Just as Chu Yufan and his four companions entered the deep mountains to search for the traces of the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon, Chitong and his companions also welcomed the day of the final battle against Baima Mountain.

Goziqi, Chitong, Nahaxiu and Green were responsible for the assassination of the leader Suzaku. Heitong and Natara led the members of the assassination team to deal with the ordinary rebel members in the mountain.

Because too many people were lost in the previous battle against Chu Yufan, in order to minimize the losses, the main force this time was the corpse puppet controlled by Heitong's Eight Room, and Natara was responsible for protecting her closely.

Location, halfway up Baima Mountain

"This is the only way for the enemy to go down the mountain. As long as we stay here, we should be able to wait for them to arrive." Goziqi said

"So, how should we lure them down the mountain?" Chi Tong suddenly asked.

"……That's not your job, don't ask any more questions."Gozzi was silent for a while, then said to Chitong

"Akame, you go deal with Suzaku, Green, you take care of one of the opponents, and Nahashu and I will handle the rest."

""I understand!"

After a while, the mountain began to riot. I don't know what happened, the rebels on the mountain suddenly ran down the mountain frantically.

"Here they come! The rebels are finally out in full force!"Kelly, who was on the same assassination team as Hei Tong, said from the dark.

"Even the enemy leader couldn't hold back any longer."

"Then, let's get started! Little Black Eyes!" Kelly shouted

"Eight rooms!"Hei Tong used his ability and eight corpses, including Luo Lisi, reappeared.

"Enemies?!"The rebels running in the front immediately prepared for battle, but they were facing a group of immortal corpses.

Except for Luo Lisi, the other seven corpses rushed around in the rebel army and soon broke into various positions of the rebel troops. Then all the bombs hidden in the corpses were detonated.

"Humph! This is for the seriously injured Bonnie!" Hei Tong said as he looked at the rebels who were seriously injured and killed in the bombing.

""Everyone, move!" Kelly ordered.

At the back of the other side, Suzaku and his chief guard had already appeared, and Goziqi and his men also began their actions.

Goziqi and Nahashu rushed to the front, while Toby and Reid were responsible for intercepting the two. Normally, Toby and Reid should not be a match for the two men even if they activated their dragon transformation.

"Huh?! So fast!"

Goziqi only felt a flash before his eyes, and Toby's huge fist came towards Goziqi. Goziqi didn't dare to take it head-on, but dodged and chopped his arm with a knife. What Goziqi didn't expect was that although Murasame chopped the opponent, the effect of killing with one blow did not work!

"What's going on? Is that... the work of the gravekeeper?"

Gozizi observed various parts of Toby's body and found some strange runes on his body. The same thing happened to Nahashu on the other side.

Moody injected Toby and Ridley with insects similar to those that controlled corpses. As long as Toby and Ridley activated the insects in their bodies, their bodies would become similar to corpses. In this state, they can be immune to all tetanus blades of the opponent, and at the same time, their combat effectiveness will not be affected.

Of course, the disadvantage is that after half an hour, even if the two have dragon transformation, they will be killed by the backlash of the insects in their bodies. For the two, as long as they can take revenge on the enemy, it is worth it even if it is a one-for-one exchange.

Ridley was about to step forward to cover, but Green appeared in time and intercepted the opponent.

"The Empire's assassination troops are numerous. It seems that the Empire intends to catch us all in one fell swoop."Zhuque looked at Goziqi and the other two and thought to himself.

""Huh?!" Zhuque suddenly shuddered and looked to his right. He could feel a strong killing intent targeting him.

When Goziqi and the other two were entangled with the enemy, Akatsuki came out of the bushes and rushed towards Zhuque. Seeing this, the guards around Zhuque hurriedly blocked Akatsuki's way.


How could ordinary guards stop Chi Tong? The guards were quickly killed by Chi Tong one by one, and then Chi Tong quickly came to Suzaku

"Target, Suzaku!"

"The Empire's puppet?"Suzaku drew his sword and said

"You are wrong! I came here of my own volition, in order not to start a war!!"

"Are you an idiot?!"

Suzaku chopped at Akatsuki's head with a knife, Akatsuki quickly lowered his body to avoid the knife, and then chopped at Suzaku's abdomen with the knife in his hand. The organs in Suzaku's body flowed out along with the wound.

"I am... to protect... the people……"Zhuque said the last words and fell to the ground with endless regret.

"Damn it!"Moody was about to pull out his pistol to resist, but was killed by Akame with one blow.

On the other side, Nahashu, who possessed the imperial weapon, started a fierce counterattack after observing Reid's actions. Nahashu's own strength was not weak, and with the ability of the imperial weapon, Super Power, to spray out [Balzac] to stimulate 100% of his potential, his strength strictly speaking has surpassed Goziqi.

Although Reid's corpse state had no effect even if he was hit in the vitals, Nahashu found the right time to chop twice, chopping off Reid's head and legs, and Reid was chopped by Nahashu to lose his combat effectiveness.


When Toby saw Reid's defeat, his eyes turned red. Knowing that the situation was hopeless, Toby rushed towards Gozizi and hugged him tightly.

"Let's die together!" Toby roared

""Damn it!" Goziqi kept struggling, but he couldn't get free.

At this moment, Green controlled the rattlesnake to wrap around one of Toby's hands, and used all his strength to slightly pull away the hand that was holding Goziqi. Goziqi took the opportunity to control his body to become soft and broke free from Toby's control, but the bomb in Toby's body was also detonated at the same time.

There was only a loud bang, and Goziqi took off directly on the spot, and Nahasu hurried forward to catch Goziqi's flying body.


"You are distracted!"


Green, who was distracted by the explosion of Gozizi, had just turned around when he felt a pain in his chest. Green looked down and saw that Lede's sword had pierced his heart with incredible precision.

"Go to hell! You empire's trash!" Lai Dai said coldly as he drew his sword.

"Green———!!!!!"Seeing this, Akatomi and Nahashu shouted at the same time.

"It's your turn next!" Lai Dai looked at Chi Tong and said

""I will destroy you!!!"

Chi Tong's eyes were filled with anger, and he rushed towards Lai Dai. Lai Dai raised his gun and fired several shots at Chi Tong, but Chi Tong dodged all of them.

"So fast!"

Before Lai Dai could react, Chi Tong knocked her down with a knife. Then he ran to Green to check and found that he was already dead.


"Kill one... earn one……"

After being slashed by Akado, Raide stood up again and rushed towards Akado. Akado was about to raise his sword to kill him, but Nahashu fell from the sky and slashed Raide to death.

"Green……"Nahasu took off his mask and looked at the dead Green. Although he looked calm, his eyes revealed his inner sadness.

""Huh?!" Chi Tong suddenly said in surprise

""What's wrong?" Nahaxiu asked in confusion.

However, Chitong did not answer Nahaxiu's words, but took two steps forward with an expression of disbelief. Nahaxiu followed Chitong's line of sight and saw that the town at the foot of the mountain was ablaze with fire.

"……There's a fire in the town...?" Chi Tong said

"That's our plan, little Akame." Kelly appeared behind him and said

"The mission this time was to wipe out all the rebels and those who colluded with them. The town was full of supporters of the White Horse Mountain rebel bandits, who killed many officials and merchants of the empire."

"So we wiped them out, and if the rebels found out that the town was on fire, they would definitely come down from the mountains to help put out the fire."

"Did you burn down the whole town?……"Akahide said in shock, and Nahashu beside him also showed an expression of disbelief.

"It seems that the Empire's Burning Forces did it there, saying that they wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and leave no one alive."Kelly said.

Chi Tong and Nahaxiu were stunned on the spot.


The next day.

Location: Imperial Palace

"Minister, I heard that the White Horse burned all night last night, and the bandits were all wiped out."A man who looked like a child, dressed in the clothes of the emperor of the empire, holding a scepter that symbolizes the emperor's status, sat on a chair.

"Hehe~ This is the fire of punishment sent down by His Majesty. From now on, those traitors will be caught in one fell swoop!"

"Really? That's great...your advice always comes true." The young emperor said innocently.

"Hehehe, please let me stay with your majesty forever and do my best."A strong middle-aged man with a big belly, gnawing on meat in his hand. This man is the minister who controls the young emperor, Ernest.

"Now those ants should behave themselves. After all, terror is the best way to suppress them."Ernest thought to himself.


Chi Tong walked alone on the ruins of Baima Town, staring blankly at the ruins and corpses on the ground.

"I killed so many people... I was hated by so many people... What on earth have I accomplished... These people who were burned to death... are the ones who truly want happiness.……"

Chi Tong suddenly stopped and looked at the two bodies in front of him. One of the bodies was hugging the other body tightly, as if it was trying its best to protect the other person when it was burning in the fire.

Although the bodies were burned beyond recognition, and although he had only known them for a short time, Chi Tong still recognized them at a glance. These two bodies were the Ah Tie and Xiao Jin he had met before.



"Humph~ As expected, we can’t rely too much on assassination troops. We still need to flexibly use other methods of elimination."Xigong looked at the report and said to Bill

"Although we tried every means to reduce the losses, the elite troops were still exhausted. It may take some time to replenish the personnel. It would be better if we could allocate some more imperial tools or minister tools."Bill said

"I still have a way to provide it, but it will take some time."

"The next target is her. Although she has been severely injured by General Esdeath, we still cannot rest assured until we see her head."Nishimiya took out a photo and handed it to Bill.

The photo showed a short-haired woman with a black eye patch on her right eye. Bill was also a little surprised when he saw the person in the photo.

"This is not what I remember." Bill said

"I heard that she became like this because of an injury."

"Former general, Nadezhda, make her disappear!"

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