Location: the imperial capital.

Akahime and his companions returned to the imperial capital and began to recuperate.

Bonnie returned to the imperial capital ahead of schedule after being seriously injured to receive treatment and examination. Although Tsukushi was shot in the shoulder, fortunately the injury was not serious. As long as he concentrates on treatment and recovery, he will recover soon.

After returning, Akahime and Nahashu's state of mind also changed. In addition to Green's death, there was also the burning of White Horse Town.

There is no need to say much about Akahime. Nahashu has no intersection with the people in White Horse Town. The reason for the change in state of mind is mainly because the means used by the empire are too terrifying.

However, Nahashu still does not intend to betray the empire. He plans to rely on his own strength to work hard to change this country. So the day after returning to the imperial capital, Nahashu went to find Gozchi

"You want to leave the assassination team and join General Bud's army?" Goziqi asked with a frown.

"Yes, I hope you can approve it, father." Nahasu said

"Nahasu, you should know that I can't agree to this. The assassination team needs your help now.……"

"Father, I hope you can approve it." Nahasu interrupted Goziqi and asked again.


Goziqi looked at Nahaxiu's face, which was calm and determined. It was also clear that he had made up his mind.

"Can you give me a reason?"

"I... want to change this country with my own hands." Nahaxiu said


Gozizi remained silent, but at the same time felt a little relieved. At least Nahashu was not going to betray the empire, but was going to change his way to be loyal to the empire. In this case, it would not matter much even if he agreed.

"Okay, I will explain this to General Bud. As for the outcome, it is not up to me to decide." Goziqi finally agreed.

""Thank you, father!" Nahaxiu said.

Soon, General Bud agreed to Gozizi's request. So Nahaxiu left the Imperial Assassination Force, joined General Bud's army, and began his own journey to save the country.


After Nahashi joined the Budd Army, only Akame, Kurome, Tsukushi, Natara and Bonnie were left in the entire assassination team. Since Tsukushi and Bonnie still needed to recover from their injuries, there were only three people left who could carry out the mission.

"Although my companions are still recovering from their injuries, time waits for no one, so we have no choice but to work alone."Goziqi said as he looked at the three people in front of him.

"Therefore, we can only complete this mission individually. I also have other tasks to fulfill. Chi Tong, you go and eliminate this target."Gozzi took out Najeta's photo and gave it to Chi Tong.

"Najeta, just like last time, I want you to assassinate the rebel general. Since you have experience in defeating Suzaku, I will leave it to you."

"Same as...last time?!"Goziqi's words reminded Chitong of the last battle at Baima Mountain.

"It's enough to just kill this person."Goziqi explained, looking at Chitong's expression.

"……I see"

"Hei Tong, you are responsible for dealing with the spies of the foreign race. The place where they appear is a bit troublesome, and there will be some dangerous species, so I will leave it to you. Also, take this opportunity to collect some excellent corpses for the Eighth House."Gozzi said to Hei Tong

""I understand!" Hei Tong replied.

"Natara, go to this location and retrieve a sword that has fallen into the hands of the rebels, the Torashura. If you succeed, you will be able to use this sword."

"Yes!" Natara replied.

The next day, the three of them set out towards their respective goals.

"……I shouldn't continue to follow an empire that exploits people, but what should I do? If I allow the rebels to start a war, the flames of war will also burn towards the people.……"

"Besides, I can't just walk away now... I can't abandon Kuronetsu... Damn it! Am I just going to continue doing this kind of work unwillingly?"

Akame thought wildly while riding her horse. At this moment, she was confused again. She wanted to leave the empire, but she couldn't leave because of her sister Kuronetsu. At the same time, she didn't want a war.

For Akame, who had been brainwashed by the empire since she was a child, being able to be indecisive was already very good. After all, people like Tsukushi and Bonnie had absolutely no doubts about the empire.

She needed someone who could guide her forward again, and that person would soon meet Akametsu.

"Although the target Najeta is usually closely guarded by the rebels, there are exceptions. Recently, she has been going up the mountain alone on weekends to recover from her injuries and hunt dangerous species."Akagi came to the meeting point with the imperial spies and listened to their reports.

"Although the mountain pass is guarded, it is not difficult to sneak in. What I am more worried about is that this might be a trap set by the other party."Akagi said

"We will also prepare traps here."The detective said.

After understanding the situation, Chi Tong sneaked into the mountain and moved quickly towards the target. Although she was a little confused and uneasy, she could only choose to adjust herself and continue to complete the mission.

"There are no traps on the mountain road, and it seems that Najeta's guard is only one person. Then, I can launch a sneak attack.……"As Akame walked forward, she was thinking about what to do next.

In the mountains, Najeta was smoking a cigarette with a tall man in a cloak. The two were leisurely roasting the meat of the dangerous species they had just hunted.

"Is he an assassin from the Empire?……"Nadezhda suddenly took the cigarette from her mouth, stood up from her seat and said to Akame

"I've been waiting for you for a long time"

""Did you expect me to come here?" Chi Tong asked.

Chi Tong looked at Nadezhda in front of her and found that in addition to the black eye patch on her right eye, her entire right hand was a mechanical arm. There was also something that looked like a spear placed diagonally next to her arm.

"Didn't the Empire recruit a large number of secret agents to conduct covert operations? This allowed our spies to successfully infiltrate the depths of the Empire."

"……"Akahide didn't reply, but took off her coat and entered combat mode.

"But it was only recently that we obtained the most credible intelligence, but we don't know when the spy will be exposed. Because of you, the Revolutionary Army suffered a huge blow... So I can only use my life as bait to attract you.……"Nadezhda saw that Akame was ready for battle, so she turned to the man in the cloak next to her and said:

"Please, Brand."

Hearing Najeta's words, the man tore off his cloak, revealing his shiny crew cut, and stepped forward to block Akame.

"Brand, is this the Brand who was rumored to have killed a hundred aliens with just one move?!"Akagi looked at the domineering man in front of her and thought to herself.

"You are not my target"

"If you want to defeat the boss, then you are my target."Brand said that and stopped talking nonsense.

Akagi only heard a"click" sound, and Brand turned on a switch on his back, and a strange-shaped dagger flew out. Brand held the dagger upright in front of him, and then took a deep breath.

"Haunted by evil spirits!!"

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