"The above is the current situation of the enemy's stronghold." After contacting Suzuka who was on surveillance, Goziqi returned to the location of Chu Yufan and others and explained the current situation. The biggest problem now is to get rid of the insect eggs that may exist on Akagi and Hei Tong. The four Rakshasa ghosts can help solve this problem, but the premise is that they need to sneak into the stronghold.

The problem is that Jill, Dora and Daniel have been defeated and killed. In the case of insufficient manpower, Maillard chose to stay in the stronghold and did not leave, which made it impossible for Linglu and Matou to start.

"In other words, we need to find a way to lure Maillard out of the base now?" Green asked.

"Yes, that's right."

"Then I'll go over and lure her out now!" Bonnie immediately stood up and said loudly

"Are you an idiot? The so-called attraction is not just about approaching like this." Nahasu couldn't help but complain when he saw this.

"Nahaxiu is right. Going directly to Mailad will definitely arouse his suspicion."Chu Yufan said

"We need to find a way to force Maillard to leave the base, and our true purpose cannot be known to the other party. Everything must be done in a logical way.……"

"My suggestion is to attack the rebels. Chu Yufan thought for a moment and then said

"Yes, I have this plan too. Oberg is an assassination organization that takes money to do things, so letting her employer give the order is the best choice."Gozzi affirmed Chu Yufan's suggestion.

"The rebels will probably let Oberg continue to eliminate the Empire's spies, and perhaps they can take advantage of this.……"Nahashou said

"Yes, the rebels are weak in this area, which is why they spent a lot of money to hire Oberg to do it."Goziqi said with bright eyes.

"If I succeed in luring her out... can I kill her at the same time?" Chu Yufan looked at Goziqi and said, his tone was as if he was talking about killing a chicken. After all, Chu Yufan was still quite upset about Mailad's escape from his hands.

"……No, we don't know the mechanism of the eggs yet. We also don't know if killing Merad directly will cause the eggs in Akame and Kurome to hatch directly... Let's just let her go for now."

"Anyway, as long as the problem of the eggs in the bodies of Red Eye and Black Eye is solved, we can destroy each other without any worries."Goziqi explained.

"All right……"Chu Yufan said helplessly

"OK, then be prepared in the next few days and take action at any time"



"The Empire's spies are starting to show up in large numbers again?" Maillard couldn't help but frown when he heard the news from Chelsea.

"Yes, the Revolutionary Army is having a headache right now, I hope we can solve it as soon as possible."Chelsey said

"......"Malard did not answer, but began to think

"I am the only one in the organization who can easily identify the Imperial spy. Is this a conspiracy to lure me away from the base?" Maillard thought quickly.

"Whether it is to train assassins again or to carry out other activities, a lot of funds are needed to support it. It seems that you think I will not refuse easily?"

To identify the spies hidden in the ordinary people, sufficient experience is required. For example, the three dead Giles and the four Rakshasa ghosts of the Royal Fist Temple all have the ability to quickly identify spies and assassins. And now the only one in Obergri who has this ability is Melard.

"But I have other means......."

Maillard thought.

"The target has appeared and has gone out, senior."The horse head saw Mailad leaving the base and said hurriedly

"......"Ma Tou, you stay where you are and I will sneak in." Suzuka said.

Suzuka easily avoided the Oberg guards in the base and quickly found the room where Akahime and the others were. Using the ability to control the body, Suzuka easily unlocked the door and walked in.

"?!"The door suddenly opened, surprising Chi Tong and Hei Tong.

"I'm Suzuka, my sexual fetish is M, and I'm here to save you as a member of the Empire"

"People from the Empire?"

"Ah, it doesn't look like it? Then this is the only way." Suzuka said, and then performed the nail extension technique.

"What? That's disgusting......."The first time I saw Hei Tong, I complained

"This is the same ability as my father......."Akahiko said

"That's right, Goziqi and I are old friends, and now I'm here to save you"

"Thank you, but we can't escape now because......"

"Because you have insect eggs implanted in your body, right? Goziqi already knew this, otherwise they would have rushed in long ago."Suzuka said


"because......Forget it, now is not the time to talk about this. You will know after you go out. Now, explain the matter about the eggs to me."

After Akahime explained the situation, Suzuka immediately knew what to do.

"As for the eggs, you can use anthelmintics to solve it."

"But is that kind of thing useful?" Hei Tong asked doubtfully.

"Ordinary anthelmintics are of course not acceptable, but if it is a special medicine prepared with imperial weapons, it is different."

"It seems you have thought of a solution." Chi Tong said

"Well, it would take five days to get the potion to the"doctor", but there is a pervert among your companions. At his speed, it is estimated that the potion can be obtained the day after tomorrow."

"I will come back here the day after tomorrow and give you the potion. Then we will break into this base at the same time and destroy it."Suzuka said.

After explaining everything, Suzuka planned to leave the base, but what she didn't expect was that she was in the corridor.���I almost ran into Maillard on the road.

"How come you came back so soon?"Suzuka was immediately frightened and panicked. Then she saw a few small bottles scattered in the corridor and hurriedly hid in them. Fortunately, the four Rakshasa ghosts had the ability to control their bodies freely, otherwise they really couldn't get into such a small bottle.

After feeling that Merad had gone far away, Suzuka hurriedly got out of the vase and quickly escaped from the base.

However, what Suzuka didn't know was that this Merad was actually Chelsea in disguise. The purpose was to intimidate the enemy who might sneak in, but it was obvious that Chelsea's strength would not be able to find Suzuka, but even if Chelsea found Suzuka, she could not do anything to her.

It can be said that Chelsea successfully escaped this time.

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