Who is Jiao Tianya?

He is not a superstar who can influence the trend of the whole Chinese entertainment circle, but he is a superstar's teacher. He doesn't work in the entertainment circle. He is just a teacher on campus, but there is a legend about him in the whole entertainment circle.

He is not a star. He has more status than a superstar. He is an art teacher and a teacher of many artists.

He had only four disciples in his life. The greatest achievement is director Zhang wumou, who is famous throughout China and the world, followed by Gu Yuyan, the youngest actress in China, and finally director Long Yu and singer Zhang Shangxin.

Mingzhu university is the most famous university in China, and the Academy of Arts is the cradle of famous stars in China. Jiao Tianya is the dean of the art college and the teacher of countless stars. Whether it is personal influence or contacts, are extremely deep.

Ye Buqiu has become his disciple. As long as his performance is not too bad, he may directly occupy a certain position in the entertainment industry in the future. And Jiao Tianya's big brand can ensure that he is smooth and smooth on this road.

There is an idiom called "a word is worth a thousand gold.". But these words from Jiao Tianya's mouth are worth thousands of gold.

Ye Buqiu did not expect that the cool little old man would accept his own entrance. He knows what this represents, and he knows that this gift is so heavy that countless people can't imagine it. He believes that if he takes the initiative to release the news, some people in the entertainment industry will soon step into their own threshold.

"The boy's luck is so good that people envy him."

"My God. If I had known that, I would have written down all the famous sayings in the classroom... "

"I have decided that ye Buqiu is the first man I want to be in college. You are not allowed to rob me, or... Hum, I'll kill you with my butt. " A fat girl with a weight of 200 Jin stares at ye Buqiu, a lovely little sheep.

"There won't be any shady scenes, will there? With this, teacher Jiao Tianya will accept him as a disciple? "

Jiao Tianya doesn't care what these students think. His eyes are blazing at ye Buqiu. It's like a flower picker coveting the beauty of a good family.

Naked, not wanting.

This kind of Dean Jiao Tianya completely subverts his previous rigorous and old-fashioned image.

Jiao Tianya is waiting for ye Buqiu's answer. Similarly, all the students in the classroom are looking at ye Buqiu, waiting for his opening.

"Students have paid homage to their teachers." Ye Buqiu said. Since this little old man, who is well-known in the whole entertainment circle, has already accepted apprentices, ye Buqiu has no reason to refuse.

"Good, good." Jiao Tianya even said two "good" and happily said: "from today on, you are my fifth disciple. On top of you, there are four senior brothers and sisters... Of course, you must also know their identities from your classmates? "


"If you have the chance, I will introduce them to you and let them help you a lot." Jiao Tianya rubbed his white beard and thought about it. He continued, "come to my office at 12:30 tomorrow noon. I'll give you a present."

"Well, the students must be on time." Ye Buqiu nods.

Jiao Tianya talked about some things that should be paid attention to in the course study or university life in the classroom. He gave the classroom task to the counselor who had been standing outside the classroom for a long time. He left the classroom with his hands on his back as fast as the wind.

The counselor, Chen Qiang, with a pair of black framed high eyes and short hair shirt, is 26 years old, not much older than those students who have just entered university life. Chen Qiang is close and gentle. He is also a peer with the students here. He soon became one with the students.

"To tell you the truth, I really envy it. Dean Jiao is 67 years old. He has high expectations in the entertainment industry and in the University. He is a rigorous and serious teacher. It's a blessing to be a disciple of President Jiao after many years of cultivation in his last life. " Chen Qiang's eyes fall on ye Buqiu in the corner of the classroom, with a smile on his face.

"I believe you are also envious. Right? "

"Yes." Many students shout at the same time.

"But it's useless to be envious. There is only one dean Jiao, but there are seventy-eight of you. It is indeed a blessing for ye Buqiu to be accepted as a disciple by President Jiao. But students, our real destiny is in our own hands. Even if you are a child of a grassroots or a rich businessman, if you don't work hard and have ten Dean Jiao as your teacher, you will only do nothing. Of course, I'm not denying president Jiao's ability. I'm just believing that you have it. "

Chen Qiang's words make those envious students feel better.

Chen Qiang's eloquence is excellent, but also a little understanding of psychological knowledge, in an extremely short time to those who are absent or fantasy students back. After explaining a lot of knowledge needed in college life, he began to throw out the topic of the first stage of college.

Military training.

yes. If you want to be a qualified college student, you must first experience the military training of the University.

The military training of Mingda will start tomorrow. After 15 days, all the officers or soldiers will be sent by the troops stationed in Mingzhu city for training. The school and the army attach great importance to the military training of the University. Before the beginning of school, the instructors in charge of the training have already arrived at the University and are ready to work smoothly at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

"There are 62 boys in our class, so the boys in our class belong to one team. But the number of female students is relatively small, only 19, can only be included in the music professional female team Chen Qiang said.

"For boys, a temporary monitor should be selected to supervise and organize the activities of the whole class, and at the same time, they should also bear the corresponding responsibilities. And although the girls belong to the music professional team, but also to choose a classmate as the girl's temporary monitor, just need to be responsible for the girl side Chen Qiang scanned the classroom and asked, "have you offered yourself? Please raise your hand


A boy with golden eyes raised his hand. Ye Buqiu has an impression on this boy. He is Lu Yuhong, who refuted Jiao Tianya's dean before.


Hands were raised one after another. There are men and women, all face excited and expectations. Even Gu Shiyu, who was beside ye Buqiu, raised her hand solemnly.

"Second, raise your hand, too. Hurry up." Tang Duoduo called in a low voice. Tang Duoduo knows that with ye Buqiu's momentum, if he also participates in the election, it will be very likely.

"Forget it." Ye Buqiu shakes his head. Now he has become a disciple of President Jiao Tianya and is on the cutting edge of the limelight. Many people are already jealous of him. If he is to run for the temporary monitor again, it will inevitably be inappropriate.

Moreover, he has no interest in the temporary monitor.

In order to be fair, the students who raised their hands gave a simple speech, and soon the two temporary monitors were determined. To ye Buqiu's dismay, the boy's temporary monitor turned out to be his roommate Gu Shiyu, while the girl's temporary monitor was a chubby but eloquent girl named Liu Xiaojie.

After selecting the temporary squad leaders, director Chen Qiang arranged for two more temporary squad leaders to take a few students with them to get the military training clothes. After distributing the military training clothes, the students tried on the military training clothes in the classroom. They waited until they were all satisfied before they announced the end.

When leaving the classroom, ye Buqiu feels a bad look. He turns around and looks at Lu Yuhong with a cold look.

"Interesting life seems to be about to begin." Ye Buqiu said in his heart.

At the end of the day, it was already more than eleven o'clock. Several people had a discussion. Ye Buqiu and Gu Shiyu, two famous people, invited Xia Yumeng and her three roommates to lunch. So the eight people rushed to the school canteen. After Gu Shiyu waved his big hand and shouted "my treat", the enthusiasm of the eight people was fully presented.

Xia Yumeng's three roommates are all in the same major. They are Yan Ruyu, he Benben and Hu Lan. Yan Ruyu is a tall, thin, flat breast freckled girl. He Benben is short and fat, but his face is extremely cute. He has a sense of "childlike beauty and breast". Hu Lan is a girl who likes to hide herself in the sea of books.

In general, among the four girls, Xia Yumeng's appearance and temperament are the most outstanding. Of course, Xia Yumeng is also the most shy girl in their dormitory. When Yan Ruyu and ye Buqiu got together in the dormitory, Xia Yumeng sat down beside them with red face and head down all the time. He only raised his head to take a look from time to time.

After entering the dining hall, Hu Yuan quickly occupied a long table with ten seats with the advantages of fierce eyes, agility and heavy body. Ye Buqiu and others took their seats one after another. The girls began to order, and Gu Shiyu was responsible for swiping the card.

Tang Duoduo and Gu Shiyu have good eloquence. They throw out a few dirty jokes from time to time, which makes a few girls giggle. At the beginning, their estrangement gradually disappears, and their relationship is harmonious. Sometimes even Xia Yumeng, who has been introverted and shy, throws out one or two sentences.

Hu Yuan is a big Han in Inner Mongolia, and likes drinking, especially baijiu. At home or outside, he has no wine. So he suggested that people order some drinks. Hu Yuan's proposal was unanimously agreed and strongly affirmed... Of course, the strong affirmation came from Tang Duoduo and Gu Shiyu.

Eight people raised their glasses, except for the drinks in the summer rain dream's hands, and others were either beer or baijiu.

"Adhering to the concept of hard work for boys and watermelon ice-cream for girls, inheriting the fine tradition of boys' wholehearted efforts instead of girls' love, and abiding by the principle that boys should comfort girls when girls are sad, no matter they are taking a shit or playing in the hero League. As of today, our two dormitories have officially become friendship dormitories. I don't want to be born in the same year, month and day, but I want to get married in the same year, month and day... "

In the voice of fat Tang Duoduo's mellow cry and the girl's smile, the two dormitories officially get together.

"Long live the fellowship." Gu Shiyu cried at the top of her voice.

"Long live the fellowship."

College life, also officially began.

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