Soon in the afternoon of the next day, Chu Yufan and Suzuka came back.

"Ha... um... ha... I got the stuff...……"Suzuka said with an intoxicated expression, while Chu Yufan, who was standing beside her, also showed a rather disgusted expression on his usually calm face.

"This guy, every time I stop, he automatically lets go and lets himself fly out. After falling to the ground, he stood up again with a look of enjoyment on his face, making the two of them like juggling monkeys being watched by people all the way, not to mention how embarrassing it is."Chu Yufan complained crazily, and it was the first time that others saw Chu Yufan say so many words at once, which showed how much psychological damage this incident caused to him.

It can be said that for a moment, Chu Yufan was wondering why he took on this task.

"Ahem... Now that we have the stuff, let's wait until dawn to start the action."Goziqi coughed a few times to ease the embarrassment.

Seeing Chu Yufan's expression, Nahaxiu and others couldn't help but step forward to comfort him. Although they didn't know what happened, it must be a terrible thing to make a calm person like Chu Yufan so upset. On the other side, Chitong returned to Heitong with a solemn expression.

""Sister, what's wrong? What happened?" Hei Tong asked.

"……I'm fine, Hei Tong, it's just……"Chi Tong recalled the contents of Chu Yufan in the file and shuddered.

If Chu Yufan knew about this, what choice would he make? Would he leave the assassination team and directly become the enemy of the empire? Or... Just like this, Chi Tong waited for the arrival of reinforcements with Hei Tong.


Dawn is coming……

"Have you memorized the structure and route of the base?" Goziqi asked everyone. Everything about the base was told to Suzuka by Akahime when they met.


"Then take action!"

"There is no need to leave them alive! If we let them live, who knows what will happen! We must wipe them out completely!" Goziqi said as he ran ahead.

"Bang, bang, bang!

There were sudden explosions around the base, and clouds of smoke came out and surrounded the entrance of the base.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Goziqi stopped

"Ha! You want to use the smoke to escape?! Don’t even think about it!!!" Ma Tou rushed into the smoke without saying a word.

""Wait! Stupid daughter!" Goziqi hit the horse's head directly.

"I have goose bumps. This is not ordinary smoke, but a strong poisonous gas! If you rush in without thinking, you will die. You better use your brain!" Goziqi complained.

"……"Ma Tou held his head but did not say it hurt. Instead, he felt the fatherly love he had never felt before in this punch.

"Ahahahahahahahaha!!!" Then the horse head happily patted Dagoziqi's back.

"What are you laughing at? Am I scolding you?" Goziqi was so embarrassed.

"Poisonous smoke and the like are just meaningless resistance."The other two members of the current Rakshasa Four Ghosts, Zhu Tian and Ji, also joined the battle.

"Breath of the Wind, Form 1, Dust Whirlwind·Slashing."

Before Zhu Tian and Ji could make any move, Chu Yufan, who could no longer wait, had already started to act. The huge shock wave directly dispersed the smoke, and the entrance of the base was also exposed.

As soon as the poisonous fog dispersed, two Oberg members with guns appeared at the entrance. The two immediately opened fire on the crowd, and everyone except Chu Yufan hurriedly scattered.

"Breath of Fire, Form 1, Shiranui."

Chu Yufan did not retreat but advanced. With his speed, ordinary Oberg members could not even see his movements and would be killed directly. After dealing with the two, Chu Yufan rushed into the stronghold first.

"Suzuka, you take the anthelmintic to Akahime and the others, and we will take care of the others."Goziqi said

""I understand."

When Goziqi and others started to act, Mailad had already sensed it. However, she did not immediately escape from the room or run to Chitong's room, because she already felt that she had been locked by someone.

Mailad then put some files in a conspicuous place and left. As soon as

Mailad got up from the room, Chu Yufan broke in and kept checking, and found that Mailad was not here.

"Huh?!"Chu Yufan found the file. On the outside of the file were written the words [Orik's Assassination Force Training Plan].

Seeing the name he hadn't heard for a long time, Chu Yufan suddenly felt mixed emotions. After hesitating for a moment, he immediately opened the file and started looking through it.

【In order to pursue his own interests, Orrick chose a village to provide financial assistance to gain the trust of the villagers. When the time was right, Orrick had his guards disguise themselves as revolutionaries and massacre the village. This made the children in the village completely trust Orrick and trained and controlled them.】

"……"Chu Yufan couldn't help but feel a little confused when he saw this passage. After all, Gozizi said at the time that Orrick had joined forces with the rebels to massacre the entire village. But this file said that Orrick had his guards pretend to be rebels.

Chu Yufan read on and found an even more shocking fact.

【The Empire had long known what Orrick had done, and in order to save resources, they allowed Orrick to carry out the training plan. At first, the Empire did not pay much attention to this so-called assassination force. It was not until one of the teenagers killed the leader of the Otto who had the tools of the minister during the operation to eliminate the Otto that the Empire began to pay attention to this matter.】

【After being convinced that the boy who killed Otto was a natural killer, the Empire began a series of actions against Orrick. The Empire deliberately sold the new enhanced drug of the British assassination force to Orrick on the black market, allowing Orrick to control the children with drugs. The Empire rescued the children in the way of a savior.】

"……"Chu Yufan then remembered why he felt so familiar with the scene of Hei Tong and the other two taking medicine when he was training them.

It turned out that the so-called strengthening medicine that Abbot and the other three took was the same as the medicine that Hei Tong took, and more importantly, the medicine was deliberately provided to Orrick by the Empire.

The Empire's calculations can be said to be quite good. Orrick fed the children strengthening medicine. After the Empire rescued them, it continued to provide medicine to control them on the grounds that they could not be cured, so that it could obtain a group of assassination troops completely loyal to the Empire.

【However, the Empire did not expect that Orrick would secretly kill the less talented children in order to save resources, leaving only the strongest boy and the four people he had the best relationship with.】

"……So... is that the case?……"Chu Yufan's eyes dimmed when he saw this. He never understood why Orrick killed the others, but Chu Yufan never thought that it was because of him.

【The Empire's plan was successful in the end, because the strongest boy survived and has now joined the Empire's elite assassination team.】

【This young man is extremely dangerous, but since he was deceived by the Empire, he is not listed as an assassination target for the time being. If conditions permit, you can choose to contact him and try to win him over to the Revolutionary Army.

Chu Yufan carefully put away the file, although the content of the file surprised him. But after all, it was found in the enemy's base, so Chu Yufan needs to verify the authenticity of the file.

After putting away the file, Chu Yufan once again chased after Mailad's escape route.

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