"Sister Cole, what happened?" Tsukushi looked at Cornelia who looked a little absent-minded and couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Ah... Tsukushi... I... No, nothing happened." Cornelia said hesitantly after hearing what Tsukushi said. Although Tsukushi felt a little strange, it seemed that Cornelia didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"Why did Chu Yufan follow his father? Did his father do something to Chu Yufan?"

Since she told Chikushi and Bonnie about herself and Chu Yufan last time, with their encouragement, Cornelia decided to use this training time to find out whether Chu Yufan heard what she said to him at that time.

However, Chu Yufan did not need to train, so the opportunity to talk to him could only wait until the evening. One night, Cornelia just came out of her room and found Chu Yufan walking outside. Out of curiosity, she quietly followed him.

Cornelia found that Chu Yufan was following her father Goziqi. Of course, if it was just one time, there was nothing special, but in the next few days, Chu Yufan would follow Goziqi when he went out, which seemed very abnormal.

This made Cornelia often distracted during the training process of a few days, which was also noticed by Akato and others who were training together, including Bud.

Since Cornelia has always been taken care of by Goziqi, the task of psychological counseling is naturally his responsibility.

""Cornelia, I heard from General Bud that you were often distracted during the training these days. Did something happen?" Goziqi asked softly, looking at the nervous Cornelia in front of him.

"Father...I……"Cornelia opened her mouth but said nothing because she was wondering whether she should tell Chu Yufan about it.

"Cornelia, you are the most obedient of my few children, and the best sister in everyone's eyes. I know that you are under great pressure, but you don't need to keep this pressure in your heart. You can tell us and let us share it together."

"We are a family."

As expected of a father who had taken care of Cornelia since she was a child, Goziqi's simple words made Cornelia relax. Then she told him about Chu Yufan following her.

"I see……"Although Goziqi appeared calm on the surface, his heart was already in turmoil.

The last time he bumped into Chu Yufan outside by accident, Goziqi had already begun to doubt whether Chu Yufan's position had wavered.

However, due to his strength being too strong, sending secret agents to monitor him would undoubtedly alert the enemy, and coupled with the fact that Chi Tong's thoughts were beginning to waver at the time, Goziqi chose to calm Chi Tong down first.

So when Cornelia said that Chu Yufan had been following her for several days in a row, Goziqi was immediately very surprised. In addition to the fact that he had not noticed that he was being followed, he was also surprised by Chu Yufan's straightforward actions.

"……Did Chu Yufan find out that you were following him?"Gozzi thought for a while and then asked

"Probably... no." Cornelia said uncertainly

"……Cornelia, I don't remember doing anything to Chu Yufan. So I don't know why Chu Yufan is following me, but I hope you can continue to follow Chu Yufan."

"Why? Father, can we sit down and have a good discussion with Chu Yufan?"Cornelia asked in confusion

"If it's because of something that's hard to talk about, wouldn't it be embarrassing to ask Chu Yufan directly? So you continue to follow him and see if he has any hidden secrets, and then communicate with Chu Yufan after you figure it out."Goziqi explained.

Goziqi's idea is that sending secret agents to monitor Chu Yufan will inevitably be noticed by him. But Cornelia's tracking was not noticed by Chu Yufan, so letting Cornelia continue to track and monitor is undoubtedly the best choice.

More importantly, unlike Akagi, Cornelia is a very obedient child.

"……I understand, father."


That night, Goziqi went out to the palace as usual, and Chu Yufan had been waiting for Goziqi to go out early. There was nothing special discovered in the past few days. Since he could not enter the palace, he did not know who Goziqi had met.

Because every time Goziqi left the palace and returned to his residence, he acted alone.

But tonight I did gain something else. When I just followed Goziqi to the palace, an acquaintance had been following me.

Chu Yufan quickly ran into a small path. The people behind him hurriedly followed him. When they just entered the path, they found that they had lost sight of Chu Yufan.

"What are you doing here so late at night, Sister Ke Er?" Chu Yufan appeared silently behind Cornelia like a ghost, which really scared her.

"Wow! Chu Yufan... why are you here?" Cornelia said incoherently.

"What do you mean, why am I here? Aren't you following me?" Chu Yufan couldn't help but find Cornelia's expression funny.

"How...how did you know I was following you? Didn't you notice it a few days ago?"

""What?! Have you been following me for the past few days?" Chu Yufan was shocked when he heard this. Was it true? Cornelia had been following him for several days? How come he didn't notice it at all?

"Hum~ It seems that Chu Yufan, your vigilance needs to be improved."Seeing Chu Yufan's reaction, Cornelia instantly understood that Chu Yufan had not noticed her following him a few days ago.

Cornelia suddenly felt quite accomplished and completely forgot that she was following someone else.

""Sister Ke'er, why do you look so proud? Aren't you following me? This is scary, okay? Anyway, Sister Ke'er, why are you following me?" Chu Yufan couldn't help but complain when he saw Cornelia's expression.

"Um... this... I……"Cornelia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She wanted to explain but didn't know what to say. She couldn't just ask Chu Yufan why he was following Goziqi. If she could ask directly, she wouldn't have to follow him.

""Alas, Sister Cole, it's easy for others to misunderstand that you like me if you do this." Seeing Cornelia's expression of being at a loss again, Chu Yufan immediately joked.

However, what Chu Yufan didn't expect was that when he said this, Cornelia's expression of being at a loss suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a serious and solemn expression as she looked at Chu Yufan.

"I do like you."

Well, now it was Chu Yufan's turn to be at a loss.

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