"Did Miss Luo Lisi fail? And the knife……"Moody saw everything from Luo Lisi's death to her corpse standing up and fighting again, and thought to himself:

"If we rely on Miss Mira alone, we will probably be defeated soon. Let's start to implement the backup plan."

"Toby, Ryder!" Moody shouted at the two men.


The two heard Moody's cry, looked at each other, took out three bombs from their arms, ignited them quickly, and threw them towards the location of Hei Tong and Bonnie.

"Wow! Throwing this thing at a loss of words?!"Bonnie saw the bomb coming towards him and backed away in fear.

At the same time, two bombs were thrown at Hei Tong's position. Hei Tong made an unwilling"tsk" sound when he saw this, and then stopped attacking and quickly backed away.

""Bang, bang, bang" three bombs were detonated one after another, and the huge smoke completely blocked the vision of Hei Tong and Bonnie.

"Now! Kill them!" Moody roared


Leday quickly fired a shot at Hei Tong, and Hei Tong, who had been on guard, quickly controlled"Luolisi" to block the trajectory. At this moment, Toby and Reid surrounded Hei Tong one after another and attacked her.

Green used the rattlesnake to attack Moody again, but what he didn't expect was that it was not"Guy" who blocked the rattlesnake, but Leday who was beside him.

"What? Leave the defense to someone else?!"Green was shocked.

At this moment,"Guy" used the smoke to come to Bonnie's side and punched Bonnie.

"Rest in peace, Guy……"

Bonnie looked at his childhood playmate in front of him, said softly with a sad look in his eyes, and then dodged the punch while kicking"Guy" in the head.


Bonnie stared at the headless"Guy" and found that his body was strangely swollen, as if it was about to explode.

Bonnie took two steps back when"Guy"'s whole body exploded violently, and the shock wave of the explosion blew Bonnie away.


When Boni was blown away, Hei Tong's attention was slightly distracted. Toby took the opportunity to punch Hei Tong with all his strength. Hei Tong, who had just reacted, could only hurriedly raise his sword to block. The huge force knocked Hei Tong out and hit a tree.

Seeing this, Green also wanted to leave the battlefield to support, but Ledai blocked him and stopped him. Mira took the opportunity to rush towards the fallen Boni, intending to kill her with a knife.

"Go to hell! The bastard who killed Lady Meera!"

Mira quickly came to the fallen Bonnie, raised the knife in her hand and aimed at Bonnie's neck and chopped it down.


With a"pop" sound, Mira felt that her raised arm suddenly lost consciousness. She looked up and found that her arm holding the knife was gone. Blood kept flowing out of the wound.

A man wearing a strange mask stood beside Mira at some point. The knife in his hand was dripping with blood. This man was Nahasu who received the news and came to support

"Damn it!!!" Mira used her other hand to swing at Nahashu, but was killed by Nahashu before she swung halfway.

"Annoying trash." Nahasu said calmly.

"Reinforcements? I didn't expect it to be so fast!"Moody thought to himself as he looked at the masked man in front of him, and then he saw Goziqi, Akato and Natara rushing over from a distance, and he immediately said to everyone

"Let's retreat for now!"

Toby and Reid did not pursue them, but quickly retreated to Moody's side. After everyone gathered, Ledai took out a smoke bomb to cover everyone's retreat.

"Next time we meet, let's decide the winner.……"Moody looked at Green and said before leaving


At night, in the hidden stronghold of the Empire.

Moody and others retreated decisively, and at the same time, the two injured people received timely treatment and both saved their lives.

Tsukushi's shoulder was hit by a gun and formed a penetrating wound. He is temporarily unable to participate in the next battle.

Although Kurohiro was hit by a punch and hit a big tree, fortunately, the injury was not serious and he can continue to fight after a rest.

As for Bonnie, he was the most seriously injured due to the close-range explosion attack. I am afraid that after he recovers, he will not be able to continue to participate in the battle.

Of course, the so-called inability to continue fighting is for the Empire. For Akahiro and others, it is a happy thing that Bonnie can survive.


"Bonnie, how are you feeling?"When everyone saw Bonnie wake up, they couldn't help but come forward and ask with concern.

"Ugh... I feel bad... But I'm still alive... It's great……"Bonnie only felt pain all over his body, but he was lucky to be alive.

"By the way...thank you for saving me...Nahash"

"Have a good rest, scumbag. We will take care of the rest." Nahasu looked at Bonnie and replied.

"It seems that we are the only ones who can fight now."After leaving the room where Bonnie and Tsukushi were resting, Nahashu, Green, Akahime, Kurohime and Natara gathered in a room and began to discuss the current enemy configuration.

"Two of the Oberg remnants are dead, and there are four people left. The gravekeeper himself is not very strong, and the remaining three are very powerful guys."Green said

"What about father's orders?"

"He will contact the people above to prepare for the battle. Let's wait until the preparations are completed."Green said

"Do we have to wait again?……"Natara says

"I guess they want to clear out all the bandits in Baima Mountain. We can't handle so many people alone." Nahaxiu explained.

"Anyway, now we can only wait"


Before waiting for the battle preparations to be completed, Chi Tong and others were temporarily free, and Chi Tong also came to Baima Town to train him according to the agreement with A Tie.


"That's right, Xiaotie is getting better and better."

Chi Tong and A Tie each held a wooden sword and fought each other. While fighting, Chi Tong would occasionally point out some shortcomings in A Tie's movements.

"Huh! Sister Chitong, you are so amazing. The ultimate move I have been thinking about for so long was actually solved by you so easily."During the temporary rest after the exercise, A Tie said to Chitong

"Don't think too much, Xiaotie. Every strike is a killer move, you should think like that."Akagi replied

"Yes! Master!"

"The term"master" is too exaggerated... I didn't teach you anything special."

"That’s not the case. What Sister Akagi teaches is extremely powerful!"

"Yes, my brother is also becoming more and more powerful."Xiao Jin said

"Amazing... There are people who are more amazing than me, but I don't know how they are doing now." Hearing the word"amazing", Chi Tong looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but think of the faces of Chu Yufan and Cornelia in his mind.

"Sister Chitong, please continue practicing with me!"A Tie looked at Chitong who seemed a little sad, and then said to her

"We will treat you to some snacks after the event!" Xiao Jin also interrupted.

"Snacks!!"Chi Tong revived with full health

"Sister Chitong! You want to eat too much! You have to practice with me first!"A Tie couldn't help but complain when he saw this.

"Um...Hold, sorry."

""Brother, you are too straightforward, aren't you?"

The three smiled at each other.

At the same time, Chu Yufan and the other three in the mountains finally saw the person they were waiting for.

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