Chi Tong herself is not a fool. After Chu Yufan told her about the files, she knew what Chu Yufan meant. If Chu Yufan really betrayed the empire because of the files, then Chi Tong would have died. After all, only Chu Yufan and

Chi Tong knew about this.

"……What do you think about the things in the file?" Chi Tong asked. This was also what she wanted to know most.

"……Everything in the archives needs time to be verified. If it is true... then I will definitely not stay in the empire any longer." Chu Yufan thought about it and then said

"I... have been thinking recently... whether everything I and everyone have done is correct? Can my efforts and everyone's efforts really allow ordinary people to live a happy life? If everything Maillard said is true... how should I... everyone... move forward?" Chi Tong told Chu Yufan about the doubts in his heart.

"In this kind of situation, isn't it okay to just follow your heart?" Chu Yufan said calmly.

"Whether you want revenge or want to change everything, you just need to follow your inner thoughts, right?"

"I understand!" Chu Yufan's answer made Chi Tong figure it out instantly.

After figuring it out, Chi Tong ran to the cafeteria to eat. After all, because of the matter of Maillard, Chi Tong had eaten two bowls less of rice at each meal recently, which showed how troubled Chi Tong was. (She could probably eat hundreds of bowls of rice at a meal)


Two weeks after returning to the imperial capital, Cornelia was the first to be discharged from the hospital.

"Sister Cor!"

Chikushi and Bonnie saw Cornelia being discharged from the hospital and hugged her happily. After all, Cornelia was injured in order to cover the others' departure.

""Good boy, I'm fine." Cornelia touched their heads and said lovingly.

"Cornelia, I'm sorry I couldn't help you at that time. Nahasu apologized to Cornelia.

"No, no, it's not your fault. Nahasu, the enemy is too strong. And it was my decision to stay behind to cover the rear, so don't feel any psychological burden."Cornelia hurriedly explained after hearing this.


"Ah! You're back, Sister Ke Er." Chu Yufan opened the door and came in to see Cornelia, and said happily

"Ah... um... well... I'm back." Cornelia was flustered for a moment after seeing Chu Yufan, which made Chikushi and Bonnie smell something wrong.

"Haha, I've been lying down for too long. I need to stretch my muscles. I'll go out and run a few laps first. Haha."

When she was rescued by Chu Yufan, although Cornelia's consciousness was a little fuzzy, she still vaguely remembered what she said. Now that she has woken up, she doesn't know how to face Chu Yufan.

So, Cornelia chose to run away.

"Ha, Sister Cor has just been discharged from the hospital. She still needs to take care of her health, so the two of us will go over to take a look."Tsukushi and Bonnie looked at each other, and then followed the route Cornelia took.

"Weird……"Chu Yufan wondered.

On the other side, Chikushi and Bonnie caught up with Cornelia and carried her to a bench on the side of the road. Under their questioning, Cornelia could only tell them what happened at that time.

"Wow! I didn't expect Sister Cole to be so bold!"Tsukushi couldn't help but exclaimed

"What about Chu Yufan? Did that guy respond to you at that time?"Boni asked

"Um... this... I don't remember." Cornelia heard Bonnie's question and immediately held her forehead and said

"What? Why did you forget such a crucial thing, Sister Ke Er? ?"Boni said in surprise

"There's nothing I can do... I fainted right after I finished speaking." Cornelia said helplessly.

"But from Chu Yufan's expression just now, it seems that he doesn't know about this?" Because Tsukushi recalled Chu Yufan's expression when he saw Cornelia just now, it was the same as his usual expression when greeting her, so she guessed this.

"Expression? Doesn't that guy always have a poker face?"Boni complained

"No, no, there is a slight difference. It's just that idiot Bonnie never noticed it." Cornelia added

"What? Sister Cole is the idiot, and she also sneaks glances at Chu Yufan from time to time. Bonnie's rebuttal made Cornelia blush.

"Ahem... Anyway, we should find a way to confirm it, right?" Tsukushi coughed lightly and then suggested

"Do you want to confirm whether Chu Yufan knows about this? Um...wait a minute, why is it"we"?"?"

"Because if you wait until Sister Cole takes action, you two will probably have to wait until you are old and in your seventies."Tsukushi said


Cornelia could not refute this.


Five days after Cornelia recovered, Natara was also discharged from the hospital. Then Gozizi notified everyone to gather at a training ground.

"Looks like we have to start training again." Bonnie looked at the training ground and said frustratedly.

"But it seems that we should change someone to train us, right?" Nahaxiu said. Some of the previous training was done by Chu Yufan. But now Chu Yufan is also in the team, so the trainer should be someone else.

"Huh?"Chu Yufan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then his face became a little serious. Because he felt that a very strong person was approaching the training ground.

"interesting……"After Esdeath, this was another person who made Chu Yufan feel a little dangerous.

Not long after, Goziqi and a tall man in armor came over. The man looked middle-aged, and his expression looked intimidating without anger.

"This is General Bud, the immediate superior of all the military officers in the empire."Gozzi introduced him to everyone.

Before he finished speaking, Bud scanned the crowd with his eyes. A breath of experience began to spread, a breath full of blood.


Except for Chu Yufan, Cornelia, Chi Tong, and Nahasu, everyone else took two steps back without exception.


Bud looked at everyone's performance and then stopped at Chu Yufan. For some reason, he actually felt a sense of danger from this young man, but now he couldn't feel it anymore.

"This boy is very unusual.……"

Although this feeling only lasted for a moment, Bud became a little alert. People who are often on the battlefield will naturally trust their feelings more.

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