Location: Imperial Capital

"Hmm~ Looking for talent on the street? Boss, this request is a bit too much. As for Akame... I hope nothing goes wrong."Leona was sitting on the street, thinking to herself. While she was thinking about it, a talent with long purple hair and glasses was passing by her.

"Come to think of it, Akame-chan hasn't been to my room for a long time."Tsukushi opened the door and said

"It seems so."

"You always stick to Kurome, to be honest, it makes me feel lonely."Tsukushi said as he poured tea for Akame.

"I'm really sorry." Chi Tong also felt embarrassed when she heard this.

"Forget it, this kind of sister-con is the Akahime I know. By the way, what do you want to tell me?"

"What I am going to say next is my true feelings, so please listen to me patiently."


"I have decided to leave the Empire!"When Akahime said this, Tsukushi's face showed surprise and some other emotions.

Then Akahime told Tsukushi everything she had seen and heard. However, it was obvious that the suspicion in Tsukushi's eyes did not decrease at all.

"So I decided to leave the empire and live for the people. That's what I thought." said Chi Tong

"I thought you were a little bit strange, so I wasn't too surprised.……"

"I want you to come with me, Chikushi! We were taught to kill for the happiness of the people, but now the empire……"

"I understand what you said, Akahime, but I still don't agree with your point of view!!"Tsukushi interrupted Akahime.

"I... don't care about justice or the people. I just want to choose the side my father is on. As long as everyone is there, that's enough."Tsukushi said, raising his arms.

"Chikushi……?!"Akahima felt strange watching Tsukushi's actions, and then her heart suddenly felt cold. Because through the window of the room Akahima could see Gozichi and the assassination team on the roof outside.

"My father asked me to have a good talk with you, but if you are talking about something like this, let me report it."

"So I have always been suspected?" Chi Tong thought in shock.

"Apologize to your father now! Chi Tong, I will also help you plead for mercy……"

"Sorry, Tsukushi, it's too late!"After knocking Tsukushi unconscious with a flash and a knife, Akahime quickly ran towards her residence. Now Akahime has only one goal, to take Kuroi with her and escape from the empire.

Although she had prepared an escape route and successfully knocked Kuroi unconscious and carried him away, Akahime was caught up by Gozchi just as she was about to enter the forest.

"If you were not prepared to fight your sister and friends, how could you escape the empire? You were so naive, and the result was that you betrayed Tsukushi and carried your sister, so I caught up with you."Goziqi said. Akahime did not reply, but put Kurohime on the ground, then drew out the knife and warned Goziqi.

"Oh, what? Are you planning to fight to the death with your father? My lovely daughter, I just wanted to forgive you.……"

"If you keep talking nonsense, the others will catch up with you. Before that, father, I will bury you!" Chi Tong looked at Goziqi and said

"……Without any hesitation, he originally planned to kill her with one strike when she wavered."Goziqi thought to himself, and then he also drew out his imperial weapon Murasame.

"Although you have always had the opportunity to correct yourself, you have finally come to this point. I will no longer acknowledge you as my daughter. I am going to clean up the mess!"

"With a weapon that can kill with one strike and a body that can stretch freely, he is a terrifyingly strong enemy.......But I have to make it quick now." Chi Tong stared at Goziqi's movements, and then noticed that Goziqi's toes moved slightly.

"Time is on my side now, I just need to wait for others to come......."Just as Goziqi was thinking about it, Akato started to act.

"I didn't escape here by my own strength.......Leone!!"

"!"Goziqi followed Chitong's line of sight, but there was no one there. Chitong took the opportunity to rush towards Goziqi.

However, as an experienced killer, how could he be fooled by such a trick of Chitong? Goziqi aimed at Chitong's toes and shot at Chitong like a bullet. However, Chitong was not a young killer. She had noticed Goziqi's actions long ago, so she quickly came to Goziqi along the extended toes and slashed his abdomen with a knife.

"Have you grown to this point without realizing it? What a pity!......But you can't beat me, Akado!"

Goziqi stretched out his arms, carrying Murasame and sweeping towards Akado. Akado used Kiri Ichimonji to block, but the weapon cracked after just a touch. Then Goziqi opened fire, his hair flying and attacking Akado. Akado tried hard to dodge, and was then kicked in the waist by Goziqi's outstretched foot, and the whole person hit the tree hard.

"Phew......"Huh! Huh!" Chi Tong spat out blood and looked at Goziqi who was gradually approaching. Seeing this, Chi Tong jumped onto a big tree and turned to leave.

"Are you going to run away?" Seeing this, Goziqi flew up and saw Chitong hiding on the branches of a big tree in mid-air.


Akahima stepped on the tree with all her strength, and rushed towards Gozizi in mid-air like a spring. She slashed Gozizi's body again with a fierce knife, and Akahima's Kiri Ichimonji also broke into pieces. The two fell to the ground together, and Gozizi's Murasame also fell out of his hand.

"I didn't expect you to rush towards me instead of running away."Goziqi said to Chitong who had stood up while lying on the ground.

"cough cough......However, my body can still hold on. After all, I have been training in the Royal Fist Temple for many years.......cough cough......Normally, you won't die so easily......."

Hearing this, Akame looked at the imperial weapon Murasame that fell to the ground from Gozic's hand, picked it up and said:

"If you use this knife......"

"......That's right......If I am hit by this knife, even I can't stand it."Goziqi said calmly. Then Chitong stabbed Goziqi's chest without hesitation.

"This imperial weapon even has hidden secrets, but that would require you to abandon your human identity.......I can't use that, but if it's yours......Maybe I can do it." Goziqi looked at his daughter and slowly closed his eyes.

"This tragic ending is quite suitable for a killer like me......."

"Goodbye, father."Akagi looked at the dying Goziqi and said softly.

"......Even so, you......You still treat me as your father.......I didn't expect that I could get some comfort in the end. I lost with all my heart......."Goziqi opened his eyes again and looked at Akame, then closed them again and died.

""Father! Akame-chan!"

Tsukushi caught up and saw the dead Gozichi and Akame standing in front of the corpse.

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