Although Chu Yufan was very worried about the safety of the Hesha couple, he could not leave Abbot alone. So he helped Abbot find his sister first, but he could not find her anywhere. Just then, Chu Yufan heard Abbot's shouting in the distance and followed the sound.

As soon as he passed through the bushes, he saw Abbot being strangled by a man, and it looked like Abbot was about to die. So Chu Yufan took out the dagger he had been hiding without thinking and rushed forward, cutting the man's arm with one knife and blocking Abbot.

"Are there four people on the other side? That's right!"After Chu Yufan stood in front of Abbott, he began to observe the situation on the scene. After seeing the number of people on the other side and Abbott's sister lying in the house, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Hahaha, you were actually injured by a child, you are too weak."Seeing the man injured, the other three men walked out and mocked the injured man.

"MD! I'm going to kill you!"The injured man looked embarrassed.���, so the man used his uninjured arm to draw the weapon from his waist and rushed towards Chu Yufan's position


Contrary to the man's expectation, Chu Yufan did not dodge his weapon but directly blocked it with his dagger. The key point is that the man felt that the weapon in his hand was like hitting a wall and could not move forward. This surprised the man a little. Chu Yufan looked like he was only in his early teens. How could he have such great strength?

"Who are you? How are the other people in the village?" Chu Yufan pushed the man's weapon away with a little force. Then he did not attack, but asked the four people.

Seeing that the man was actually forced back by a child like Chu Yufan, the three people behind him also felt that Chu Yufan was not an ordinary person, so they quickly drew their weapons and confronted him.

"We are the rebels. You asked the other people in the village what to do? Of course we killed them. What else can we do? Hahaha!"Feeling that we have more people, the injured man started to dance on the minefield.

"Why do you want to do this? Is there any meaning in it?"Chu Yufan's expression changed from cold to calm.

"Hahaha, after becoming a rebel, I can kill people if I want, have money if I want, and have women if I want. What's the point of doing this? The point is that it's fun! Hahaha."The man answered Chu Yufan's question as if he heard a joke.

Chu Yufan had a calm face and looked at the four people with no ripples in his eyes.

"You two will die today! Follow the villagers!"The man looked at Chu Yufan's calm expression, and the wound on his arm began to hurt again, so he roared at Chu Yufan and rushed forward again.

The long knife in the man's hand chopped vertically towards Chu Yufan's position, and only a"clang" sound was heard. The long knife in the man's hand chopped the ground, and Chu Yufan, who should have been there, disappeared.

"Watch out behind you!"

The man was startled when he heard his companion's warning, and suddenly picked up the knife that was split on the ground and chopped it behind him.

"Water Breathing, Form 1, Water Surface Slash."

The man felt his neck suddenly go cold, and then blood gushed out. The knife in his hand that hadn't cut Chu Yufan also fell to the ground. The man covered the wound on his neck with both hands in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but it was useless and the blood kept flowing.

"open......Just kidding......I can......never heard of that......There is this......Monster......"

The man's vocal cords were not completely severed, and his mumblings before death were heard by Chu Yufan beside him. Before Chu Yufan had time to think about the meaning of the man's words, he was attracted by the exclamations of the other three people.

"MD! You actually killed him!"The three of them saw this scene and couldn't help but roared

"If you plan to kill someone, you must also be prepared to be killed."Chu Yufan said calmly

"Go! Kill him!"The three of them rushed towards Chu Yufan at the same time.

"Water Breathing, Form Three, Flowing Dance."

The three of them only felt a flash before their eyes, and then they found that their necks had been cut open, and they were killed immediately.

Abbott watched the whole process of what happened, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Everything that happened today was like a dream, his home was destroyed, his family was killed, and he thought he had no way to avenge his family, but in the blink of an eye, his enemies were all killed by his companions alone.

"Abbot! Abbot!"Chu Yufan came to Abbot, shook his shoulders and said

"Chu Yufan, ah! My sister! She......"Abbott finally reacted to Chu Yufan's cry and rushed to the house to check on his sister. Then he despairingly found that his sister was dead.


"Chu Yufan.....Go find Grandma Hertha and Grandpa Herbert.......I'm fine alone......."

"......I understand."

Chu Yufan walked behind Abbott, wanting to say something but unable to. Abbott knew that Chu Yufan was going to comfort him, but Chu Yufan had more important things to do at this time. So Abbott asked Chu Yufan to go find Hesha and his wife. Chu Yufan hesitated after hearing this, and left straight away.

Chu Yufan ran quickly along the road, and finally came to the home where he had lived for a year. At this time, the house had become a ruin, and Hesha fell alone in front of her house, motionless. Chu Yufan slowly approached Hesha and squatted down. Hesha was hit by an arrow in the heart. She was holding clothes in her hand, and it seemed that she was shot to death by a bow and arrow while hanging clothes.

Looking at Hesha's face���With an expression of disbelief, Chu Yufan reached out and closed Hesha's eyes.


Chu Yufan exhaled lightly. For some reason, he did not feel anger or hatred at this moment. Chu Yufan's heart was so calm that even he himself found it incredible.

Chu Yufan walked around the house and suddenly found that he did not see Herbert. This gave Chu Yufan a glimmer of hope that maybe Herbert just went out and avoided the disaster.

However, when he saw Herbert's torn body neatly hung on the fence of the field, his only hope was shattered.

"Rebels...right?……"Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Yufan said softly.

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