As Cornelia and Gozizi confronted each other, Chu Yufan finally broke free from Bud's suppression and distanced himself from him.

"Cornelia, we don't need you to join the battle here, get out of here!"Seeing that the chance to kill with one strike was wasted, Goziqi ordered Cornelia.

However, Cornelia left her spot and stood in front of Chu Yufan.

"What are you going to do?" Goziqi asked angrily.

""Father, why are you so determined to kill Chu Yufan? This is totally different from what you did before!" Cornelia asked back.

In the past, Goziqi would have captured the enemy alive when the enemy could not resist. However, now Goziqi insisted on killing Chu Yufan, which seemed very abnormal.

"Or do you know the inside story?"

"Cornelia, I will warn you one last time. If you defend Chu Yufan again, I will sentence you to death on the spot for treason!"Gozzi did not answer Cornelia's question, but said with a fierce look in his eyes

""Father... I have always listened to you since I was little... But now... let me be willful for once!" Cornelia lowered her head, then raised it again and said firmly to Goziqi.

Goziqi's attitude had already made Cornelia feel that something was wrong. But she was still unwilling to doubt her father, but she was unwilling to let Chu Yufan die here.

Then, let's find a way to let Chu Yufan escape.

"Ms. Cole, I……"

"Don't say anything, Chu Yufan, I will cover you and find a way to escape from here. If there are any misunderstandings or other things later, we can talk about them later when we have the chance!" Cornelia interrupted Chu Yufan and said

"Goziqi, you didn't teach them well."Bud looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but complain.

"……"Goziqi did not answer, but his ugly expression expressed his inner thoughts at the moment.


Bud saw that Goziqi didn't answer him, so he didn't say anything. Instead, he condensed a lightning energy ball again and released it at the two people.

"Crushing King!"

Seeing this, Cornelia tried to use Crushing King to resist, but Chu Yufan pulled her away to avoid it.

"Sister Ke Er, this is an energy ball made of lightning, you can't take it head-on."Chu Yufan explained.

Lightning struck again in the sky, and Chu Yufan pulled Cornelia to dodge again. Goziqi on the other side also launched an attack, and Chu Yufan, who had no weapon, could only choose to dodge.


Cornelia dodged the attack and punched the ground, raising a cloud of thick smoke that blocked Gozizi's view.

"This is not a solution.……"Chu Yufan thought anxiously. At this moment, a savior appeared.

It was Nahashu, who finally followed and joined the battlefield. When he saw Chu Yufan, he picked up the Water Dragon Sword and slashed at him without saying a word.

""Wait a minute, Nahashu!" Cornelia was about to stop Nahashu, but was stopped by Goziqi who came through the smoke. Seeing Goziqi's angry face, Cornelia did not dare to neglect and fought with all her strength.

Nahashu raised the Water Dragon Sword and chopped it down at Chu Yufan. Chu Yufan directly caught Nahashu's weapon with his bare hands. It was obvious that he was bullying the Water Dragon Sword because it did not have the ability to kill with one blow, so he dared to touch the sword directly.

""I'm sorry, Nahashu!"

Chu Yufan folded his palms and pulled Nahashu over, then kicked him away. As Nahashu flew out, the Water Dragon Sword in his hand also slipped out of his hand and was taken by Chu Yufan. Unlike the imperial tools that need to recognize the master, the servant tools do not have the concept of recognizing the master, so Chu Yufan can use the Water Dragon Sword immediately after getting it.

"Breath of the Moon, Second Form, Pearl Flower Playing with the Moon."

Feeling a strong wind coming from behind him, Chu Yufan threw two sword energies backwards without thinking. Budd, who ran behind Chu Yufan, saw this and hurriedly resisted the sword energy. Chu Yufan took the opportunity to run towards the battlefield between Goziqi and Cornelia.


But before he took two steps, Chu Yufan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"The Moon's Breath can't last much longer.……"

Unlike the basic breathing method, the Moon Breathing is the breathing method closest to the Sun Breathing. It has higher requirements on the user's physical fitness, and even Chu Yufan cannot use it for a long time.

On the other side, Cornelia was defeated by Goziqi's attack. Because she was afraid of Goziqi's Murasame, Cornelia dared to use the Crushing King to resist.


Chu Yufan did not use any fighting skills but directly entered the battlefield, thrusting a sword straight at Goziqi's head. Goziqi hurriedly dodged.

"Is this the Water Dragon Sword?"Cornelia asked in surprise.

"Well, Nahaxiu provided it. Don't worry, I just kicked him away."Chu Yufan explained


Chu Yufan, who was about to continue attacking, suddenly fell to his knees. The side effects of using the Moon Breathing began to appear, and his breathing method stopped working at this moment.


Although Goziqi didn't know what was going on, now was a good opportunity to kill Chu Yufan with one blow. Goziqi's hair began to grow and swept towards Cornelia next to Chu Yufan.

Goziqi himself held the Murasame and stabbed at Chu Yufan's vital points.

""Poof" blood splashed in front of Chu Yufan. Cornelia saw that Chu Yufan was about to die under Murasame. She completely abandoned her defense, stood in front of Chu Yufan and used her left arm to block the knife for him.

When Gozizi found that his Murasame had stabbed Cornelia, he was also shocked.

There were marks of curse poison on the wound on her left arm, and it began to spread to other parts of Cornelia's body.

Chu Yufan, who had recovered his breath, reacted quickly and swung his sword to cut off Cornelia's entire left arm without hesitation. He successfully intercepted the curse poison before it invaded other parts of the body.

Chu Yufan hugged Cornelia in his arms, and then his hair began to grow longer, and the pupils of his eyes turned into the pupils of a dragon. The enhanced ability of the Water Dragon Sword was forcibly used by Chu Yufan

"Breath of the Moon, Form 8, Moon Dragon Tail."

The huge sword energy swept across the field like a giant dragon's tail. Seeing this, Gozizi retreated frantically, while Bud took a step forward and activated the full power of the imperial weapon, forming a layer of lightning armor around himself to resist.

""Everyone hide behind me!" Bud shouted loudly. Hearing this, Gozizi, Nahasu and others hurriedly hid behind Bud.

Just as Bud and others were resisting the sword energy, Chu Yufan spat out blood again. The sword just now was the last limit.

Chu Yufan put down the unconscious Cornelia, tore off his clothes and tied them to the wound of her severed left arm. After a simple hemostasis, Chu Yufan picked up Cornelia again and looked around to see if there was any other way out, then turned his head and looked at the cliff not far away.


The lightning attached to the imperial weapon exploded, finally dispelling the sword energy released by Chu Yufan. As soon as the sword energy dispersed, Goziqi quickly stepped forward to check, and then found that Chu Yufan and Cornelia had already disappeared.

Only a blood trail was left, extending to the cliff in front.

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