well."

"I have said that I have no intention of joining you.……"

"Then, let me tell you about the darkness of the empire. We should go back for this as well."Mellard said to Chitong.

The two returned to the base and came to the room where Heitong was imprisoned. As soon as he opened the door, Chitong saw Heitong struggling on the sofa, as if he was in great pain.

"Black pupils?!"

"From your expression, I don't know that your sister is suffering from withdrawal symptoms. She should have been taking the medicine all the time." Maillard said

"!"Recalling the scene when Hei Tong took the medicine, Chi Tong hurried forward to check on Hei Tong's condition.

"Although that drug is a strengthening drug, it actually forces the body's organs to work faster to achieve a strengthening effect, but this will obviously damage the internal organs."

"Once she stops taking the drug, she will immediately become like this"

"You are lying! It must be the insect eggs you injected that are causing trouble!" Chi Tong roared after hearing what Maillard said.



"This is the medicine that Hei Tong always carries with him. I hid it on purpose so that you can know this. Just give the medicine to your sister and she will recover."


Akahima looked at the medicine bottle that Maillard handed to her, then took it and took out a pill and fed it to Hei Tong. As Maillard said, Hei Tong's condition stabilized soon after taking the medicine.

"This is what I want to tell you today about the truth of the world."Malard said, and then he said again

"I will give you time to consider it, and I hope you can give me a reply as soon as possible."

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