Although no information related to the archives was found, Chu Yufan was still surprised by the information hidden by these officials.

After all, these officials played too much, and one of the documents allowed Chu Yufan to see a little shadow of his own village.

The son of an official and the son of a wealthy businessman colluded with each other to play a game. Send people to some poor villages to buy young girls, and then bring them back to the imperial capital to take good care of them and gain their trust. After gaining the trust of the girls, they treat them inhumanely.

Although the information did not explain the incident in detail, Chu Yufan could still feel what these girls experienced in the process, the despair of going from hell to heaven and then falling back to hell.

"Is it almost dawn?"

Coming out of the official's house, I saw the sky in the distance starting to brighten. The sun was about to rise. Unfortunately, the sunlight could not dispel the darkness of the empire.

"It seems that we need to find a target.……"

If we just keep searching aimlessly, we probably won't find anything. We still need to determine a clear target. Unfortunately, assassins like Goziqi will definitely not leave any information for others to see.

Then, we can only look for Goziqi's upper level.


The next day, General Bud arrived at the training ground as scheduled and began training everyone. However, before the training officially began, Bud invited Chu Yufan to have a one-on-one exchange with him.

"Well, I am not very good at physical skills, so please show some mercy, General."Chu Yufan said

"Don't worry, I know my limits."Budd said.

Then the two began to spar. Chu Yufan flashed in front of Budd, jumped up and punched Budd's head.

Budd raised his hand to block instantly. Seeing this, Chu Yufan raised his leg and kicked Budd's arm away, then kicked Budd in the face again with a roundhouse kick.

Budd clenched his other hand into a fist, and then collided with Chu Yufan's kick. Chu Yufan took a few steps back and then attacked again.

Just as Chu Yufan was about to get close to Bud, Chu Yufan quickly turned around, went behind Bud and punched him madly.

""Ding, ding, ding."

Bud was wearing armor and felt the attack from behind. Bud turned around and threw a punch. The force of the punch made the air begin to flee. After Chu Yufan dodged the punch, he continued to use his speed to deal with it.

"This kid, did he find my weakness in the first round?"Unlike the agile Esdeath, Bud is a clumsy general. When he encounters an extremely fast opponent, he usually chooses to use his imperial equipment to fight the enemy.

However, now it is just a communication and exchange, so Bud will naturally not use his imperial equipment to deal with Chu Yufan, so he looks a little embarrassed in the eyes of the spectators.

"Hmm...very strong defense, totally different from the last time I met Esdeath." Chu Yufan thought as he kept attacking.

But Bud could be the strongest in the empire on par with Esdeath, so he was no pushover. After observing Chu Yufan's movement trajectory, Bud also started to punch back.


Bud's punch was a little unexpected to Chu Yufan, but Chu Yufan still dodged it, but his figure that had been moving non-stop also paused slightly.

Bud seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack on Chu Yufan. Chu Yufan, who was surrounded by the opponent's offensive, also chose to punch him directly. Both sides began to enter the real man fighting mode


After fighting for a while, both sides chose to punch each other hard for the last time, and then both of them stepped back a few steps and stopped.

"……Hahaha! What a pleasure! What a pleasure!"After being stunned for a moment, Budd said loudly.

"Please forgive me for any offense I have caused you." Chu Yufan still said politely.

"No problem, no problem, you are really a very good boy."Bud's expression returned to its original state, and then he praised

"Young man, I am afraid I have nothing to teach you. During your companions' training, you can be free to do whatever you want."

"Got it, General."


Five days have passed since Budd trained Chi Tong and others. Since Chu Yufan didn't have to participate, he became idle.

Of course, this was just a superficial idleness. These few nights, Chu Yufan would still wander around the hidden places in the imperial capital. But he still found nothing. However, today Chu Yufan slapped himself in the face and called himself an idiot.

He could investigate based on the strengthening medicine that Abbot and the other four had taken. It just so happened that Chi Tong's sister Hei Tong and Natara had taken the same medicine, so he could ask about the relevant matters.

But before the training started, Hei Tong and Natara were called back by the original assassination team, so now they could only go and ask Chi Tong.

However, when Chu Yufan saw Goziqi talking to Chi Tong, he temporarily gave up the idea. With the perception ability brought by the breathing method, Chu Yufan could feel that Chi Tong fell into confusion again after meeting Goziqi. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he had been brainwashed since childhood, and it was not as easy as he imagined to make a complete change. Moreover, Chu Yufan knew that Chi Tong, Nahaxiu and others regarded Goziqi as their real father.

Since Chi Tong's path was temporarily blocked, he could only take another path, which was to investigate Goziqi.

Why didn't Chu Yufan choose to subdue Goziqi directly? Because after spending some time together, Chu Yufan could see that Goziqi was the kind of person who would never betray the empire, so it was useless to directly capture him and torture him.

This was also because Goziqi's own thoughts had been distorted. As long as he did not betray the empire, even if he slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, he was serving the empire. In Goziqi's eyes, he was an object that he must be loyal to.

However, the process of investigating Goziqi was not smooth. Since everyone was now in the imperial capital, Goziqi ran directly to the palace when something happened.

As the imperial palace, the degree of strict defense was much beyond Chu Yufan's expectations. If you rush in and kill randomly, it might be feasible, but if you want to sneak in, it is more or less difficult.

But you don't have to enter the palace. After all, as a research institute, it would definitely not be built in the palace, so as long as we observe the people who have more contact with Goziqi, and then investigate, we can find out who is the boss of Hei Tong and Natara.

However, Chu Yufan, who was concentrating on investigating Goziqi, did not know that his actions had been accidentally discovered by Cornelia.

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