"Wow... the bathhouse here is awesome!" Hei Tong stretched out in the bathtub and said


"I didn't expect there would be such a nice hot spring bath in the imperial capital." Tsukushi said as he poured a bucket of water on himself.

""Wow! It's so comfortable. I feel like my whole body is relaxed." Cornelia said

"Ha! I can finally leave Chu Yufan and let others train me."Boni said with emotion.

"Wow! You guys, what an adventure!"

"This meeting time is not bad, right?"

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Suzuka and Horse Head from the Four Rakshasa Ghosts. They also came to take a bath.

"I'm going to leave the capital tonight." Ma Tou said as he sat down next to Tsukushi.

"I also received the next mission~" Suzuka also said.

Then the six of them started chatting happily. Akahime looked at this warm scene and felt relieved.

At night, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.


The door of the room where Chitong and Heitong lived was suddenly opened quietly. Chitong, who couldn't sleep, put on a dark cloak, quietly left the place where he lived and came to the streets of the imperial capital.

Chitong began to wander around the corners of the empire, going to those places that Gozizi forbad to approach. The poor people Chitong saw there were the same as the poor people he saw in other places.

In the square, the bodies of those who were executed by the ministers were exposed to the sun.

"The people of the empire are indeed suffering greatly... I am clearly fighting for the happiness of the people.……"Chi Tong looked at the corpses on the square and thought to himself.

Not far from the square, two people were confronting each other. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be Goziqi and Chu Yufan.

"It's so late, what are you doing here? Chu Yufan."Goziqi looked at the boy in front of him and asked

"Aren't you the same? Goziqi."Chu Yufan said with a calm expression.

When Chi Tong slipped out of the room, he was discovered by Goziqi, so Goziqi followed Chi Tong from a distance. Chu Yufan also noticed Goziqi's actions, so he secretly followed him. When he found that Goziqi was following Chi Tong, Chu Yufan went in front of Goziqi and deliberately appeared to intercept him.

"……Did Maillard say anything to you during the fight?"Gozzi hesitated for a moment, then asked Chu Yufan.

"Of course, she said a lot of things about the empire. For example, Minister Ernest was the culprit who made the empire what it is now, and everything I and everyone else did was just to help the minister eliminate dissidents."

Chu Yufan's words made Goziqi's pupils shrink sharply, and his right hand unconsciously placed on the hilt of the imperial weapon Murasame.

"……You, what she said……"

"Of course I don't believe it. In my opinion, it is undoubtedly the most stupid thing to believe what the enemy says in battle."Chu Yufan said.

Goziqi did not answer Chu Yufan's words, but stared at Chu Yufan's face, trying to find some other flaws on his face, but Chu Yufan still looked calm.

"Everything you and everyone else have done is definitely not to eliminate dissidents for the ministers, but to eliminate the extremely evil people who try to start a war and destroy the peaceful life."After a long time, Goziqi slowly replied

"I am very clear about this point."Chu Yufan replied

"Well, don't hang around outside at night. Go home quickly!"Goziqi said

"Got it!" Chu Yufan said, then turned around and left.

"……"Goziqi looked at Chu Yufan's back, not knowing what he was thinking. He then planned to continue to follow Chi Tong, but then Goziqi realized that he had lost the trace of Chi Tong.




Chi Tong returned to her room and saw that Hei Tong had woken up and was walking around the room anxiously. After seeing Chi Tong coming back, she finally felt relieved.

"When I woke up, I saw that you were gone, I was so worried."

""I'm sorry to make you worry, Hei Tong." Chi Tong said embarrassedly.

While the sisters were talking in the room, Chu Yufan did not return to his residence.

There are many officials in the imperial capital who are in the political center of the empire. The reason for this situation is that the imperial capital is much safer than other places. Even a strong society like Oberg does not dare to easily carry out assassinations in the imperial capital.

This situation continued until the emergence of Night Raid. Only Night Raid dared to carry out assassinations in the imperial capital, but this is also a matter for the future.

Chu Yufan's purpose is naturally to find evidence that can confirm the Mailad file. Since the file records that the empire knew about this matter from the beginning, there must be a record of this matter somewhere now.

With his excellent sensing ability, Chu Yufan easily sneaked to the study of one of the imperial officials. He began to search. There were various materials in the study, and the most of them were materials on items used to bribe other officials.

After searching here without success, Chu Yufan began to move towards the house of the second official.

Tonight's night is still very long.

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