"I don't know how Natara and Sister Cole are doing now." Bonnie said suddenly while lying on the sofa.

Before the people sent by Goziqi come back with the news, all Chu Yufan and others can do now is to wait for the time being.

"It seems that he is out of danger, but he cannot get up for the time being."Green replied while playing with the stove in the room out of boredom.

"......Yin-chan, we finally became friends......."Tsukushi sat in front of the window, looking outside and muttering to himself

"This may be......The assassin's end......"Bonnie said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Shut up, you bastard. At least we are still alive now, and since we are still alive, we must work hard to survive!" Nahasu still looked at the book in his hand and said

"Silver sacrificed himself to protect Akame and Kurome......Do you understand what I mean?" Chu Yufan looked at the low morale of the crowd and couldn't help but remind them.

"If we don't adjust and prepare, we won't be able to save them."

"Phew! You're right, I'm going to practice!"

"I'll go too!" said Tsukushi and Bonnie

"Then, I will practice sword skills as well. Nahaxiu closed the book, stood up from the chair and said:

"I'll go too." Green also stood up and said.

Chu Yufan looked at the people who started to move, but did not follow them out. Instead, he sat down to meditate.


"There's no movement at all. So boring."

"90% of the time during the mission is spent bored."

On the tree where the Maillard base is located, there are two girls standing. These two girls are the reinforcements mentioned by Gozzi. In the original work, two of the four current Rakshasa ghosts of the Royal Fist Temple are Suzuka and Matou.

Each current Rakshasa ghost is a dedicated executioner who is completely loyal to Minister Ernest. They are mainly responsible for eliminating dissidents, assassinating, and recovering the imperial tools lost in the civil strife for the minister. Their strength is stronger than that of ordinary imperial tools users.

(Unfortunately, after encountering Night Raid, they became a unit of combat power)

"I heard that two of our companions were captured. If we can get closer, we can get more information."In addition to being one of the four Rakshasa ghosts, Ma Tou is also the daughter of Goziqi.

"Absolutely not, even if we are at this distance, it is already the limit. As long as that black long straight does not leave, we can't get close to there."Suzuka said

"Ah! Then how about using the senior's masochistic nature to get them to capture you? Although you will be tortured, you can get in this way!"

"The torture package for assassinating the master...ah...sounds good……"Suzuka listened to the horse head's advice and couldn't help but close her eyes and blushed intoxicated.

"Well, although I really want to try, it still won't work. The enemy will definitely wonder [Why is this place exposed]... Ma Tou, I know you just became one of the Four Rakshasa Ghosts, so you are anxious to make great achievements... But we must also act cautiously."Suzuka tilted her head to look at Ma Tou and said earnestly

"Oh... huh?! Hey! Isn't that Dad? Why is he there?!"Ma Tou suddenly saw a figure appear at the entrance of the stronghold. It was Goziqi, and then he exclaimed

"……No, that's not him."Suzuka said after observing"Goziqi"

""Huh?! Isn't that Daddy himself?! When did Daddy learn the art of clones?!" Ma Tou was immediately surprised.

"That person's pace and way of walking are completely different from Goziqi's, so it must be fake."Suzuka explained

"Ha——I didn't see that. I can't help it. My father has been my father's friend since I was a child. This is all my father's fault."The horse head who couldn't recognize his biological father could only force an explanation.

"This girl... is there really nothing wrong with her?" Suzuka complained in her heart.

As for this"Goziqi", she was naturally disguised by the disguise master Chelsi using the imperial equipment. Since Chelsi has no ability to fight head-on, she has always been mainly engaged in reconnaissance and communication.

After all, with her ability to disguise herself, Chelsi can completely avoid the observation of all enemies hiding in the dark.

"I'm back"

"……Still no results?"

"Oh, I tried walking around but no one took the bait."Chelsea said after she untransformed.

"It seems that there is no way to get other information for the time being."Mellard thought for a while and said

"Jill and Dora died in the battle. Now I can't leave this base easily. We are seriously short of manpower...Chelsey, I have to trouble you to guard the base."

"I understand. The Revolutionary Army also knows the difficulties of your organization. So let me stay and do some auxiliary work."Chelsey said

"Is that so? I’ll be more motivated if Chelsi is here."Mallad said as he walked up to Chelsi.

"Ha... If there's nothing else, I'll go on guard." Knowing the attributes of Maillard and not wanting to awaken, Chelsi fled in panic.


"Hei Tong, are you feeling okay?"

"Well, it's all right now."

Akahima and Kurohima were still being held captive. Although they were not tied up at this time, they could not move freely because of the insect eggs in their bodies.

"I didn't expect that once the effect of the medicine was interrupted, it would be so painful.……"Chi Tong said with a heartache

"As long as you take the medicine regularly, there will be no problem."Hei Tong said optimistically.

"This situation itself is very problematic. I must investigate it after I return."

"Are insect eggs...really in our bodies?"

"I'm not sure yet...but after talking to her, I've made a lot of breakthroughs."

"I have already figured out the structure of this base, the surrounding terrain, and the number of personnel. Let's wait for two more days and see what happens."

"Well... just being with my sister is enough." Hei Tong said

"I feel the same way about this." Chi Tong replied with a smile

"……Sister, if I die... you have to try your best to live on."

"Why did you suddenly say such a thing?!"When Chi Tong heard Hei Tong say this, he immediately became nervous.

"Because when I stopped taking the medicine, I was thinking,"Ah, I might die soon"... So, sister, you must be mentally prepared. Even if I die, you must continue to live!" Hei Tong looked at Chi Tong and said firmly

"If I die, it's because I'm not strong enough. But if you want to take my sister with you... I won't allow that!"

"……In a world without Kuroyon... this kind of thing……"As Akahide spoke, she shed tears unconsciously.

"Although I am happy that you are like this... But if this happens during a battle, you will be in danger!"

"Since it is such a task, you must be mentally prepared... Of course, so am I……"Hei Tong hugged Chi Tong and said

"……"Okay." Looking at Hei Tong's appearance, Chi Tong made up his mind that he must leave alive with Hei Tong.

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