"……Are you saying that the member of your team named Chu Yufan is secretly investigating me?"In the palace, Bald Bill couldn't help but frowned when he heard what Goziqi said.

"In this case, why not just get rid of this player named Chu Yufan?"Bill said doubtfully, the stupidest way.

"If it were that simple, I wouldn't have to tell you. Chu Yufan is a guy who can fight the imperial general head-on. I'm no match for him."After listening to Bill's advice, Goziqi wanted to tell him directly that if you can do it, go ahead.

"Hmm... Goziqi, you really got yourself into trouble."

"Although it is troublesome, it must be said that his presence has reduced the casualties a lot... In short, you should hide some things well and don't let them be discovered."Goziqi said

"Okay, I'll do it in a moment. So, what are you going to do with Chu Yufan? Do you need me to lend you someone?" Bill asked.

"Of course, the more elite teams there are, the better. If he joins the rebels, the rebels will become more powerful. So, we must do our best to kill him."Gozzi said after thinking for a while.

"But how do you know he will attack me?" Bill suddenly asked curiously.

"Because the only clue he could find was the original strengthening medicine."


"Wow! Sister Cole, I didn't expect you to be so bold!"Tsukushi said happily

"Yes, yes! What happened in the end? What did Chu Yufan say?"Boni asked hurriedly

"Uh... He said he just treats me as a friend……"Hearing Bonnie's words, Cornelia said helplessly

"What? He could actually reject the lovely and beautiful Miss Ke Er? Is this true?"

"But he said he doesn't have anyone he likes right now, so I still have a chance."Cornelia then said confidently

"Then Sister Cole, you have to work hard!" Chikushi cheered

"Is Cornelia here?"Goziqi's voice came from outside the door.

"Yes, father"

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

""Okay, father, I'll be right there."

Cornelia followed Gozizi away.

After a while, Cornelia returned to the room with a sad face.

"What happened? What did father say?"Tsukushi and Bonnie asked.

"Ah... nothing... nothing... I'll rest first." Cornelia obviously didn't want to say what happened, and then she got into bed. Tsukushi and Bonnie looked at each other, and both saw worry in each other's eyes. Two days later, that night...

Chu Yufan sneaked out again. After investigation, he already knew Bill's current residence. If the target is not wrong, then he will know a lot of things tonight.

When he came to the gate of Bill's residence, the guards inside were quite strict, but it was not difficult for Chu Yufan. Keeping around the guards, Chu Yufan came all the way to the room where the files might be stored and went in to check

"Strange, why are there only some palace defense maps, officials' schedules and the like? Is it because of the assassination team?"Chu Yufan kept looking through the archives, but found nothing.

"Mission report... No, shouldn't it be?" Chu Yufan, who found nothing, looked strange. At this moment, the whole house suddenly sounded the alarm.

"Discovered?"Just before Chu Yufan made any move, the door of the room was suddenly opened. Several smoke-emitting objects rolled in. Chu Yufan immediately held his breath.

"Poison gas? No, it should be anesthetic smoke."Chu Yufan fell to the ground.

After a while, four people in black clothes came in. Seeing Chu Yufan lying on the ground, they stepped forward to control him.



As soon as the four men in black approached, they were knocked to the ground by Chu Yufan who pretended to be unconscious. After dealing with the four men, Chu Yufan hurriedly ran out of the room.


At this time, the corridor outside the room was full of men in black. Seeing this, Chu Yufan broke through the window and fled to the outer courtyard of the house.


""Da da da."

Seeing this, the people upstairs opened their windows and fired at Chu Yufan's location. Chu Yufan quickly dodged and ran out of the house.

"Intruder spotted!"

There were already many men in black guarding the outer wall of the house. When they saw Chu Yufan coming from a distance, they hurriedly shouted to warn him.

"Looks like a trap set by the other party?"Chu Yufan realized at this time that he was being controlled by the other party.

However, these people alone can't stop me.

""Swoosh" a figure jumped out from the bushes beside Chu Yufan and slashed at Chu Yufan with a sword.


Chu Yufan immediately drew his sword to block the sword. When he saw the person attacking him, his pupils suddenly shrank.


The one who attacked Chu Yufan was Nahaxiu. Under Goziqi's arrangement, he had been lying in ambush here waiting for Chu Yufan's arrival.

"I didn't expect you to come here, you traitor who betrayed the empire!"

Nahash was very angry. When Goziqi told him that Chu Yufan had betrayed the empire, he was unwilling to believe it no matter what, until Chu Yufan came here just as Goziqi said.

"What? I betrayed the empire?"Chu Yufan was confused. Although he might betray the empire in the future, he hadn't done so yet.

"You followed the rebels' orders and came here to steal the palace's defense map and officials' travel plans, so that the rebels can assassinate their targets in the future!" Nahaxiu said.


At this time, Chu Yufan was completely sure that he had fallen into a trap carefully set by the other party. While Chu Yufan was still thinking, Nahaxiu attacked him again, and Chu Yufan had no choice but to fight back passively.

"Goziqi will not let only Nahaxiu come to intercept me. There must be others coming. Let's leave here first."

Chu Yufan made up his mind and his attack became fierce in an instant. A thrust directly knocked Nahaxiu back. After Nahaxiu stabilized his body, he found that Chu Yufan had already fled here.

"Everyone, give chase immediately!"


Chu Yufan escaped from Bill's house and headed towards the outskirts of the imperial capital. It was obviously impossible for him to return to the assassination team now, so he left here first and made plans later.


Chu Yufan stopped and hid in the shadows. A group of men in black were passing by.

"The target has entered the city and is expected to choose to quickly escape from the imperial capital. All entrances and exits will be locked immediately!"


"Huh! It seems that it is not possible to leave without bloodshed."Chu Yufan didn't want to kill his peers in the assassination team. After all, they were also deceived by the empire, but now was not the time to hold back. Even someone as strong as Chu Yufan would die if he was hit in the vitals by a gun.

Chu Yufan began to run towards the entrance and exit of the imperial capital. The walls of the imperial capital were towering into the sky. If you wanted to leave the imperial capital, you had to go through the city gate.

"Huh?! What is that?"

Chu Yufan noticed that the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and at the city gate he saw a familiar figure, General Budd, one of the strongest generals in the empire.

"Hmm? Is it coming?"

The armor on Bud's body emitted a black light, and then he stretched out his hands and pointed them at Chu Yufan. Then he quickly condensed a black lightning energy ball between his palms and fired it at Chu Yufan under his shocked eyes.

The speed of the lightning energy ball was almost able to catch up with the speed of Thunder's breathing, and it came in front of Chu Yufan in an instant. Chu Yufan was caught off guard and could only choose to take it head-on.

"Hmm! Is this...electricity?" Chu Yufan was startled again as he felt his arm go numb. Taking advantage of the moment when the energy ball paused, he quickly jumped out of the attack range.

"Hmm...did you dodge it?" Seeing this, Bud planned to launch another energy ball.

"Hey! That’s almost enough!"

"Lightning Breathing, Type 1, Thunderbolt Flash"


Bud hurriedly raised his arms to protect his head, and then Chu Yufan slashed his arms fiercely with a knife, but it did not cut through Bud's armor.

Because the armor worn by General Bud was the Imperial Gear·Thunder God's Wrath [Admiller], which could control lightning for long-range attacks and launch lightning-like energy balls to attack. At the same time, it could also form lightning armor around the body, which would paralyze the enemy when it touched it.

General Bud has been cooperating with the Imperial Gear for many years, and now he can even control the weather to attack, such as now.

The dark clouds in the sky began to shine, and a lightning bolt rushed down from the sky, targeting Chu Yufan who was in front of Bud.


The thunder struck the ground, creating a loud noise that attracted the attention of everyone in the imperial capital.

"You actually chose to leave there? What bad luck."Goziqi, who was guarding another city gate, saw the lightning in the distance and immediately knew what was going on.

"Notify all assassination troops to gather at the city gate of General Budd and be sure to kill the traitor of the empire here!"


On the other side, the smoke caused by the lightning strike gradually dissipated, leaving behind a large pit, but no trace of Chu Yufan was found.

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