Except for the four rebels killed by Chu Yufan, the other rebels had left the village early. As for why the four rebels stayed, everyone knows. And it is obvious that their luck is quite bad. They met the strongest guy among the children and lost their lives.

This can be regarded as their own fault.

Scott also rushed to the village quickly after defeating the sneak attack of the rebels at the place of attack. Obviously, the tragic situation in the village made the housekeeper look unhappy.

Scott quickly dispatched all his men to enter the village to search for survivors and take out the bodies of the villagers. The children who had entered the village were taken back to the village entrance.

"Woo woo woo……"

The children cried in pain when they saw their family members being carried out one by one in the form of corpses. When

Abbott saw the corpses of his family members again, his eyes were dull and he stopped crying, as if he had cried all his tears dry. Chu Yufan didn't cry either, or he wanted to cry but couldn't no matter what he did. Is it because he has no emotions? Or are the Hersha couple not important to him? Chu Yufan himself didn't know.

As for the other children, the joy of being able to meet their families was long gone, replaced by the pain of losing their families and the spark of hatred buried deep in their hearts. As long as someone ignites this fire now, it will instantly release tremendous power like a volcanic eruption.

"Mr. Scott, all the bodies of the villagers have been moved out. All the villagers are dead, there is no survivor."A guard reported to Scott after counting the number of people.

"So that's it……"Scott murmured, sounding as if he was regretting

"Kids!" Scott walked up to the kids and shouted to them.

"I'm sorry that this happened. If Lord Orrick and I had made arrangements in advance, perhaps your family would not have died. Here... I really... feel sorry for you!" Scott, who was relatively calm at the beginning, began to cry later.

"This is not your fault! It is not Lord Orrick's fault! This is all caused by the rebels! It is their fault!"Just when the children looked at each other, not knowing what to say, Abbott suddenly stood up and shouted:

"Yes! It's the rebels' fault!"

"Damn the rebels, I must destroy them and avenge my family!"

"You're right! I want to avenge my family too!"

Abbott's words instantly ignited the flames of hatred in the children's hearts. They shouted loudly, determined to eliminate the so-called rebels to avenge their families.

Anyone would be blinded by hatred, let alone a group of teenagers. This also means that these children will follow all the orders of Orrick and Scott without hesitation until their lives wither away.

"Thank you... Let's bury the villagers together." Scott said gratefully when he saw the children's reaction.

With the efforts of everyone, the bodies of the villagers were buried together at the entrance of the village. After all, there was no way to transport the bodies back to the city, so they could only choose to bury them in the village.

The next day, the team returned to the city again. Compared with the atmosphere when they came, the atmosphere when they returned was undoubtedly heavy.


"The above is the complete report of the incident, Lord Orrick."

In the mansion, Scott was reporting to Orrick everything that happened in the village.

"It seems that our first step has been successful."Orik looked at the report carefully and said with a smile

"However, what about the death of the four guards mentioned in the report?"Orik asked when he saw the report mentioning this.

"Four guards who played the role of rebels were killed by someone unknown, and they were stabbed in the throat and died in one blow."Scott explained

"There should have been no other outsiders at the scene at the time, so it is very likely that these four people were killed by one of the children."

"Are you kidding me? Scott, a kid, can you easily kill my four guards? If that's the case, then my safety is questionable."Orik said in disbelief after listening to Scott's explanation. Are you kidding me? The guards were trained by him after years of hard work. Although they are not as good as the senior troops in the capital, they can't be killed just because they want to.

"If these four guards were really killed by one of the children, then this child must be a top-notch killer, even better than the Empire's assassination troops."Scott looked at Orrick and explained.

"Oh? Is that really the case?"Orik obviously didn't believe it.

"As far as I know, the training of the Imperial Assassination Force is very bloody and cruel, and they are selected from children. The children who can survive are stronger than ordinary guards, which is why the Imperial Capital Assassination Force can dominate the Empire."Scott explained again

"Forget it, I don't really understand these. Scott, just do whatever you want to do, don't worry too much."Orik said

"……I understand, Lord Orrick."


"How is it going……"

In the forest outside the city, three figures were meeting. One of the men with long hair asked another:

"Orrick's first step has been completed, and the children have begun to be brainwashed"

"Well, I didn't expect this idiot to be so capable. He first made himself the benefactor of the village, then asked his guards to pretend to be rebels and attack the children's village and let the children watch. After that, he brainwashed them and made them his own assassination team. Humph, the idea is good, but the upper limit is too low."The man commented disdainfully.

"There was also a small episode in which Orrick played four guards of the rebels and was killed by one of the children with one blow."

"Oh? Interesting, the oldest of those kids is only fifteen years old... There are kids who can do this. Although the guards of Orrick are a bunch of scum, they are not targets that children can kill. Have you found out which child did it?"The man's eyes lit up when he heard the news. This is a talented killer.

"Scott has just started his investigation, and the details are not yet clear."

"Okay, you continue to follow up on this matter. Especially this child, you need to make it clear to me whether it is true or not, understand?"


After the subordinate left, the bald man who had been silent asked

"You seem very excited……"

"Of course, a teenager being able to kill a beast is not the same as a teenager being able to kill four guards."The long-haired man said

"Humph... Only you would believe such a fantasy." The bald man taunted and left.

"A fantasy? Not necessarily.……"Looking at the bald man's departing back, the long-haired man spoke softly.

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