As the saying goes, I can make countless mistakes, but you can only make one mistake. This sentence is perfect to describe Goziqi's imperial weapon.

Imperial weapon·One-hit kill·Murasame, even if the skin is scratched by this knife, the person hit will die instantly. This is also the reason why Chu Yufan is so afraid of being surrounded. If it is a one-on-one duel with Goziqi, it would be easy to deal with, but Goziqi will not be stupid enough to fight you one-on-one.

For example, now, Goziqi has surrounded this place with many people. In addition to the assassination team, even Bud himself has followed.

"Father, I……"

"My stupid daughter, have you forgotten what I told you? The enemy will use all kinds of sweet words to deceive you!"Goziqi looked at Cornelia and scolded

"But father, Chu Yufan did this for a reason, there must be a misunderstanding here!"Cornelia took two steps forward and said to Goziqi seriously.

Goziqi also noticed the file in Cornelia's hand, so he stepped forward to grab the file and check it.

"Just because of this report provided by the rebels, you believe them so easily?"Gozzi flipped through the file, tore it to pieces, and then scolded Cornelia.


"Cornelia, are you planning to commit treason like him?"


Cornelia clenched her fists, lowered her head and trembled all over. At this moment, she didn't know what to do next.

"Everyone, surround this place."Goziqi stopped talking when he saw this. Instead, he gave orders to the people behind him and said respectfully to Bud.

"Please, General, fight the enemy with me."

""Well... OK." Bud hesitated for a moment, then answered. After all, he probably couldn't stop Chu Yufan by himself.

Bud then stepped forward and stood not far from Chu Yufan. Then he raised his arms, and the familiar attack began to condense again. The lightning energy ball appeared again and fired at Chu Yufan.

Chu Yufan was about to dodge, but Goziqi's attack followed, and the Murasame in his hand also made Chu Yufan feel chilled.


""Thunder Breath, Land Type, Lightning and Thunder."

In an instant, countless lightning-like slashes were released in all directions with Chu Yufan as the center. Goziqi, who was close to Chu Yufan, was directly injured and retreated, and the energy ball fired by Bud was also dispersed in this attack.

"Thunder Breath, Form of Thunder, Distant Thunder."

Chu Yufan quickly approached Goziqi, intending to kill this guy first. Just as he was about to approach, several members of the assassination team stood in front of Goziqi.

"Get out of the way!"

Chu Yufan changed his sword path, and killed the guy who was blocking his way with a few swords. At this time, the lightning in the sky came again, and Chu Yufan had no choice but to retreat.


Chu Yufan retreated, and suddenly felt goose bumps all over his body. Goziqi's longer arm touched him at some point, and Chu Yufan's ankle was almost scratched by Murasame.

"Damn! This combination is really good!" Chu Yufan thought to himself

"Breath of Thunder, Form One, Thunderbolt Flash."

As soon as his legs landed on the ground, Chu Yufan used his fighting skills again. He chopped at Bud's head, but was still blocked by the armor on his arm.

"Yade Miller!"

The lightning from the sky fell again, Chu Yufan hurriedly dodged, and then he saw from the corner of his eye that Goziqi, the sixth man, was attacking again.

At this time, Goziqi no longer planned to fight with Chu Yufan in close combat, and used the characteristics of the four Rakshasa ghosts that could freely control their bodies to cooperate with Bud to launch an attack.

"Give up, young man, you can't escape from here. If you surrender, you may still be able to save your life."Bud looked at Chu Yufan who had persisted for a long time and couldn't help but said

""Huh! Sorry, General. I'm afraid I'll be killed the moment I surrender." Chu Yufan began to adjust his breathing and then said slowly.

"I'm not very proficient in this breathing method yet. If I force myself to use it, my body might not be able to bear it. But I have no choice but to use it now." Chu Yufan switched to a breathing method and felt his body crackling. He thought to himself,

"bring it on!"

"Breath of the Moon, Shape of the Land, Lonely Moon in the Long Night, No Space."

Chu Yufan came to Budd, who kept blocking his way, and released a rapid slash. Budd saw a large amount of sword energy coming towards him, and hurriedly defended himself. The sword energy and the crescent moon blade contained in the sword energy hit Budd's armor, making a"ding-dong" collision sound.

Chu Yufan took advantage of the sword energy attacking Budd before it dissipated, and rushed towards the direction of Goziqi. Among the people present, only this guy was the most threatening, so he had to chop this old six first.

"Stop him!" Goziqi said hastily, and retreated quickly.

""The Breath of the Moon, the Form of Five, the Disaster of the Moon Soul."

Chu Yufan quickly twisted himself, and then a large number of slashes appeared around him, whistling out in all directions. Whatever came into contact with the slashes, whether it was the assassination team members or the trees in the forest, were all cut in half.

In an instant, the whole place was filled with screams of being cut in half. Seeing this, the remaining team members were so scared that they hurriedly retreated and dared not get close at all.

"This monster!"Goziqi couldn't help but cursed when he saw this. Chu Yufan's entire assassination team was almost wiped out.

"Breath of the Moon, Form 1, Dark Moon, Palace of Night"

""Kacha" The

Iai Slash, which was so fast that even Goziqi couldn't see it clearly, chopped towards Goziqi's neck. Goziqi, who originally thought he was dead, unexpectedly survived.

As Chu Yufan continued to fight, the knife in his hand had already reached its limit. When Chu Yufan pulled out the knife and planned to chop Goziqi, the knife couldn't hold on and broke directly in the middle.

After Goziqi was stunned for a moment, he swung Murasame and chopped towards Chu Yufan.

"MD! I should have gotten a better weapon earlier."Chu Yufan came to his senses and quickly retreated. Only then did he realize how important it was to have a good weapon.

Without a weapon, Chu Yufan immediately fell into a disadvantage. After all, he couldn't use his body to resist Murasame's attack.


Bud appeared in Chu Yufan's retreating path, unleashed a lightning attack, and punched Chu Yufan's arms. The strong paralysis made Chu Yufan's body pause for a moment.

Seeing this, Goziqi didn't intend to give up this opportunity. He quickly approached and slashed at Chu Yufan's back. At this time, Chu Yufan, whose body was paused, could no longer avoid Goziqi's knife.



Seeing that his fatal attack was blocked again, Goziqi roared at Cornelia who blocked the attack.

""Father! Chu Yufan has lost his weapon and can no longer resist. We should capture him alive and extract intelligence from the rebels!" Cornelia looked at Gozzi and explained.

Gozzi almost cursed when he heard it. Extract intelligence? What intelligence? He had been busy planning this for a long time, all for the purpose of killing Chu Yufan. How could he let him go now? He could fight the imperial generals and the assassination troops with just an ordinary knife. Such a person is impossible to control.

What's more, Chu Yufan's treason was originally a fabricated incident planned by Gozzi. If we really want to investigate it in depth, we will definitely find clues.

Therefore, Chu Yufan must die here today.

"Get out of my way! Cornelia!"Goziqi said again

"Father! Please think about it again!"

"Get out of the way!"

Goziqi stretched out his arm, grabbed Cornelia's hand and tried to pull her away, but Cornelia stood still and did not retreat.

In Cornelia's view, Chu Yufan was suppressed now, and there was no need to kill him. Of course, this was also because Cornelia did not want to see Chu Yufan being killed like this.

She wanted to find a balance in this matter and find a happy ending for everyone, but all this was just her wishful thinking.

From the beginning, this battle was a fight to the death.

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