"Huh! It's a bit cold." Chu Yufan blew on his hands and said

""Huh, yes, this is probably the northern part of the empire." Cornelia said.

The northern part of the empire is located in a cold zone. The success rate of crop planting is low, so the main industry here is mining. Due to the continuous rebellion in the empire in recent years, the demand for ore has been increasing, so the villages in this area should be very rich.

However, the empire took advantage of the extremely low survival rate of crops here and needed to transport food from outside. Food and other items are sold here at extremely high prices, and people living in the village will work harder to mine and sell ore in order not to starve to death.

Coupled with the various taxes of the empire, the areas that should have been rich have become extremely poor.

"Ah, there is a village ahead. I wonder if the villagers there are willing to take us in.……"

""Stop! Who are you two?"

Just as Chu Yufan was talking, a short-haired boy suddenly jumped out from the side of the road. He took out a medium-length sword and looked at Chu Yufan and Cornelia warily.

"Ha, calm down, we are just travelers who died in an accident." Chu Yufan looked at the boy in front of him and wanted to laugh for some reason. After all, it was the first time he saw someone with a combat power of only five.

"Killed?" The young man looked at Chu Yufan and the other two suspiciously. Their clothes were torn and one of them even lost her left arm. She looked like someone who had been killed.

"That's really pitiful. Let me take you to the village to rest for a while."Unexpectedly, the young man put away his weapon and smiled kindly and innocently. This made Chu Yufan and Cornelia feel good about him. After all, it has been a long time since they met someone with such a pure heart.


"Ah! It hurts!"

"Are you stupid? How can you believe what others say so easily?

A girl with long black hair came out from the bushes nearby. She carried a longbow on her back. As soon as she came out, she punched the short-haired boy hard on the head, causing him to grimace in pain.

"But, Shayou, they don't look like bad people."The short-haired boy covered his head and said innocently.

"It just doesn’t look like it, Tatsumi! You are too trusting. You can easily be cheated out of your underwear, don’t you know that?"The girl named Sau, who looked about the same age as Tatsumi, was lecturing him like a big sister.

"puff……"Chu Yufan couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw this, because the way this Shayu spoke and her expression were like Cornelia's.

"……You are thinking that the way this girl speaks is very similar to me, right?" Cornelia looked at Chu Yufan with squinted eyes and asked slowly.

"Ahem, that's absolutely not the case."Chu Yufan said seriously.

"Ah! Big sister, what happened to your hand?"

Just when Cornelia was about to say something, Shayou noticed her broken left arm and couldn't help but step forward and ask with concern.

"This... is the injury I got when I was in trouble."

"It's really serious. I'll take you to the village doctor for treatment. Seeing this, Shayou immediately took Cornelia's right hand and walked towards the village.

"Tsk, Sau, you also believed them easily." Tatsumi complained

"Humph, you don't understand this, Tatsumi. The wounded won't lie!" Sayou said seriously.

"puff……"Chu Yufan wanted to laugh again

"……Have you been showing more expression recently?" Cornelia looked at Chu Yufan and complained.

"What? My expressions are always very expressive, okay?"

"……Well, if you say so, then so be it."

"However, it seems that we have come to a good place." Chu Yufan looked at Tatsumi and Sau who were talking and laughing, and said with emotion



Unlike Chu Yufan and the others who had found a place to stay, Chi Tong and the others were ready to carry out a new mission to wipe out the bandits in Baima Mountain.

Still led by Goziqi, everyone, including Hei Tong and Natara, boarded a small boat pulled by a flying dangerous creature and flew directly to the destination of Baima Mountain.

In the base of Baima Mountain, the gravekeeper Moody had already led the others to formally meet with the leader of Baima Mountain, Zhuque.

"I never thought that the rebels would become so powerful and even have such a frontline base."Moody poured a glass of wine for Suzaku and said

"After all, we have many spies in the city... Speaking of which, you are dressed like this... you are the gravekeeper in Putora?" Zhuque looked at Moody and asked

"You really have a keen eye. I, Moody, am the only one who survived among the gravekeepers. Because I was on a mission... When I returned, my hometown was only a ruin."

"I must make the Imperial Assassination Force, who killed my compatriots, pay with blood!"

Suzaku listened to Moody's words and said nothing. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the four people sitting beside him.

"So these four are……"

"Miss Mira and Miss Loris, the sisters are the survivors of Oberg. The two brothers are the survivors of the Tailan tribe, Mr. Toby and Mr. Ryder"

"Oberg...Tyran……"Zhuque was also shocked after listening to Moody's introduction. Both organizations were well-known in the empire and had strong strength, but they were unexpectedly destroyed by the empire.

"Miss Leday……"Zhuque looked at the last person in Moody's team.

Lai Dai originally belonged to the rebels and his position in the army was not low.���His lover was killed by the Imperial assassination team, so he left the rebels and joined Moody's team in order to take revenge on them without any scruples.

"I have left the Revolutionary Army. Now I am just an Avenger."Leide said as he picked up the bottle and took another sip.

"In short, we will protect your safety, and you don't have to pay any price. Because we have only one goal, that is to use the most cruel means to kill all the imperial assassination troops!" Moody said to Suzaku. At the same time, Chitong and others had arrived at Baima Mountain.

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