"Young man, you are the first person who can dodge my attack." Bud looked at the empty pit and couldn't help but say.

""Phew! It's my honor, General." Chu Yufan, who dodged the attack, exhaled lightly and replied.

Chu Yufan finally understood why Bud's attack mode was the kind of big and fierce, because his imperial weapon's attack was to control lightning, and its attack speed was extremely fast. In addition, his imperial weapon was an armor-type imperial weapon that could protect itself, and it could be called an imperial weapon with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

"It seems that it is not so easy to defeat him.……"Chu Yufan thought to himself.

Since the weapon he used was just the most common weapon, it would be difficult to break Bud's imperial weapon defense even if it was combined with the breathing method.

"Hmm? Everyone else is starting to rush over here. We can't get stuck here."Chu Yufan felt that all the fighters in the imperial capital had begun to gather here, and he didn't have much time left.

"Thunder Breath, Form Three, Gathering Mosquitoes into Thunder."

Chu Yufan began to spin around Bud at high speed, while the sword in his hand slashed at various parts of Bud's body like lightning.

"Such a fast speed, this speed is not weaker than the lightning attack launched by [Admelech]……"Bud looked at Chu Yufan attacking him and thought to himself.

Now the only weakness of Bud is his head which is not covered by the imperial weapon, which means he may need to be beheaded. But Bud's reaction speed is not slow, and he can still respond to Chu Yufan's attack in time.

"Don't be so arrogant, young man!"

Bud clenched his fists and then quickly collided them in front of his chest. A huge lightning bolt fell from the sky again, instantly covering the two of them.

"Uh……"Chu Yufan was hit head-on, and the paralysis caused by the lightning instantly made Chu Yufan kneel on the ground.

Bud saw Chu Yufan kneeling on the ground, so he stopped attacking and slowly walked to Chu Yufan to take him away.

"Snake's Breath, Two Forms, Narrow Head and Poisonous Fangs"


Chu Yufan, who was supposed to be kneeling on the ground, suddenly stood up and slashed at Bud's head. Bud raised his arms to block, but Chu Yufan's knife was twisted, passed through the gap between his arms and cut Bud's face.


The lightning in the sky fell again, and this time Chu Yufan directly dodged the lightning.

"It’s not over yet!"

Feeling the pain from the wound on his face, Bud angrily controlled the imperial weapon. The dark clouds in the sky became denser and denser, and soon many white spots appeared in the sky.

"The Thunder Emperor is here!"


Countless lightning bolts fell from the sky, covering Bud's area. Chu Yufan couldn't help but scream at the airtight attack, and then he was submerged in the thunderstorm.

After a long time, the ground was in a mess. However, there was no sign of Chu Yufan. Bud was on guard everywhere, and then he found that the city gate that was originally closed was now opened.

"……Did you take the opportunity to escape?"

"Da da da"

"General Bud, are you okay?"Goziqi and other members of the assassination team arrived at this time.

"It's okay, he just escaped."Bud said regretfully, but Goziqi soon noticed a small wound on Bud's face.

"If Chu Yufan is holding the [One Hit Kill] Murasame in his hand now……"Goziqi suddenly felt a chill, and his murderous intent towards Chu Yufan became even stronger.

"Everybody, start chasing!"


After Chu Yufan escaped from the imperial capital, he ran towards the forest. However, when Chu Yufan was fighting with Bud, Goziqi sent a small number of team members out of the city to intercept Chu Yufan's possible escape route.

Therefore, when Chu Yufan just entered the forest, he was attacked by the assassination team.

"Found the target, attack!"

Five assassination team members charged at Chu Yufan, looking at the team members of similar age. Chu Yufan took a deep breath, and his fluctuating heart regained its calm.

Chu Yufan's figure disappeared instantly. When the assassination team members reacted, their heads had fallen to the ground, and they watched Chu Yufan run into the depths of the forest. Of course, there were also a small number of assassination troops guarding the depths of the forest, but it was obvious that these people were just sending their heads.


Yufan just rushed out of the forest and ran into a dozen assassination team members.

"Da da da"

Without any extra nonsense, the team members picked up their guns and madly poured bullets at Chu Yufan

"Breath of the Wind, Form 1, Dust Whirlwind·Slashing."

Chu Yufan rushed forward at high speed, facing the barrage of bullets, and the spiral wind blades around him deflected all the incoming bullets. At the same time, he rushed into the center of the assassination team, and then he started to harvest them with his sword.

"Woo ah......Woohoo, please don't kill me!......"

The last member of the team was left. Seeing how powerful Chu Yufan was, he immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy in fear. But Chu Yufan didn't care about that and killed him with a knife. When the member fell to the ground, he revealed a flare hidden in his hand. It was thought that he wanted to send a signal to others while Chu Yufan was hesitating, but he didn't expect Chu Yufan to be so decisive.

After dealing with these people, Chu Yufan moved forward again. After a while, other members of the assassination team came here. When they saw the corpses all over the ground, they showed expressions of horror and anger.

"The target should not have run far, everyone should start to disperse and search immediately. After finding the target, do not fight with it, give priority to passing the signal to others."

"Got it!"

Everyone began to spread out and conduct a carpet search, and the person who just commanded the assassination team was led by Cornelia.

"Why......Chu Yufan......"Cornelia looked at the corpses on the ground and thought painfully.

When Goziqi told Cornelia that Chu Yufan had betrayed the empire, she was unwilling to believe it no matter what. This was the first time she doubted what her father said.

But when Chu Yufan investigated the empire's confidential documents as Goziqi said, Cornelia believed everything Goziqi said and joined the siege of Chu Yufan.

""Huh!" Cornelia exhaled lightly, put away her thoughts and found a direction to move forward, and the direction she moved in happened to be the direction Chu Yufan had just left.

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