"……Okay, the wound on the left arm is fine now."

Under the leadership of Tatsumi and Sau, Chu Yufan and Cornelia found the doctor in the village. It seems that there is no other problem with the wound on Cornelia's left arm for the time being.

However, according to the doctor's advice, Cornelia still needs to rest for a while, which will be better for her body.

Just as Chu Yufan said, the village where Tatsumi is located is quite good. The good here does not mean having food and clothes, but in terms of spirit.

Although the villagers live in poverty and often go hungry. But everyone is still full of optimism and living, and when they see Chu Yufan and Cornelia, two strangers, they did not show xenophobia.

"Mr. Chu, Ms. Cole, you two can stay here for a while. Although no one has lived in this house for a long time, it is still kept quite clean. Tatsumi opened a small room and then said to the two people behind him.

"Just call me Chu Yufan, Tatsumi. Come to think of it, we should be the same age."Chu Yufan said

"Meeting is fate, you can just call me Sister Ke Er!" Cornelia said with a smile

"Okay, Chu Yufan, Sister Keer. If you need any help from now on, just let me know!"Tatsumi said happily.

"Tatsumi! So you are here, Instructor Long is looking for you!"A boy of the same age as Tatsumi ran over.

"Got it, Iyeas, I'll be there right away." Tatsumi responded.

"Ah, you two are the travelers who just came to the village this morning, right? My name is Iyeas, and I am best friends with Tatsumi and Sau!"

"I am Chu Yufan, please give me your advice"

"I am Cornelia."

After a brief introduction, Tatsumi and Iyeas went to Instructor Long. Chu Yufan and Cornelia chose to clean the house they were going to live in.

The house was not very big, with only one bedroom and one living room, but it was just right for two people to live in. However, it was this one bedroom that made the two of them a little embarrassed.

"There is only one bed."Chu Yufan said as he looked at the layout of the bedroom.

"Um……"Cornelia looked at the small bed and blushed.

"Sister Ke Er, you sleep on the bed. I'll sleep in the living room." Chu Yufan knew Cornelia's concerns, so he took the initiative to say

"This is not good, and it's so cold here, and there's no sofa in the living room. It's easy to catch a cold if you sleep in the living room."

"But the village doctor told you that you need to rest for a while, so it's better for you to sleep in bed, Sister Ke'er."



When Chu Yufan said that Cornelia needed to rest, Cornelia was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red again. This made Chu Yufan a little confused. Did he say something wrong just now?

"Chu Yufan, Sister Keer. Let me show you around the village!" Just as the two fell into a strange silence, Shayou's voice came from outside the house.

In fact, there was nothing special in the village. Shayou's main purpose was to take Chu Yufan and the others to get familiar with the place. Including places where food can be bought, and some dangerous areas around the village. The so-called dangerous areas are just dangerous species. There is not much threat to the two, but what interests Chu Yufan is that this village makes a living by forging iron.

It happened that Chu Yufan did not have a handy weapon in his hand. Although he got the Water Dragon Sword of Nahaxiu, he always felt that something was missing when using it with the breathing method.

"Shayou, are there any famous forging masters in your village or nearby?" Chu Yufan asked

"……Well, I don't think I've heard of this person. But you can ask our village chief, he should have heard of him."Shayou thought for a while and replied

"Then let's go find the village chief. We haven't greeted him yet."

"I'd also like to trouble you, Shayou, to lead the way!"

""I'll take care of this little thing!" Sayou patted her chest and said.

The three of them came to the village chief's house and happened to meet Tatsumi and Iyeas, as well as a middle-aged man.

""Shayou, Chu Yufan and Sister Keer, are you here to see the village chief as well?" Tatsumi said when he saw the three of them coming.

"Yes, is the village chief at home?"

"The village chief is out and will probably be back soon."

""Sayou, who are these two?" The middle-aged man behind Tatsumi observed Chu Yufan and Cornelia from time to time after they came over.

"Ah, Instructor Long, let me introduce you. This is Chu Yufan, and this is Sister Cornelia. They are both travelers in distress who happened to pass by here."Sayou said

"The traveler in distress……"Instructor Long looked at the two of them deeply. As a retired soldier of the empire, how could he not see the difference between the two?

However, he did not say much. As an old hand who could retire safely in the army, he naturally knew that less trouble is better than more trouble. As long as the two did not threaten the village, they would be fine.

"Is he a soldier from the Empire? He looks like a retired soldier. Judging from his expression, he probably doesn't recognize us." Chu Yufan looked at Instructor Long in front of him and thought to himself

"Ah! The village chief is here."Iyeas said.

Everyone followed the village chief into the village chief's house. After a brief introduction, Chu Yufan began to ask about the forging master. Originally, he didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect the village chief to actually know.

In the deep mountains to the west of the village, it is said that there is a forging master living in seclusion. The ancestor of this forging master was one of the important people who made imperial tools for the former emperor of the empire. After retiring, he ran here to hide, probably to avoid being silenced by the former emperor at that time.

But this is just a legend, no one knows whether it is true. And in the mountains to the west, is this nearby It is near the place where dangerous species are most rampant. It is said that there are super dangerous species in the depths of the mountain, so no one has ever deliberately gone near there.

However, the so-called dangerous species are minor problems for Chu Yufan. The main problem now is that the mountain to the west is not small. If you don’t have a clear goal and search everywhere in the mountain, it is unknown when you can find this master.

Seeing that Chu Yufan was determined to find this forging master, the village chief took out a very old map and gave it to Chu Yufan. It is said that this map was left behind by the forging master’s ancestors when they came here, and it is also the only clue.

""Mr. Village Chief, shall the three of us go to the mountains with Chu Yufan?" Tatsumi said

"No, Tatsumi, this is too dangerous."The village chief shook his head and said

"It doesn't matter, let him go. Including Iyeas and Sau, they can go together, there will be no problem."Just when Tatsumi was about to say something, Instructor Long suddenly spoke up.

"Mr. Long, this……"

"Mr. Village Chief, if you don't even have this much courage, there is no chance for you to make a name for yourself in the imperial capital. And this young man Chu Yufan can guarantee their safety, right?"Instructor Long looked at Chu Yufan and said

"That's natural."Chu Yufan said

"Well, in that case, the three of you should go with Chu Yufan. Be careful, okay?"

""Yes, I understand!" Tatsumi and the other two said in unison.

The next day, Chu Yufan, Tatsumi, Iyeas and Shayou set out for the mountains in the west.

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