"What's wrong? You look so restless." Najetta said with a smile while pouring tea for Akato and Brand.

"I am very happy because you are talking about the people. Because it is for these things that I wield my sword."Akagi said

"Once she lets down her guard, she turns back into a girl... She also has an innocent side."Najta thought to herself as she looked at Akame.

"We are all from the Empire, so I can understand your feelings. By the way, is the weapon in your hand an ordinary knife?"Brand asked

"It is a servant"

"It really isn't an imperial weapon. I'm ashamed to think that they could tie without using an imperial weapon."Brand sighed

""Well... I tried my best too." Akahime replied embarrassedly.

That night, Akahime talked with the two all night.

Akahime was very happy because the revolutionary army they talked about always gave priority to the people in terms of policies and countermeasures against foreign races.

Najeta and Brand left because they were extremely disappointed with the empire, so they both understood Akahime's mood at the moment.

Even if they were from the empire in the past, as long as they were willing to join the revolutionary army, they could abandon their prejudices and accept it.

And the people who should be hated were Minister Ernest and others who gave the order.

The next morning, the door of the small house next to the three suddenly opened. A young man with short green hair and goggles walked out sleepily.

"I was wondering why you didn't come back all night. It turns out you are still talking."The young man said as he looked at the three people who were still talking.

"!"Seeing this, Chi Tong quickly stood up.

"He is also a companion, the other person I mentioned before. He is my assistant, his name is Lubbock."Najta introduced

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Super cute……"Lubbock remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he had already praised Chi Tong inside and out.

"Will she be our companion too?" Lubbock asked

"Yes, we are going to have another companion here." Nadezhda replied

"But I'm afraid it's not appropriate to talk about this in this situation... By the way, someone I know might also join the Revolutionary Army. But maybe he has already joined you." Akahime remembered something and said to Najeta

"Oh? What's his name?"

"His name is Chu Yufan, but he is missing now. Before he disappeared, he was defined as a spy of the rebels by the empire."Chi Tong said

"Chu Yufan? Hmm... there doesn't seem to be such a person in the Revolutionary Army... Brand, Lubbock, have you heard of him?"

"No, it sounds like a handsome guy's name. If it's a handsome guy, I will definitely remember him if I see him again."Brand said

"I've never heard of this name. Is he strong?" Lubbock asked curiously.

"He... is very strong!"

Chi Tong then told Najeta and the other two about the battles Chu Yufan had participated in, including the fight with Esdeath in the ruins, and his escape from the siege of the assassination team led by Bud. After listening to Chi Tong's description, Najeta and the other two looked solemn. Especially Najeta and Brand. Najeta had worked with Esdeath when she was a general in the empire, so she knew Esdeath's strength very well. Brand met Bud when he was serving in the imperial army.

For the revolutionary army, the two most powerful generals of the empire are undoubtedly an insurmountable mountain at present. At the same time, they are also the biggest obstacle for the revolutionary army, but this young man named Chu Yufan has fought with both generals and does not sound much inferior. If he can join the revolutionary army, he will undoubtedly be the most powerful helper.

"I know, I will find a way to find him."Najta said seriously, a talent like Chu Yufan can undoubtedly influence the whole situation.

If he chooses the empire, the position of the empire will be unshakable. After all, with the current strength of the revolutionary army, it is already quite difficult to deal with the two strongest, and if one more strongest is added, the revolutionary army will have no way to deal with it.

On the contrary, if Chu Yufan joins the revolutionary army, then the revolutionary army will minimize the losses when facing the empire, and even if it is properly arranged, there is a chance to kill the general of the empire. At the same time, the crusade against the empire can be ended in advance, reducing the harm caused by the war to ordinary people.


Speaking of Chu Yufan, they have already obtained the materials for the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon. There is nothing much to say about the process. After all, for Chu Yufan, such opponents can be killed in one move.

But what is interesting is that it was Tatsumi who first discovered the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon, and the way he discovered it was very strange.

When Tatsumi was looking for a place to play in the mountains, he accidentally ran into the cave where the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon lived.

You can imagine how angry the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon was when he returned to his nest and saw a lump of gold for no reason.

So much so that when it came to Chu Yufan and the other four, most of its attacks were directed at Tatsumi.

After reasoning out the reason for the appearance of the Cold Fire Cloud Dragon, Chu Yufan, Shayou and Iya burst into laughter, and Tatsumi's face was flushed.

After handing the materials to Beckwell, he was told that it would take about a month to forge. Chu Yufan and the other four decided to return to the village first. After all, the four of them had been in this mountain for five or six days without realizing it.

Since there was about a month left, Chu Yufan decided to start training Tatsumi and the other two. If they went to the imperial capital with their current temperament and strength, they would probably be eaten alive without leaving any bones.

"Next, the three of you will begin my training. I have already communicated with Instructor Long."

""Yes! Master!" the three said in unison.

"OK, what?……"Chu Yufan pointed at the three huge rocks next to him and said to Tatsumi and the other two with a smile:

"Each person carries a small stone on his back and runs around the village 30 times."

"What?"Tatsumi and the other two were stunned when they saw the huge rock in front of them.

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