"Ah... the moonlight tonight... is so beautiful……"Maillard fell from the sky, lying on the ground, looking at the moon and whispering

"You...what are you doing?" Maillard turned around and saw Chu Yufan digging the ground and asked.

"Didn't I tell you that I would give you a good burial after you die? Or do you want your body to be taken back for research?" Chu Yufan said as he dug the ground.

"Hehe~ You are really an interesting person... But I am more curious... What will you do next? Will you choose to join the revolutionary army? Or……"Maillard asked

"……I don't know, but I will verify the authenticity of the file you gave me. If it is true……"Chu Yufan stopped digging the ground, and the faces of Cornelia, Akato, Nahasu and others flashed through his mind.

If it was confirmed that the Empire knew everything that happened, they would definitely take revenge on the Empire, and then the first enemies he would face would undoubtedly be the Empire's assassination troops.

If it came to that, then...

Chu Yufan shook his head and continued digging the ground. However, when Maillard saw Chu Yufan's expression, he obviously understood what he was thinking.

"If the time comes when you need to confront your current teammates, can you really still swing the knife in your hand?" Maillard asked

"This kind of thing only needs to be considered when the strength is almost the same. I don't need to consider it."Chu Yufan replied

"……Haha, that's true." Maillard turned his head again and looked at the moon in the sky, then slowly closed his eyes and murmured

"I really hope... to see Akame again.……"

""Da Da Da"

Maillard suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the place where the footsteps came from. Akame was rushing here alone. Seeing her face, Maillard showed a satisfied but regretful smile.

"I really want to see Akame’s naked body at the end...……"

""That's too much. Die quickly. The grave has been dug. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you don't die?" Chu Yufan couldn't help but complain as he watched Melad's last words become more and more.

"Really... cruel……"After Maillard finished speaking, he died.

"Chu Yufan! Are you okay? Where's Maillard?" Chi Tong arrived just in time and asked hurriedly when he saw Chu Yufan. Then he saw the big pit next to Chu Yufan and Maillard's body.

"I'm fine, Chi Tong, I just came to help bury her."Chu Yufan said

"Hmm? Um... OK." Chi Tong originally wanted to ask something, but seeing that Chu Yufan had already started to move Maillard's body, she stepped forward to help.

The two of them quickly filled the hole and made a small mound. Then Chu Yufan randomly found a long stone and stuck it into the small mound, and Maillard's grave was ready.

""Okay, that's it. How are the others?" Chu Yufan nodded with satisfaction and asked Chi Tong.

"Although Oberg has a large number of members, fortunately, Chu Yufan, you have killed the strongest fighters on the other side. So the remaining people are not a threat, and now they should be eliminated soon."Akatō said

"Then, let's go meet up first." Chu Yufan said, and took the lead. Chi Tong looked at Chu Yufan's back, wanting to ask something, but in the end she didn't say it.

"I'll ask again when I have a chance." Chi Tong thought to himself.


"This is the last one!"With a roar from Bonnie, the battle was finally over after he kicked the last member of Oberg away.

Although the remaining members of Oberg were not as strong as Jill or Dora, it was quite troublesome to deal with them when there were too many of them. Fortunately, they were all dealt with, and everyone was only slightly injured and there was no other serious problem.

"Ah! It's Chu Yufan and Chi Tong, they're back." Tsukushi saw the two people running in the distance and said hurriedly

"elder sister!"

"Black pupil!"

The two sisters hugged each other as soon as they met. It must be said that they have a really good relationship.

"What about Maillard?"

"It's already cold"

""Well done!"

Goziqi patted Chu Yufan on the shoulder and praised happily.

Oberg has always been a thorn in the side of the empire. Although the empire can control it with financial resources, those high-ranking officials who love money are unwilling to keep paying to hire the other party. This is why Oberg will listen to the rebels.

Now that Oberg is completely destroyed, it has also eliminated a major hidden danger for the empire. But at the same time, it has also created a greater hidden danger, a hidden danger that is enough to overthrow the entire empire.

After solving Oberg, everyone returned to the imperial capital under the leadership of Goziqi. Natara and Cornelia are currently receiving treatment in the imperial capital. Chu Yufan and others also need to rest temporarily after experiencing the war.

"Do you want to ask me something?"


After returning to the imperial capital and settling down, Chu Yufan took advantage of Chi Tong going out alone and followed her, and called her to a place where there were few people.

"You...how did you know that?" Chi Tong asked in surprise.

"……"Chu Yufan was speechless about this.

"On the way back, you kept glancing at me from time to time. Did you think I wouldn't notice it? More importantly, you had your worries written all over your head."Chu Yufan said helplessly.

"Is this... like this?" Chi Tong was embarrassed. After all, she thought she had covered it up well.

Chu Yufan frowned at Chi Tong's expression, then suddenly drew out a knife and approached Chi Tong and put it on her neck. Chu Yufan's sudden action made Chi Tong completely unable to react.���, can only stand still

"I have stressed this to you many times during training. You have too many emotions. If you were fighting the enemy now, you would have died long ago. Chu Yufan looked at Chi Tong and said slowly.

"Unless you are strong enough to control everything, you should take care of your feelings."


Chi Tong also fell silent after hearing this. After all, she had been warned many times by others about the same thing, but she still did not change.

Chu Yufan saw Chi Tong's expression and immediately took the knife and put it back into the sheath.

"Chi Tong, do you know why I suddenly told you this?"

Chi Tong shook his head.

"You have read the files that Maillard put in the base, right? As for my affairs, I have read the files as you thought."

Hearing what Chu Yufan said, Chi Tong's pupils shrank suddenly.

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