"Is this guy the one who defeated Chief Oberg?" Bud asked as he walked up to Chu Yufan.

"Yes." Goziqi replied

"Hello, General." Chu Yufan said politely, and then extended his hand to him.

"……"Looking at Chu Yufan who was calm and composed, Bud reached out and held his hand.

"……You are very strong. I didn't expect that growing up in the wild mountains would have such an effect. Are you interested in joining me?" Bud asked Chu Yufan after holding his hand for a while.

"I'm not interested at the moment. Sorry, General." Chu Yufan refused without thinking, which surprised Bud.

After all, the positions under him would be very scrambled for by other people, but Chu Yufan refused directly.

"Is that so... What a pity." Bud did not speak again to win him over. After all, as a general he had his own pride, and he was not a casual general like Esdeath.

General Bud was the"strongest" man in the empire, on par with General Esdeath. Unlike Esdeath who liked to fight non-stop, General Bud was an upright person who served the empire wholeheartedly.

Of course, as a central figure in the empire's politics. General Bud was naturally aware of what Minister Ernest had done.

However, in accordance with the ancestral precepts left by the previous emperor, [military generals cannot interfere in politics], so he did not directly intervene. Instead, he used his authority to protect officials of conscience.

And because of his personality traits, General Bud was often called"old stubborn" by Esdeath and Minister Ernest."

"Next, I will personally conduct practical exercises with you."


Except for Chu Yufan, everyone else was very surprised. After all, he was trained personally by the highest general of the empire.

"However, the mission……"

"Don't worry, there will be no more missions for the time being. Because the remaining remnants of Oberg have been wiped out, you can just focus on improving your strength during this period of time."Goziqi explained to everyone

"Okay, today we will just introduce each other, and tomorrow everyone will gather here for training."After Bud finished speaking, he turned around and left the training ground.

"Huh! As expected of a great general, this kind of oppression is not something that ordinary people would have."After seeing Bud walk away, Green breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wonder what the general's training will be like?" Bonnie asked curiously.

"Stupid, we will know tomorrow, right?" Nahaxiu complained to Bonnie.

"But I'm just curious~" Bonnie patted Nahashu's back and said

"Anyway, it should be a lot easier than Chu Yufan's training."Green said

"I'm sorry that my training was not easy."Chu Yufan rolled his eyes and said.

It's just carrying a few logs and pushing a stone.

"But I didn't expect that the general would actually train us personally."Nahash said

"Yeah, I didn't expect that. I just asked casually, but I didn't expect that he would actually agree."Goziqi replied

"Okay, let’s take a break today. We will officially start training tomorrow. Disband!"



"Hmm? It's Chi Tong, what's the matter?" Goziqi turned around and saw Chi Tong and asked

"When Hei Tong and I were captured by the enemy, Hei Tong's reaction was very strange after he stopped taking the medicine. Is it really okay to take that kind of medicine?" Chi Tong asked

"……As long as you don't stop taking the medicine, you'll be fine."

"But let her continue to take that medicine……"

"That is a strengthening drug, to put it bluntly, it is to protect her. If it weren't for taking this drug, your sister might have died before she saw you again."Goziqi explained

"If you have to take drugs to fight, then don't fight at all! I'll do it.……"

"Did Hei Tong say this? Did Hei Tong say that he didn't want to fight anymore?"Gozzi's question interrupted what Chi Tong was saying.

"I know, Akahite, you want to say that you will take Kurohite's place in the battle, right? However, in this matter, we must respect her wishes and must not let her will to continue the mission go to waste."

"……Will...?……"Akatsuki lowered her head and said softly

"If you, Chitong, heard that your life would be in danger during the mission and asked you not to go, would you give up?"Goziqi asked again


"Right, because you are doing this kind of mission, you must treat will as an important thing."


"Do you have any other questions?" Goziqi asked

"there is none left……"

"……Really?" Goziqi looked at Chitong deeply and then left.

"If I ask my father about the files, I'll probably get a similar answer.……"Chi Tong looked at Goziqi's back and thought to himself

"You didn't even ask me about anything related to the Empire... Did you not want to ask anymore? Or maybe……"As Goziqi walked down the corridor, he thought

"……We must assign her the next task as soon as possible. If she is idle, she will only have wild thoughts."Goziqi came to the office where Xigong was and walked in. Bald Bill happened to be here.

Xigong was an assistant official to Minister Ernest and was also one of the main people who instigated the country to do whatever he wanted.

"Thank you for your respectful words to General Budd."Goziqi said respectfully.

"He also likes to train young people, so it's not a difficult task."Xigong replied with a smile

"I suddenly thought of a headache. Now all kinds of thieves are spreading in various parts of the empire."Bill suddenly said

"I have also heard reports about this. In some places, the army has already stepped in to defeat the bandits." Said Nishimiya

"The leaders who have good cohesion will become difficult targets if they are not dealt with quickly." Bill said

"I have clearly requested that they deal with the objects that need to be dealt with as soon as possible."

"……As the leader of the assassination team, although we also want to strike as soon as possible, we don't have enough spies to provide intelligence now."Goziqi said his difficulties.

"Wait another month. I have already started recruiting private soldiers who can be secret agents from all over the country." Nishimiya said confidently, holding his chin with one hand.

"Private soldiers?"

"Lord Nishimiya has private territories all over the country that can be called paradise, and he trains various talents like assassins just like you."Bill explained.

"Such a thing……"Goziqi's face became solemn when he heard this.

"Of course I can do it, with my power and the imperial tool in my hand."As Nishimiya said this, he took out a book.

The book-shaped imperial tool, the World Encyclopedia [Longolongo], contains maps of the entire world and has certain records of every country. Especially within the empire, all resources, relics, products, etc. have very detailed data records. On the last page, there is even a prophecy of supernatural disasters that may occur in the empire in the future.

"This imperial weapon is great, I must use it for state affairs. And to make use of this knowledge, you need corresponding strength, but I am not a big shot, and I cannot mobilize the empire's soldiers without authorization.……"

"In order to have enough combat power to fight when the situation becomes desperate, to protect the empire and the people who are important to me, I set up a private army."Xigong explained to Goziqi with a serious face

"……In other words, he intends to become the next minister. Whatever, as long as we serve the empire, it's fine."Goziqi thought to himself.

"Therefore, you don't have to worry. I am recruiting secret agents. I know better than anyone the importance of a force that can operate in the dark. The idea of the assassination force was proposed by me."Xigong said with a smile


"He actually set up a private army. Isn't he afraid of being suspected by the ministers?"After saying goodbye to the West Palace, Goziqi and Bill returned to their rooms.

"Don't worry about that. The minister knows everything. He knows very well that this man will not threaten him. Bill explained.

"……The palace is really scary. Never mind, at least we can act in advance, that's enough."Goziqi said

"Be careful, the most dangerous moment is when you are careless."Bill reminded


Upon hearing this, Goziqi fell into deep thought.

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