Outside the Pearl theater.

Hearing the gunshots coming from inside, Zhong Rushan's face was gloomy. He was holding the walkie talkie in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on the closed door.

Liu Zhengrong is also a pick eyebrows, he sighed, head toward Zhong Rushan whispered: "action."


Zhong Rushan didn't dare to delay, and he didn't have time to delay. Anyway, things have come to this point, so he can only take action in advance. Otherwise, if he continues to delay, the consequences may be more serious.

But the angry Zhong Rushan has made a decision in his heart. After this time, he will never let Qin ruxuan go.

On the big stage, ye Buqiu fights face to face with the remaining four terrorists. With vigilant terrorists and his own skills, ye Buqiu suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Five people fight for a minute. During the fight, ye Buqiu parries a gangster's flying leg with both hands and staggers back a few steps.


The remaining terrorists in the Grand Theater seize the opportunity for ye Buqiu to leave the terrorist crowd on the stage, and one after another pick up their guns and shoot at ye Buqiu.

The bullet came over like money. Ye Buqiu didn't dare to stop and rolled forward. He grabbed one of the terrorists' feet and pulled it down, blocking the terrorist in front of him. The terrorists who shot saw ye Buqiu hiding behind his accomplices, so they had to stop shooting and move quickly, looking for the chance to shoot again.

Ye Buqiu stabbed the fallen terrorist on his chest, picked up the pistol at the terrorist's waist, stood up and fired three shots at the other three terrorists in a row.

The interval between the guns is short, but it hits.

There was a blood hole in the middle of the three terrorists' eyebrows. With a few blasts, they fell to the ground one after another.

After solving the problem of several people on the stage, ye Buqiu tumbled to the backstage of the stage, making the terrorists with light weapons in the audience lose their target.

With the appearance of Ye Buqiu, Qin ruxuan's pressure is greatly reduced. She gives up the chance to escape from the second floor and returns to the first floor. She takes out two flares from her body and throws them one after another to the left and right of the stairway. With the sound of the flares, Qin ruxuan rolls forward, quickly uses a pistol to solve the three terrorists on her right side, finds a shield, and continues to confront the terrorists on her left.

As time goes on, there are only ten terrorists left in the Grand Theater. Four of them press towards Qin ruxuan. They move closer to the stage to find ye Buqiu who disappeared on the stage. The remaining two terrorists are to contain the slightly agitated hostages. However, knowing the changes in the operation, the terrorists distributed around the Pearl grand theater are gradually moving closer to the Grand Theater.

Seeing the sudden change in the Grand Theater, the hostages in the audience are really restless, and many people are ready to move.

Finally, someone moved.

"Run, everyone. If you don't run now, you will die later..."

There was a man yelling. Sure enough, under his instigation, many people gathered their courage and ran towards the gate of the Grand Theater with their heads in their hands.



The shouting man was the first to fall down, his eyes wide open, and his eyes closed.

The gunfire started everywhere. The submachine guns in the hands of the two terrorists who watched the hostages kept on firing. The hostages who started the riot were shot all at once. Some fell to the ground and cried out with their legs in their arms, while others kept twitching and lost their lives.

The ruthlessness of the gangsters made the hostages who saw the hope fall into a dead silence again. In addition to the palpitation in his heart, the scene soon quieted down, and the riot was suppressed by the merciless submachine gun.

Time is in a hurry, just a few seconds. It's just that there are more bodies in the Grand Theater than before.

"What an idiot." Qin ruxuan, hiding behind her seat, frowned.

Qin ruxuan obviously saw the reaction of the group of hostages just now. Although she was a little dissatisfied, her hand movement didn't stop at all. She skillfully replaced the bullet clip, quickly took out a small round mirror from her arms, and then threw it forward. Taking advantage of the mirror, she quickly locked the four gangsters behind her.

Bang bang!

Qin ruxuan threw back her two guns, and two dull voices began to ring. She knew with confidence that it was the sound of the body falling to the ground.

Seeing Qin ruxuan's terrible skill, the two terrorists who are looking for ye Buqiu make a gesture with their companions who are watching the hostages, move quickly and press over to Qin ruxuan's position. It seems that they are going to deal with Qin ruxuan first.

Guru Guru Nagetto.

At this moment, a smoke bomb with thick smoke rolled towards Qin ruxuan's feet. Seeing this, Qin ruxuan took off her fur coat and threw it back. The fur coat was shot into a bee nest in an instant, and she took the opportunity to jump forward and escape the range covered by the smoke bomb.

Two terrorists leaning over from behind Qin ruxuan look at each other. One of the tall men makes a gesture. The other man nods and takes out a grenade from his waist.


Just at the moment when the thin man threw the grenade, a bullet hit the grenade flying in the air, which made a big bang. The huge explosive force fried the tall gangster and the thin man into meat sauce.

On the stage, ye Buqiu appears again. The pistol in his hand points to the explosion position of the grenade, and the muzzle of the gun is emitting light smoke.

"Eight o'clock." Qin ruxuan, hiding behind the audience, yelled.

As soon as Qin ruxuan's words fall, ye Buqiu pulls the trigger of the pistol, and a terrorist who just came from outside the Grand Theater falls.

The appearance of Ye Buqiu naturally attracted the attention of the remaining gangsters. The two terrorists who watched the hostages put their firepower on ye Buqiu, but ye Buqiu had no choice but to fly to the side and hide in the corner of the stage.

"One is in the six o'clock positive direction, the other is on the right, one meter apart." Shrinking in the corner of the stage, ye Buqiu yells at Qin ruxuan. Ye Buqiu sees Qin ruxuan's hiding place through Yu Guang, and naturally sees the two gangsters who are gradually approaching Qin ruxuan.

Qin ruxuan didn't hesitate. She didn't even show her head. She shot the pistol back two times. It hit the two gangsters' eyebrows. Her head was so bloody that she couldn't die any more.

In less than ten minutes since Qin ruxuan was found sneaking in, all the terrorists in the Grand Theater have been solved by Qin ruxuan and ye Buqiu, except for two gangsters who are watching the hostages.

When the two gangsters saw Qin ruxuan and ye Buqiu's fierce skills and terrible shooting skills, they felt a sense of fear. One of them pointed the submachine gun at the close hostages in front of them, and the other kept moving the submachine gun back and forth in the corner where Qin ruxuan and ye Buqiu were hiding.

“STOP! STOP!” The two gangsters yelled in English“ Come out, or I'll kill them. "

The gangster's voice resounded throughout the Grand Theater. When he repeated it for the second time, Qin ruxuan came out from behind her seat, with a pistol in her hand and cold eyes staring at the two frightened gangsters, and ye Buqiu came out from the corner.

"Throw away all your weapons, or I'll kill them." The assailant with the submachine gun aimed at the hostage yelled.

Qin ruxuan looked at the gangster a hundred meters away. Hearing the gangster's cry, she threw all her weapons aside. When ye Buqiu saw Qin ruxuan, who was extremely calm after losing her weapon, her face behind the mask could not help showing some appreciation. With a smile, she also threw the pistol in her hand.

Looking at ye Buqiu and Qin ruxuan who have lost their weapons, the two gangsters have a sneer on their lips.

"Qin ruxuan, get down." Seeing the sneer from the corner of the gangster's mouth, ye Buqiu shouts at Qin ruxuan, and he pours forward.


One of the remaining two gangsters aimed at ye Buqiu's position and the other at Qin ruxuan.


In the process of flying, ye Buqiu had two more silver needles in his hand. The silver needles shot at the submachine guns of the two gangsters and deflected both submachine guns. At this time, Qin ruxuan, who had just dodged the submachine guns, picked up the pistol on the ground and fired two shots in succession. The two gangsters burst into blood in their chest.

Just when Qin ruxuan and ye Buqiu had a tacit understanding to solve all the terrorists in the Grand Theater, the special police and their troops who had already acted outside flooded into the Grand Theater. After removing the potential danger, they asked the bomb disposal team to carry out the bomb disposal task.

In this terrorist action, terrorists not only controlled the entire Pearl Grand Theater, but also installed time bombs in every corner of the Grand Theater.

The bomb disposal team fought against the clock to dismantle the bomb, and the military also ordered the hostages to evacuate quickly. Ye Buqiu took advantage of the chaos to take off his mask and submerge into the crowd. With the hostages' troops, he quietly left the bloody and gunpowder theater.

The crisis is over.

Liu Zhengrong and Zhong Rushan, supported by their subordinates, also came to the Grand Theater. A special police trotted over to report the situation to Zhong Rushan: "report to the team leader, 32 gangsters, 31 people were killed, one of them was killed by a bullet. At present, all the bombs installed in the Pearl Grand Theater have been removed."

"Report hostage casualties." The clock is like a mountain and the surface is like a cold mountain.

"Eleven of the hostages were killed, three seriously injured and four slightly injured."

"Report our casualties." Zhong Rushan squinted.

"Report to captain... Our side, zero casualties." Standing upright, the special police officer handed Zhong Rushan a scrapped remote control and said weakly: "fortunately, Qin ruxuan immediately destroyed the gangster's bomb remote control, otherwise it would be more or less dangerous. Captain, Qin ruxuan's contribution is greater than her fault. See if you don't punish her. "

Qin ruxuan's skill is fierce, and her appearance is cool and beautiful. Naturally, there is no shortage of pursuers. One of them is the special police who is reporting.

"Not me." A cold voice came.

Qin ruxuan, who was wearing special police uniform, came over. After she took off her mask, she showed her delicate and cool face, pale and straight eyebrows, and cold and spiritless eyes, giving people a kind of indifferent feeling of not disturbing strangers.

It's good not to see Qin ruxuan. As soon as he saw Qin ruxuan, Zhong Rushan, who had just been suppressing his anger, was furious. He pointed at Qin ruxuan and yelled: "Qin ruxuan, in this action..."

"Who is he?" Without waiting for Zhong Rushan to finish, Qin Rushuan asked coldly.


"I ask you, who is the man who destroyed the remote control?"

"Qin ruxuan, is that the tone of your speech with your boss? Don't think that with your father's support behind you, you can ignore discipline and Lao Tzu's orders. I tell you, today you must be fed up. " Zhong Rushan wants to feed Qin ruxuan several bullets at the moment.


When the safety of the pistol was opened, Qin ruxuan, holding the pistol, pointed at Zhong Rushan and asked coldly, "who is he again?"

"Qin ruxuan! How dare you point a gun at me? Do you believe I shot you? " Zhong Rushan is furious.

Qin Rushuan stares at Zhong Rushan for five seconds, but she doesn't seem to get the answer she wants. She throws the pistol to Zhong Rushan, loses a word, and turns to leave.

"You don't know."

"Qin ruxuan! You stand there for me Behind him came Zhong Rushan's angry roar, but Qin ruxuan, as if she had not heard it, went out of the Grand Theater.

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