An hour after Linglu left, the real Maillard returned. As soon as she returned to the base, she went to the room where Akahima and the others were, and took Akahima to a place where files were stored in Oberg.

Maillard's purpose was also very simple, to continue to shake Akahima's beliefs and make her become her own.

"How is it? A report on the people who have suffered because of the corrupt rule of the ministers."Melard said.

The report that Chitong saw at this time was about what a village had experienced.

This village is located in an area with fertile land in the empire, and every year it pays tribute to the empire with a large amount of money and food. With the fertility of the land, the local villagers can barely support themselves in the face of the empire's increasing taxation.

But no matter how fertile the land is, the cultivation of grain still depends on whether God gives face.

Three consecutive years of drought have left the entire village with no harvest, but the tax officials still come on time to collect taxes, and he doesn't care what kind of drought you villagers have encountered.

Because taxes were paid on time every year before, the tax officials at the beginning still had an extension period. Unfortunately, three years later, it happened to be Minister Ernest's birthday. And every time at this time, officials of all sizes in the entire empire would desperately make money to please the minister.

This village The local officials were no exception and began to send out a large number of local troops to search for valuables from house to house in the name of catching bandits. For those places that could not pay taxes, the simplest and most violent methods were used to obtain money.


All the villagers, big and small, were arrested and the entire land of the village was sold.

The villagers were divided by age and gender, and young women were sold to the red-light district. Young men were sold as hard labor to local rich men who opened mines.

The elderly were directly broken their hands and feet and formed an organization to beg for a living.

Children were directly taken over and brainwashed and used because they had a wide range of uses.

This report reminded Akahime of his own affairs. According to Goziqi, the members of the assassination team were basically sold by their parents, but is this really the case?

"……I have read all the information, but I still can't come to a conclusion."Akagi let out a breath and then said to Maillard

"It doesn't matter... We still have some time, so let's stop here for today."

"No matter what, I can't ignore these things. I must investigate them thoroughly after returning."Although Akato told Maillard that he had not come to a conclusion, he was actually almost convinced in his heart.

"……Aren't you going to continue to persuade Hei Tong?" Chi Tong asked

"We don't like to use drugs. Although we can't count her as a combat force, we can consider her as my girlfriend."Mallad said

"After all, she is cute~"

"That's right! Hei Tong is really cute, so you can't do anything to her!"

"It is my freedom to decide how to deal with the captives~" Maillard found Akahima's reaction very interesting, then he remembered something and asked Akahima again

"There is a very powerful guy in your team. Who is he?"Eager to replenish his combat power, Maillard only then remembered to ask Chi Tong about Chu Yufan.

"You mean my father? He is……"

"Chi Tong, you should know who I'm asking about... or are you trying to hide it?" Maillard interrupted Chi Tong.

"Did he do anything that would make you pay so much attention to him?"

"He killed all my men, just like stepping on ants.……"Recalling the scene at that time, Maillard couldn't help but shudder.

"!"Akahime finally understood why she had never seen the member who attacked her. It turned out that he was already dead.

"If you don't tell me, I'll make you and your sister suffer a little bit." Mailad warned

"If you want to ask Chu Yufan's strength, he was able to tie with the imperial general not long ago. As for how far he has reached now, I don't know."Chi Tong said

"Oh...Is that so? But this makes me even more curious, how did you find such a talent?"Mellard couldn't help but ask curiously.

Chi Tong hesitated for a moment, and then told Melard a little about Chu Yufan's life. Of course, he only told Melard about what happened before he met Chu Yufan. After hearing what Chi Tong said, Melard frowned and said

"Regarding this matter... I seem to have seen a related report somewhere... In other words, maybe we can win over the other party.……"Maillard thought about this and said to Akato

"The truth of this matter seems to be different from what you know. The files at that time should still be in this room. If you want to know, please help me find them."Malade said, and walked straight to the place where the files were placed to search. Seeing this, Akagi also chose to help.

Because she also wanted to know what the truth of this matter was.


"The samples are ready and can be used anytime. Suzuka shook the things in his hand and said

"Then let's do it." Chu Yufan stood up after hearing this.

The purpose of this time is to give the so-called sample to the"doctor". Since this"doctor" is the most important person in the empire now, Chu Yufan cannot have direct contact with him.

However, the situation is urgent this time. It will take at least five days to go back and forth according to Suzuka's pace. This will take too long, but Chu Yufan can shorten the time to the day after tomorrow. So now Chu Yufan will be the driver of Akina Mountain and take Suzuka to race.

"I'm ready." Suzuka sat on a homemade cart, and Chu Yufan came to the handle of the cart without any further ado.

"Sit tight"

""Okay... Wow!!!!"

Suzuka just said the word"OK" and she felt as if she had taken off. No wonder this guy dared to say that he would be back the day after tomorrow. At this speed, he should be back tomorrow night, right?

Chu Yufan began to control his breathing to keep his body's energy supply at a constant state. In this way, he could make his speed fast and stable, but he would get hungry soon if he continued to move at high speed.

Fortunately, places for eating were marked along the way, so he could have a big meal.

As for the rest of the people, they also began their own preparations. As long as Chu Yufan and Suzuka came back, they could act immediately.

On the other side, after searching for a long time, Maillard and Akahiro finally found the relevant report at that time. The content inside surprised Akahiro very much.

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