There is no doubt that Akahima's mission failed. Although it failed, there was a light shining in Akahima's eyes. Now she finally saw the light of hope in the gap of the haze.

Because she encountered Brand, who had killed a hundred people, Akahima was not punished even if the mission failed. However, Goziqi still saw the difference between Akahima and before. Although

Akahima had planned to join the Revolutionary Army after talking with Nadezhda, it was obvious that Akahima was worried at this time, and she couldn't abandon her sister Hei Tong and just leave.

Moreover, when talking with Nadezhda, she had learned that the strengthening medicine Hei Tong was taking was quite dangerous. So at night, Akahima sneaked into the research institute to look for information. The content inside made her feel very shocked.

"Phew… It seems impossible to cure that fellow named Bonnie." The door of the room suddenly opened, and Bill and his assistant walked in.

"Do you want to give up?"

"We must discuss this with Goziqi first."

At this moment, Chi Tong, who was hiding on the ceiling, jumped down and easily controlled the two of them in no time.

"Are the things recorded here true?" Chi Tong asked in a hoarse voice.

"I will ask you questions along with the information I know. If you dare to lie, you will be in trouble."

"Damn! This guy deliberately changed his voice... Let's just hold her for now!" Bill thought to himself, and then replied

"That's right, it's just as you said. The things in the records are indeed true. The drugs given to the assassination team have a negative impact on the brain, and at the same time greatly enhance their abilities at the cost of shortening their lifespan."

"……!!"After the news was confirmed, Akahide was shocked. Then she continued to ask

"The drugs that the four partners who were in the same period as Chu Yufan were taken were also secretly provided by you, just to obtain the so-called experimental data, right?"

"That's right, that was the plan at the time." Bill answered again.

"What do you mean by giving up Pony? Whose idea was it?"

"If we can cure her, we will cure her. If we can't continue the mission after the cure, we have to get rid of her for the sake of secrecy. This is what the above means, and we have always done this."Bill replied.

Akagi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and just when he was about to take action, the muscles of Bill and his assistant suddenly swelled up. It seems that the two of them secretly took something like a strengthening drug.

"You intruder!!"Bill just turned around and saw Chi Tong in front of him, cutting his neck with a knife.

"Akatomi...Gozzi, you...didn't teach her well.……"When Bill was dying, he thought as he watched the back of Chi Tong beheading his assistant.

"If we don't change this country, such misfortunes will continue to increase. We must destroy the empire as soon as possible!"Akagi looked at the bodies of the two and finally made up his mind.

The next day, the bodies of Bill and his assistant were found.

"All the research data and various drugs were stolen, but we have inherited all of Sir Bill's knowledge and technology. So there will be no impact on the drug support for the assassination team."After counting the lost items, the researcher said to Goziqi

"Bill, who was enhanced by drugs, was not something that ordinary people could handle. The guards and alerts of the institute were also very strict... Was Chu Yufan back? No, after experiencing something like that, it was meaningless to continue investigating the enhanced drugs. Perhaps……"Goziqi thought of something, and then his face became gloomy.


In the suburbs of the imperial capital, all the current members of the assassination team gathered here. The number of dangerous species in the forest has increased suddenly recently, so the empire sent them to hunt dangerous species. Of course, this is mainly because there are many new members in the assassination team recently, and they have no combat experience, so this time they are mainly to train new members.

Tsukushi, who has recovered from his injuries, also returned to the team, and Kuroi and Natara are also in the team.

"You were very motivated in the local area before, so you must work hard in the imperial capital in the future!" said the leading soldier.

"So we have to stay in the imperial capital for the time being."Goziqi said

"Hmm... The best time to leave the empire is undoubtedly when you are on a business trip. It seems that this won't work."After listening to Goziqi's words, Akahime thought to herself.

The hunting mission began. Kurohime and Natara were in one group, and Akahime and Tsukushi were in another group. They began to advance into the forest. Soon, the two of them eliminated all the dangerous species in their respective areas.

"Phew! Now everything is settled. Now I don't have to worry anymore."Tsukushi said with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but we are the elite troops of the empire. We must not miss any of them, so we should go to the outer periphery to have a look."Akagi said with his back to Tsukushi, and then ran straight to the outer periphery without waiting for his reply.

"Wait a minute?! Akahime-chan!"

"Come back soon!!"Akagi replied.

Akagi shuttled between the trees and soon arrived at the place where he met the revolutionary army. At this time, there was already a person waiting for Akagi's arrival.

"what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a new Night Owl."

After the two exchanged secret signals, the revolutionary army took off their hats and said

"Najeta has already told me that my name is Leone. Oh, don't worry, there is no one else around here. Leone explained as she saw Akame looking around.

"Because of this imperial weapon, my hearing and sense of smell have been greatly improved."

Leone's imperial weapon: King of Beasts [Lion King], a belt-type imperial weapon that allows the user to transform into a beast and dramatically improve physical abilities. The improvement of hearing and smell can also help search for enemy traces.

"I am Akame, please give me your guidance, Leone"

"How is the situation? When do you plan to leave the empire so that I can pick you up."Leone asked

"Although I have made up my mind, I still need to convince my sister and companions. Can you please wait a moment?"Akagi said

"You should know that this area is heavily guarded. Even I can't come here more than once. Although I will help you, it's already difficult for you to escape alone. Even if you can convince your companions, I can't help you escape, right?" Leone explained helplessly.

"……I know, I am already very happy that you can come today. Please let me fight again!" Chi Tong asked

""Pfft... I heard from Najeta that you are a very serious beautiful girl. Now it seems that she is right." Leone suddenly laughed and then said to Akame.

"There is no such thing as a beautiful girl. My sister is the cutest in the world."Akagi replied.

At night, Akagi began to persuade her sister Kuroi, but Kuroi, who had been severely brainwashed by strengthening drugs and hypnosis, would naturally not betray the empire and join the revolutionary army with her sister. After persuading for several nights, there was no effect.

This made Akagi confused. After all, if even her sister did not agree, would others agree? What made Akagi even more worried was that Bonnie would have a physical test in three days. What would happen to her if she failed?

""Akagi-chan!" Tsukushi gently pushed Akagi who was constantly thinking of a countermeasure and greeted her.

"If Akahime-chan wants to take a bath too, let's go together."

""Oh, okay." Chi Tong replied

"I wonder what will happen to Bonnie's test in three days? Is there anything we can do to help her?" Chikushi said as she took off her clothes.

"It would be terrible if someone found out that we were helping her in secret."Akagi said

"We just need to believe that Bonnie-chan is fine."


"What's wrong? Akahide-chan, I seem to see you in a daze a lot recently.……"

"No, nothing."

"Akahime-chan is so serious, there must be something on your mind, right? Why don't you tell me about it? Bonnie-chan, I'm no longer the only one who can help Akahime-chan!"Tsukushi said seriously.

"Tsukushi, you said the same thing before, although it didn't solve the problem in the end."Akagi recalled the past and couldn't help but say

"Huh? Is that so?"

"But...thank you, Tsukushi." Akahime said with a sense of relief.

"Can I come to your room tonight and tell you about my troubles?"

"Well! Sometimes we can sleep together!"Tsukushi heard Akahime say this and couldn't help but said happily

"I'm going to try to confess to her, I'm ready." Akahime thought to herself as she looked at Tsukushi.

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