"At 9 p.m. on August 25, the Pearl Grand Theater, which is holding the Pearl International Film Festival, was attacked by terrorists. In less than ten minutes, the Pearl theater has been completely controlled by terrorists, including thousands of hostages. During this period, gunfire kept going in the theater, and the current number of casualties is unknown. The police and the military have responded quickly to this terrorist attack. For details, please see the live report... "

On this turbulent night, on the screen of the most authoritative news channel in China, the dignified hosts are broadcasting the shocking events that happened tonight with worried faces.

With the host's words falling, the screen cuts to the scene of the Pearl Grand Theater, and the reporters in the screen are also extremely worried to look at the huge object with an extremely dignified atmosphere behind them, nervously broadcasting the latest situation.

At the moment, the Pearl Grand Theater has been surrounded by countless police cars and valiant military vehicles, and the dense SWAT soldiers are also holding guns to confront the bandits in the Pearl Grand Theater. Only because of the hostages in the Grand Theater, the blasting work has not made any progress.

"Is the terrorist attack at the Pearl International Film Festival a provocation to Huaxia Guowei, or something else?"

"Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away... Besides, these terrorists have been running to our chassis to act wildly! I hope the country will use sharp weapons to kill these bandits! "

"Kill these thousand sword killers and give me peace in China!"

"On August 25, the Pearl of China suffered a terrorist attack, with thousands of hostages, including the famous international movie star Gu Yuyan, kung fu movie star Li Qilin and so on."


On the Internet, countless platforms and software are crazily discussing and reprinting this world-famous event, and countless netizens are focusing on the Pearl Grand Theater at the moment.

There is fear, there is worry, more is anger.

Anger is not only that these terrorists control the stars that affect every bit of their lives, but also that they are openly challenging the national prestige of China and the face of their beloved mother.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to, looking forward to China can give their people enough protection.

The commander of the special police force outside the Mingzhu Grand Theater is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and big body. This is Liu Zhengrong, commander in chief of Jinling military region. Behind Liu Zhengrong is Zhong Rushan, the captain of the gloomy pearl special police team, known as the cold faced iron team.

Liu Zhengrong's face changed. He took a look at the dimly lit pearl Grand Theater in front of him and made a gesture to Zhong Rushan.

Zhong Rushan received the order, and LengSheng gave the order in the radio intercom: "other departments are in place and ready to fight at all times. The sniper immediately reports the situation and receives a reply! "

"Sniper one is ready. He's on high ground. Target the purple bandits. But the environment is too dark. The success rate is less than 40%. Over

"Sniper two is ready..."

"Sniper three is ready..."

It came from Zhong Rushan's walkie talkie one after another. Just after the No. 3 sniper's voice fell, Zhong Rushan's walkie talkie remained blank for a period of time.

Zhong Rushan's face was frightfully cold, and he called out in a low voice: "sniper No.4, sniper No.4, if you hear me, please reply, please reply!"

There was no sound except for the faint waves.

"Damn it Zhong Rushan scolded and asked Qin Yiming, the team leader beside him, "Qin Yiming, who is the fourth sniper in charge of this operation?"

Qin Yiming was sweating. He quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead and opened his mouth slightly. But before he could speak, a cold voice came from Zhong Rushan's walkie talkie.

"Sniper four has infiltrated the Grand Theater. Infiltrated the Grand Theater. Over!"

The voice came and went in a hurry. The owner of the voice turned off his communication equipment without waiting for Zhong Rushan to speak. The voice from the walkie talkie belongs to Qin ruxuan, a cold female subordinate who usually has a headache.

Qin ruxuan is only twenty-three years old. She is not only amazing in appearance, but also in strength. Over the past few years, she has won the first place in the Pearl special police brigade with absolute strength. She is the champion in both fighting and shooting in the competition in the past three years, and her achievements are beyond the reach of countless teammates.

According to the truth, Qin ruxuan, a gifted special police officer, should be the treasure in Zhong Rushan's palm. She's afraid of breaking it. But in fact, it's just the opposite. Qin ruxuan has always been the object of Zhong Rushan's headache and often makes the cold faced iron team gnash their teeth.

The reason is that Qin ruxuan never followed Zhong Rushan's command.

Qin ruxuan was on her own in every mission. She didn't cooperate with her teammates and didn't obey the command. In the past several operations, she almost messed up the mission and nearly led to disaster. If it wasn't for Qin ruxuan's skill and Qin family's face, he would have kicked this woman out.


Seeing Qin ruxuan's mischief again, Zhong Rushan was so angry that he almost threw his walkie talkie out of his hand. Fortunately, in recent years, he has cultivated his character, which has eliminated his hot temper and made him more stable. Otherwise, his walkie talkie would have been broken.

Suppressing the impulse to kill, Zhong Rushan squeezed the walkie talkie tightly and continued to give orders to his subordinates: "quickly fill the space for the No. 4 sniper, everyone be ready."

"Yes." The steady voice of the subordinates came from the walkie talkie.

Liu Zhengrong, commander-in-chief, frowned slightly when he saw the episode, but he didn't say anything. His eyes were staring at the Pearl Grand Theater. At this time, the silent terrorists finally spoke out.

In the Pearl Grand Theater.

There are three theaters in Mingzhu Grand Theater, namely Grand Theater, middle theater and small theater. Among them, thousands of hostages were gathered in the Grand Theater by terrorists. At a glance, there were panic men and women everywhere. On the stage of the Grand Theater, there were six armed terrorists. At the foot of the terrorists, several bodies were very eye-catching.

In the bloody theater, thousands of hostages are completely on the ground and dare not make any noise. Even if they are crying, they cover their mouths with their shaking hands and let the cry get stuck in their throat.

In the Pearl Grand Theater, in addition to the six terrorists on the grand stage of the Grand Theater, there are terrorists patrolling in every corner of the Grand Theater, or guarding the exits, and even people flickering in the dark. It can be said that more than 20 terrorists can be seen in the Grand Theater, not including the terrorists distributed in the middle theater, small theater and other corners.

"What a big hand."

Li Qilin, a slightly bold kung fu star among the hostages, looked at the terrorists in the Grand Theater and took a breath.

Finally, in the depressing theater, the terrorists on the stage have an action. It seems that the leader of the terrorist has a communication mobile phone in his hand. Li Qilin, who is close to the stage, can vaguely hear that the terrorists are negotiating with the police outside with their mobile phones.

Just as the terrorists were negotiating with the outside Chinese government, a dark shadow sneaked in on the second floor of the Grand Theater.

The shadow moves quickly in the second floor with light steps and slight body pressure. Whenever it encounters a terrorist on patrol, the shadow can always find a good shield in advance to hide its shadow in the dark so as not to expose itself.

Dark shadow is Qin ruxuan, who was scolded by Zhong Rushan outside the Pearl Grand Theater.

At this time, Qin ruxuan was approaching the entrance of the stairs on the first floor. When she saw two fully armed terrorists in front of her, she quietly hid behind a big pillar. When the two terrorists passed the big pillar, she quickly knocked one of them unconscious and dragged him with her feet, so that the dead terrorists could not land. In a short time, Cover the mouth of another terrorist with your hand and insert the dagger from the back of your heart.

After confirming that the terrorist did not survive, Qin ruxuan slowly put him down, then made a fatal cut on the unconscious terrorist and reaped his life.

This is the fourth group of terrorists she's secretly dealing with.

After dragging the two bodies to an airtight room to clean up, Qin ruxuan flashed down toward the Grand Theater on the first floor. However, when Qin ruxuan just arrived at the first floor, she felt that she was not good and quickly stepped back.

As expected, as Qin ruxuan retreated, the sound of submachine guns resounded in the Grand Theater, and countless bullets rushed towards the narrow stairway. Fortunately, Qin ruxuan responded promptly and stepped back several steps, otherwise she would have to be shot into a sieve.

"Found out."

Qin ruxuan frowned slightly, held a pistol, quickly solved a terrorist who had just emerged, and then quickly retreated to the second floor. She knows that there are fewer terrorists on the second floor than in the Grand Theater on the first floor, and several of them have been solved by her secretly.

It's just a pity that before she retreated to the second floor, she had been suppressed in the stairs by the terrorists coming from the second floor with submachine guns, so that she could not rise.

"Damn it."

Qin ruxuan took a pistol and fired it from time to time. However, because she was suppressed so much, she had no right to say. Naturally, she could not solve the surrounding terrorists. However, it is not without any effect. At least it can slow down the speed of the terrorists' encirclement.

However, Qin ruxuan knew that it would be sooner or later for her to be made dumplings.

At the time of violent gunfire in the Grand Theater, the boy with long bangs and face masks, who was hidden in the dark, could not laugh or cry: "this woman is really a dead brain. Fortunately, she caught up this time, otherwise it would be really over."

His name is ye Buqiu!

Maple leaves, not dead, autumn autumn!

He's not a star, he's not an audience, he's not a special police officer on the mission. He is just a benefactor tonight.

Relying on the advantage of the dark environment, ye Buqiu quietly leaned over to the big stage, holding a sharp dagger in his hand, jumped quietly, wiped the neck of the terrorists commanding the scene on the big stage, and solved the problem of the terrorist leader in an instant.

The terrorists on the stage reacted and rushed to ye Buqiu, who suddenly appeared. Ye Buqiu was not afraid. He held a dagger in his hand and went up face to face. First, he kicked the nearby terrorists away with one foot. Then, with a stroke of the dagger, a purple bandit who came from the side would die.

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