"Evil spirits are haunting me!!!"

A suit of armor appeared out of thin air behind Brand and wrapped Brand's entire body. The smoke slightly blocked Akahima's sight. After her sight was restored, Brand, wearing armor, rushed to Akahima with a red spear-like weapon in his hand.

Brand's imperial weapon, Evil spirits are haunting [Operation Armor], is an armor made of the ferocious dragon-shaped dangerous species"Tyrande". While providing the user with an iron wall of defense, it can also enhance the user's various abilities. The weapon Brand was holding at this time was the"Red-backed Shrike", the auxiliary weapon after summoning the armor.

Brand raised the Red-backed Shrike and swung it towards Akahima, who hurriedly dodged to the left. With a"click", a long trench appeared on the ground attacked by Brand.

However, such an attack could not scare Akahima. Akahima quickly stepped forward and slashed at Brand with a knife. The powerful force made Brand retreat more than ten steps.

"Can I defeat my opponent by abandoning defense and attacking with all my strength? No, although the opponent's sword does not look like an imperial weapon, it must have special abilities. Even if I am possessed by an evil spirit, I dare not take a casual blow."Brand looked at the sword in Akame's hand and thought to himself

"And there is no guarantee that the other party will not use other tricks, so be careful."

"Although his speed and strength are good, they are still far behind Chu Yufan. The main problem is that the armor doesn't look like it can be easily broken."Chi Tong looked at Brand and analyzed

"Nadezhda is flawless, and she has an unknown firearm in her hand... Maybe I can't defeat her all at once, and Brand will definitely attack my back while I'm attacking Nadezhda. In this case, I have to defeat Brand first in this battle!!"

Having made up his mind, Chi Tong rushed towards Brand head-on. Seeing that the other party had no intention of playing dirty tricks, Brand also said with great pride

"Are we going to attack from the front? How exciting!!"

"If he can fight Brand head-on, his strength should not be underestimated. We must not let him go this time!"Seeing that Akado's attention was completely on Brand, Nadezhda picked up the weapon next to her and took aim.

Nadezhda's imperial weapon, Romantic Turret [Pumpkin], converts spiritual energy into a gun-shaped imperial weapon that fires shock waves. Although Nadezhda was unable to unleash the maximum power of the pumpkin due to her injury, it was more than enough for support sniping.

Brand took a step forward, and the Red-backed Shrike in his hand swept towards Akado. Akado quickly took two steps forward to Brand's back and slashed at his back with a knife.

Brand reacted very quickly and was very cautious. Even though his back was protected by operational armor, he still chose to use the Red-backed Shrike to block it. After blocking Akado's knife, he quickly shot Akado and sent him flying.

"Aim for the landing point!"Najta fired a shot at the landing point of Akahima, and the energy shock wave whizzed towards Akahima. Akahima quickly adjusted his body in mid-air, stuck the knife into the ground, and used the knife in his hand to support himself outside the attack range of the shock wave to avoid the attack.

"How can I avoid this? She must be keeping an eye on me all the time."Najta thought to herself.

"I said, you seem a little confused? You can't defeat me, the handsome guy, if you say so!"Brand said to Chi Tong

"……No matter what you say, I will destroy you!"After a moment of hesitation, Chi Tong launched another attack. But to her surprise, Brand suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"?!"Before Akahima could react, Najeta fired again and Akahima quickly dodged.


Chi Tong suddenly felt a danger coming from his right side. Although he quickly turned his body to the side, his arm was still scratched by Brand.

"Although it was an enemy, I have to praise this as a beautiful evasion."After Brand finished speaking, he disappeared again.

Every imperial weapon has its own secret technique, and Brand's imperial weapon is no exception. His imperial weapon can make him transparent for a short period of time, and if used skillfully, it can even completely eliminate his own aura.

"I don't think she would use any special means, nor did she hide any imperial tools... But she is indeed very strong, and her defense is also very good."Brand thought to himself.

"I didn't expect that the opponent would have such a performance when facing Brand."Najta was very surprised at Akagi's strength.

The battle was already in a stalemate. As an assassin, Akagi couldn't find Brand's breakthrough at this time, and Najata, as the target, was also flawless.

Similarly, Brand couldn't kill Akagi.

Because Brand realized that the opponent was not a warrior but an assassin, and he was responsible for protecting Najata, so he couldn't fight directly.

Najata also knew that her existence affected Brand's performance, but she couldn't get away. Because once she easily revealed any flaws, it would attract Akagi's attack.

The battle lasted for a while.

"Ha! Ha! No way... Not to mention defeating him, I can't even hurt him. If this continues, I will definitely lose... I can only retreat first.……"Chi Tong looked at Brand who was like an iron wall and began to feel like retreating.

"Oh, are you planning to run away? If I let you run away, I will have to be on guard against your next assassination, and I can't stand that."Brand saw what Chi Tong was thinking and said to him

"So in order to prevent you from escaping, I am going to challenge you to a duel. But before that, I have something to tell you."


"You and I are the same"


"I said, I saw a hint of confusion in your sword."Brand said


"Because we are fighting at full strength, I am sure. You must be dissatisfied with the Empire now. You cannot agree with the content of the work, right?"Brand's words shocked Akame.

"If that's what Brand felt, then it must be true." Najeta used the pumpkin as a crutch and walked step by step to Brand's side and said to Akame.

"Brand and I were both former soldiers of the Empire. We joined the Revolutionary Army because we couldn't agree with what the Empire did. If you are the same, then join us!"

"……Do you want me to reveal my flaws?" Chi Tong said

"Are you still on guard? That's right, after all, we still have weapons in our hands. So...what about this?" As soon as Najetta finished speaking, Brand took off his armor and Najetta put down the pumpkin. The two of them stood in front of Akame without any defense.

"Are you guys idiots?!" Chi Tong couldn't help but yelled

"Brand rarely makes mistakes, especially when it comes to girls. Since he says there is no problem, I will trust his judgment."Najta explained

"I see there's no one else around, why don't we take this opportunity to have a good chat!" Brand suggested.

"Even if we unarmed, she would still be indifferent? It seems that she has some ideas. Although she is very scary as an enemy, she is quite reliable as a companion. I must convince her no matter what."Najta looked at Akahima's performance and made up her mind to pull her into the revolutionary army.

"We are acquainted, so would you be so kind as to exchange names? My name is Brand"

"……Red pupil"

"Then let me ask you again, Akagi! Do you really pledge allegiance to the current empire from the bottom of your heart?"

"……I'm not, but this is my job." Akagi replied

"It seems that you also have a lot of inside information, so why do you kill people?" Nadezhda asked

"In order to prevent wars from happening, as long as those who try to provoke wars are killed, there will be no wars. In this way, the empire can recuperate, improve people's livelihood and let ordinary people live a happy life."

"I see, but this is impossible. Because the empire has completely lost its ability to correct itself, even if it kills all the people who started the war, the empire's decline is inevitable."

"Let me tell you the latest information. Chun Jiu, a conscientious official who wanted to change the empire from within, has been assassinated."Najta said

"Was it my father who did this?!"Akagi thought to herself.

"Even if someone is white within the empire, as long as the minister says he is black, then he is black. Anyone who has the courage to continue to insist that he is white will be sentenced or assassinated on a false charge."Najta said

"Many people who want to change the empire either leave the capital due to illness or join the revolutionary army."Brand said

"Chi Tong! Your existence is the best testimony to our ideals!"As Najeta spoke, she came up to Chi Tong without any defense and said to her

"Please lend us a helping hand!"

"What are you... talking about? I am your witness?" Chi Tong looked at Najeta in front of him and did not attack.

"To defeat the Empire with minimal sacrifice, this is the goal of our revolutionary army. Your ability is needed to assassinate specific targets."

"As a soldier, I only follow orders, but that is not enough. What are we fighting for? This is something everyone needs to think about."Brand said.

After listening to what the two said, Akahima didn't answer for a long time. Akahima already believed what the two said 80%, but with this, she still lacked a determination to join the Revolutionary Army.

"After defeating the empire...what are you going to do?" Chi Tong asked slowly.

"Create a peaceful and prosperous world where people can live in peace!"

Najta's words hit Akahima's heart like a heavy hammer. At this moment, Akahima felt that she had found a companion with the same ideals and aspirations. The knife that was originally tightly held in her hand also loosened and fell to the ground.

"That's my ideal."

"I want to hear your ideas again!" Chi Tong said excitedly

""Okay! No problem! Another of our companions will be arriving soon, so we can have a good chat then." Nadezhda said.

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