"This is the anthelmintic medicine, take it quickly." Suzuka came to the room where Akahime and Kurohime were imprisoned and handed the medicine to them. The two took the medicine and drank it quickly.

""Huh! That's all. Is everyone here?" Hei Tong asked.

"Yes, everyone is here, and now they are fighting against the remnants of Oberg." Suzuka replied

""Is Chu Yufan here too? Where is he now?" Chi Tong asked hurriedly after hearing what Suzuka said.

"He? Of course he went after the leader of Oberg."

"!"Upon hearing this, Chi Tong rushed out

"Hey! Wait a minute, you haven't got your weapon yet!"

As soon as Chi Tong ran out of the room, two Oberg fighters blocked her way. When they saw Chi Tong escaping, they took out their weapons and rushed towards her.


Chi Tong rushed out of the room without any weapon in his hand, and could only avoid the enemy's attack.

"Sister! Weapons!"Kurohitomi took the Kiri Ichimonji that Suzuka brought back and threw it to Akahime.


Chi Tong got the weapon and instantly turned into a god of war, directly killing the two people who were blocking his way.

"Hey! I don't know what happened, but you're too impatient, aren't you?" Suzuka came to Akame and complained

"Sorry, we have to catch up with Chu Yufan as soon as possible." Chi Tong said and ran forward, and Hei Tong and Suzuka followed.

"What choice will you make?……"Chi Tong thought as he walked forward.

Chi Tong knew that Maillard would definitely find a chance to show the file to Chu Yufan. If Chu Yufan chose to join Oberg after seeing it, everyone here would die.

Thinking of this, Chi Tong could not help but speed up his pace again.


After putting away the files and leaving the room, Maillard fled all the way out of the base and stopped at a lake.

"So beautiful……"Although being chased, Maillard couldn't help but admire the scenery in front of him.

"Why don't you run away?"

Mellard turned around and saw Chu Yufan had caught up with her. This was also the reason why Melard stopped running, because she felt that Chu Yufan had been following her closely.

"You should have read the files I left in the room."Malard said

"……Where did you get these things?" Chu Yufan was silent for a moment, then asked

"For assassination organizations, reliable intelligence is the most important thing. Therefore, we will spare no effort to collect all intelligence on a daily basis, whether it is about the Empire or the Revolutionary Army."

"The file you saw is from the Revolutionary Army's investigation.

"……Do you think that after reading this report, I will let you go or join you?"

"No, I don't think you will believe me so easily. This is just a revenge for my failure, a revenge against the empire."Malard answered bluntly.

"To be honest, when I read the files, I felt really sorry for you, being adopted by the official who massacred your own village, and having to be grateful to him and help him eliminate dissidents.……"

"After being rescued by the so-called"savior" of the empire, he was still asked to do the same thing. Isn't this a very pitiful thing?"Mellard said while observing Chu Yufan's face, wanting to know his reaction. But to Maillard's disappointment, Chu Yufan didn't have any expression on his face, as if he couldn't feel any emotion at all.

"……Why don't you have any reaction? After seeing those files, I didn't see any hatred in your eyes. Don't you have any feelings? Or are these things meaningless to you?"Seeing this, Maillard asked curiously

"Because there is no need to have emotions in battle, it will only hinder my speed in drawing the sword."Chu Yufan still said calmly

"……Sure enough, he is a natural born killer... It seems that I will not be able to escape death today." After hearing Chu Yufan's answer, Maillard could not help but continue to persuade him.

"Don't you have any desire to change this? Join us and maybe we can prevent the same tragedy from happening again.……"

"What are you talking about?"Chu Yufan looked at Maillard with a look of idiocy.

"The so-called Oberg is nothing more than a killer organization that simply takes money to do things and has no stance. This time, it is only because the rebels paid more money than the empire that you chose to stand on the opposite side of the empire."

"If the Empire pays more than the rebels, I'm afraid you will turn around and attack the rebels. Joining such an organization will not change anything at all, it will only bring more disasters."

"Such an organization will only bring chaos to this country no matter who is in charge now. Therefore, no matter what the reason is, Oberg will inevitably be destroyed tonight."

"……I see. I thought you were easy to fool. In fact, you are quite sober. I am afraid you know everything in the file, right?"Mellard said after hearing Chu Yufan's words.

"……No, I don't know. But I still want to thank you for giving me this file. To thank you, I will bury you properly after you die."

"……So, then, let me resist one last time!"Mellard knew that Chu Yufan would not let him go, so he decided to go all out.

Melard jumped onto the tree behind him, and then several larvae hiding on the tree spit out silk towards Melard and wrapped him up.

"Although these bugs are not imperial weapons, their abilities are similar, and each imperial weapon has a hidden ability."

"This is the so-called"secret technique"】"

While Maillard was speaking, he emerged from his cocoon. He looked completely different. Two butterfly wings grew behind him, and butterfly-like antennae also grew on his head.

"Is it another enhancement? Is it the dragonization of the Tailan people? Or the beastization of the gravekeeper?"Chu Yufan said when he saw Maillard's appearance.

"Oh? It seems you have seen similar abilities. However, insects are much more powerful than so-called animals." Before Mailad finished speaking, the figure disappeared.


Chu Yufan drew his sword and swung it to the left. The figure of Maillard appeared. At this time, Maillard's hands turned into sickle-shaped arms, which looked very sharp.

However, Maillard's sickle arms turned into palms, and the fingertips of the five fingers of the palms suddenly spit out spider silk and wrapped around Chu Yufan.

"Water Breathing, Land Form, Twisting Whirlpool."

Chu Yufan quickly twisted himself, forming a whirlpool-like slash. He cut off all the spider silk that approached him, and at the same time forced Maillard back.

"I reacted easily. It seems that I need to……?!"Melad was thinking as she retreated, when she suddenly found that Chu Yufan had come to her.

"Water Breathing, Form 8, Takitsubo."

Several water jets fell on Maillard's head, but what surprised Chu Yufan was that the wings behind Maillard were not for show. She used a strange movement trajectory to dodge all the falling water jets and quickly retreated.

Chu Yufan quickly caught up with Maillard and kept swinging his knife at her, but every time he swung his knife, he just brushed past Maillard.

"Can you actually keep up with my movement trajectory?"After narrowly avoiding Chu Yufan's attack again, Maillard thought to himself.

"Damn it!"Malard's arms turned into sickle shape again, and he started a close-range confrontation with Chu Yufan.

"Water Breathing, Form of the Wild, Wave of Strike"

""Ding ding ding ding"

After the close-range confrontation, Maillard once again found that the guy in front of him was really an all-round player. Whether in speed competition or close-range combat, he was much stronger than himself.

Helplessly, Maillard could only choose to use his mobility to distance himself from Chu Yufan again.

"Breath of Wind, Type 7, Strong Wind·Tengu Wind."

Feeling the strong mobility of Maillard, Chu Yufan directly switched to Breath of Wind to attack. Several tornado-shaped wind blades blocked Maillard's retreat. Maillard, who could not avoid it, could only choose to bear it.

"Uh huh……"

The wind blade attack made Maillard scream. Although she withstood Chu Yufan's attack, her body, which had been moving non-stop, also stopped.

"Breath of the Wind, Form 8, First Fierce Wind Slash."

Chu Yufan would not miss this opportunity and quickly circled around Maillard. A tornado blade rose up around Maillard, and Maillard was injured by the wind blade again.


With a roar, Maillard flapped his wings quickly, and finally escaped from the tornado's attack range with great effort.

"call���"Huh! Huh!"

In mid-air, Maillard kept panting and looking around, because she found that she had lost the trace of Chu Yufan.

"Breath of the Wind, Nine Forms, Weituo Tiantai Wind."

The tentacles on Maillard's head turned, and then he looked up suddenly. Chu Yufan was above Maillard's head at this time. As Chu Yufan's figure fell, a sharp wind blade slashed at Maillard's body.

As the wind blade pierced through Maillard's body, the battle came to an end.

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