"Am I... am I dazzled?" Bonnie kept rubbing her eyes, but no matter how many times she rubbed them, she could still see that figure.

It turned out to be Guy who had died in the ruins!

"No, you are not dazzled!"Green said with a frown

"What's going on? Is this an enemy trap?"Hei Tong looked at the"Guy" and said

"It should be, but how could such an obvious trap be possible?……"


"Be careful!"

Just when all the attention was attracted by the"Guy" in front of them, Lai Dai, who was hiding in the dark, shot at Bonnie, and Tsukushi, who was also the gunman, was the first to react. She hurriedly pushed Bonnie away but was hit in the shoulder by the opponent.


"It's the enemy! Where is he?"Green said, standing in front of the injured Tsukushi and keeping an eye on the surroundings.

""Over there!" Hei Tong pointed with his finger. A short-haired woman stood beside"Guy" and looked at them coldly.

Then"Guy" and the woman began to flee into the crowd.

"Bastard! Don't even think about running away!" Seeing this, Bonnie chased after him.

""Wait a minute! Bonnie!" Hei Tong hurriedly caught up with him.

""Two idiots, wait a minute!" Seeing this, Green winked at the Imperial spy following behind them, and then chased after them.

"Ahem...be careful!"The injured Tsukushi who fell to the ground could not catch up with them and could only shout.

The three chased the two and stopped at the edge of a forest.

"Bastard! Why don't you run away!"Boni stopped and roared

"Why are you asking them to run? Maybe we are the ones who need to run!"Green said to Bonnie after catching up.

"There are ambushes around……"Hei Tong looked at the forest and said vigilantly

"Thank you for taking the bait so easily."

Moody, Mira and Luo Lisi came out behind Lai Dai and"Guy".

"The three of them should be from the Imperial Assassination Force. Moody looked at the three people in front of him as if they were prey.

"Are they the remnants of the gravekeepers dressed like this?" Green asked Moody.

"We are the remnants of Oberg. Do you understand the current situation?"Mira interrupted with a murderous look on her face.

"It's a gathering of enemies." Hei Tong said as he drew out his imperial weapon.

"What did you do to Guy?" Bonnie asked

"I didn't do anything, I just used the gravekeeper's secret technique to animate his body. How do you feel about seeing your"companion" again?"Moody said with a smile

"The situation is not good, retreat first!"Green said softly to Bonnie and Hei Tong

"Oh! I almost forgot that there are still two Avengers who haven't appeared yet."Moody said.

Behind Green and the other two, two figures appeared again, blocking the three people's retreat.

"Thailan?……"Green and Bonnie recognized Toby and Ryder at first sight

"My love, was killed by you... If you can understand our feelings, then please die miserably!" Lai Dai said slowly with a kind face.

"It seems that we have the advantage in numbers. Moody clapped his hands and said jokingly.

"Really?" Hearing this, Hei Tong revealed a strange smile, and then the imperial tool in his hand was activated instantly. Eight corpses appeared in front of Hei Tong, which was the special ability of the March of the Dead [Eight Rooms]!

"This is also a corpse puppet?!" Moody was surprised

""Let's fight!" Mira and Luo Lisi took the lead and attacked Hei Tong. Because of the use of the imperial tool, Hei Tong's physical ability declined, but he still commanded the corpse to attack the two. Where?

Toby and Reid did not speak, and directly aimed at Bonnie, while Lai Dai and"Guy" rushed towards Green. At the same time, an unexpected situation occurred for Hei Tong and the other two. The strength of this group of people was a little beyond their imagination.

Although it was impossible to directly destroy the corpse puppets, Mira relied on her own strength to entangle six of the puppets. Luo Lisi was responsible for dealing with Hei Tong and the remaining two puppets, but because of the use of the imperial tool, Hei Tong could only rely on two puppets to support him when facing Luo Lisi's attack.

Toby and Reid did not speak, and the two of them directly activated the dragon form and started fighting with Bonnie.

Green faced Moody, Lai Dai and"Guy"

""Catch the leader first!" Greene threw out a rattlesnake and aimed it at Moody's head. Just as the rattlesnake was about to hit,"Guy" appeared in time to block the attack.


As soon as the gunshot sounded, Green squatted down instantly and dodged the shot from Lede.

"Escaped?" Lai Dai thought in surprise

"Don't waste your time, kid."Moody said proudly when he saw this.

"It's not in vain. He successfully delayed our joining other battlefields, and at the same time he was looking for an opportunity to get rid of you."Leide saw that Moody was pretending to be a little bit, and couldn't help but remind him

"I see, but it doesn't work. Even if you can trap the three of us, those two pairs of brothers and sisters can kill all your companions. People's resentment can bring endless power!" Moody said

""Watch out, watch out, watch out!" Luo Lisi kept attacking Hei Tong, while Hei Tong used the puppet to defend herself. Even so, Hei Tong had a lot of wounds on her body.

Although she was at a disadvantage, Hei Tong's face was not panicked at all. She was constantly observing Luo Lisi's attack methods and movements, and soon Hei Tong had seen through Luo Lisi's movements.

"There's a chance!"

Luo Lisi saw that the puppet protecting Hei Tong suddenly stopped moving. Although she didn't know why, she didn't intend to give up this opportunity, and slashed at Hei Tong's neck.

However, what Luo Lisi didn't expect was that Hei Tong, who was originally very slow, would suddenly move quickly. Hei Tong quickly squatted down to avoid Luo Lisi's knife, and then stabbed Luo Lisi's abdomen with the eight-chambered sword in his hand.

"What's going on? Why is this guy moving faster?��"Luo Lisi looked at the Hachifusa that had pierced her abdomen, wondering in her heart.

When the Teigu Hachifusa uses corpse puppets, there will be a weakness that reduces the user's physical ability. However, this weakness can be solved by reducing the number of corpse puppets controlled.

After seeing through Luo Lisi's attack pattern, Hei Tong released the control of the two puppets that were protecting him, which was why the two puppets suddenly stopped moving just now.

"I can't die in……"Luo Lisi was stabbed in the abdomen and just as she was about to struggle to get up, Hei Tong stabbed her throat with the second knife, killing her instantly.

""Sister!" Mira shouted.

Those killed by the Imperial Tool Eight Rooms will become corpse dolls. Therefore, Luo Lisi, who was supposed to fall to the ground, stood up again. At the same time, the six corpse dolls fighting with Mira were also released by Hei Tong.

"If I just control a puppet, it will have less impact on my movements!" Feeling the weakness in my body begin to weaken, Hei Tong, who had adjusted himself, controlled"Luo Lisi" and rushed towards Mira.

"Bastard! What did you do to my sister!"Mira roared and fought with a man and a corpse.

On the other side, the battle between Bonnie and the Tailan tribe was still in a stalemate.

""Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Bonnie's legs kicked out quickly towards the two men. After a long period of training and the bonus of the Chenju Youzhi Pants, each of Bonnie's kicks had great power. Even Toby and Reid, who had turned into dragons, did not dare to use their bodies to directly block them.

Similarly, Bonnie did not dare to use his body to block the counterattacks of the two men, so the battle between the two sides fell into a tug-of-war.

Green entangled Moody and the other two tightly, preventing any of them from intervening in other battlefields. Now it depends on which side of the battlefield can end the battle first.

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