In this operation to encircle and suppress Chu Yufan, the Empire can be said to have lost both the wife and the army. Bill's assassination team was basically wiped out, and Gozzi lost Cornelia and two weapons.

More importantly, the life and death of Chu Yufan and Cornelia is unknown.

Based on the bloodstains at the scene, it can be determined that the two jumped off the cliff. However, Gozzi could feel that both of them would probably not die so easily.

After that, people were sent down to the bottom of the cliff to search but found nothing. The traces of the two people disappeared completely.

Chi Tong and others did not know about this until the next morning, and everyone's mood instantly fell to the bottom. They could not believe that Chu Yufan would actually be a spy for the rebels. In order to protect Chu Yufan, Cornelia fell off the cliff with him and her life and death are unknown.

"This is too weird! No matter how you look at it, it's too weird! Chu Yufan is a spy for the rebels? What a joke, if he is a spy for the rebels, we would have died a long time ago, right? After all, compared to other things, uprooting our enemies in the dark is the most important thing, right?"Green expressed his opinion to Nahaxiu in disbelief.

"……You are right. This is what I figured out after I calmed down last night. It is really strange that Chu Yufan is a spy for the rebels."After a moment of silence, Nahashu agreed with Green's point of view.

Indeed, with Chu Yufan's strength, except for the two generals Esdeath and Bud, the others below the generals will probably be killed instantly.

In this case, Chu Yufan went to so much trouble to join the assassination team and steal confidential documents. Isn't it just adding fuel to the fire? After all, he can choose to directly wipe out all the assassination teams of the empire, so that the rebels can act freely without any scruples.

So, Cornelia also knew something, so she chose to help Chu Yufan?

"Now...what should we do?" Bonnie asked confusedly.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but……"Nahasu stood up while speaking.

"I already know what I should do next. You should also find out what you should do as soon as possible."After saying that, Nahaxiu left the room.

"Wow, what a profound statement."Boni said helplessly after hearing this.

"Now...what should I do?……"Green was thoughtful.

"Speaking of which, where did Akame-chan go?" Tsukushi suddenly asked. Seeing her red eyes, she must have cried.

""Akagami... she went to visit Hei Tong... after all, most of the people who died this time were Hei Tong's colleagues."

On the other side, in Bill's assassination team, corpses were neatly placed in the square, and each corpse was covered with a white cloth. Hei Tong, Natara and other surviving team members stood in a row in front of the corpses.

""Damn it!" Natara clenched her fists as she stared at the corpses.

Hei Tong, who was standing next to her, also had a gloomy expression and was full of murderous intent. She vowed to kill Chu Yufan with her own hands and avenge her companions. Hei Tong and Natara, who had been brainwashed by drugs, naturally would not think about the doubts of the whole thing.

However, Chi Tong was different. Like Nahaxiu and Green, she felt that the whole thing was too strange. But seeing the two of them like this, even if she spoke out her doubts now, she probably wouldn't be able to listen.


Night fell again, and the faint moonlight shone on the earth, bringing a little light, but this little light could not illuminate the cliff below.


Cornelia slowly opened her eyes. She was just a little conscious, and the pain in her left arm made her scream a little. Turning her head to look at her left arm, she found that only a small part of her left arm was left, and the wound had been bandaged.

Cornelia tried hard to recall what happened before she fainted, and she soon remembered that she was stabbed in the left arm by Murasame in order to protect Chu Yufan, and Chu Yufan cut off his left arm in order to save her.

"Chu Yufan……"

Thinking of Chu Yufan, Cornelia wanted to struggle to sit up, but then a voice came and dispelled her idea.

""Sister Ke Er, you're awake. How do you feel? Are you feeling any other discomfort?"

Chu Yufan jumped up immediately after hearing the noise and hurried to Cornelia to check on her.

"You're okay... I'm okay too... I'm so glad……"Cornelia looked at the person in front of her, and her heart was relieved.

"Where are we now?"

"Below the cliff, I can't find the way back to the ground."

"So that's it……"

"Ms. Cole, I……"

"Chu Yufan, you don't have to apologize. This is all my own will, my own choice, you don't have to feel any psychological burden."Cornelia looked at Chu Yufan and continued to say with a smile

"Being a disobedient daughter is also a good experience."


Chu Yufan opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But all he could say was"thank you".

"……Chu Yufan, in the time we've known each other, this is the first time I've seen so many expressions on your face."

"Really? I feel like my daily expressions are quite rich."

"Haven't you ever looked in the mirror?"

"Yes, he's pretty handsome."


While the two were chatting with each other, they also eased the distance between them.

The next morning, Chu Yufan carried Cornelia on his back and set off. Cornelia wanted to refuse at first, but due to the heavy blood loss caused by the broken arm, Cornelia could not move freely, so she finally���Blushing, he let Chu Yufan carry him on his back.

As for Chu Yufan, although his body was affected by the side effects of the Moon Breathing, fortunately, the breathing method also has the ability to restore internal and external injuries, so as long as the injuries are not fatal, he can recover quickly.

As for food, there are still some creatures living in the cliff. Although these creatures don't look delicious, they are actually very unpalatable.

But there is no way, in order not to starve to death, he can only grit his teeth and eat it.

The two began to move along the cliff, trying to find a way to get back to the ground.

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