There are 62 boys majoring in directing, and none of them is absent in today's military training. Sixty two people formed a party, the twelfth.

After the general mobilization of military training and the small meeting in the class, they came to the designated position wearing military training clothes. Line up from high to low. When the general whistle of military training rings, they quickly line up.

"Stand at attention."

"Look right, look forward."

In front of the twelfth team stood a black faced man.

In the black face man's low roar, the boys have moved up. Straight waist dry, visual front, as if want to treat themselves as a qualified soldier.

"At ease."

So everyone relaxed.

"Stand at attention."

The black faced man's sudden cheering makes the boys' bodies tense and their mood also tense.

"At ease."

Everyone's tight body got a short relaxation.

"I'll introduce myself first." The black faced man scanned the group of white and tender pink boys, with a stern expression and a cold tone, and said“ My name is Li Gang Gang. Li Shimin's Li, steel of steel, iron of steel. You can call me instructor li... "

Before Li Gang finished, there was a burst of laughter in the crowd.

"Drillmaster Li, your name is so serious, but you feel funny. When you were just born, Huaxia was setting up steel mills from time to time? "

"Drillmaster Li, may I call you drillmaster steel? I think it's more powerful. In the future, if others find fault with our 12th party team, we will say that they are the soldiers of the steel instructor, and they can be scared away directly. "


"Shut up." Li Gang's black face cooled down, and his eyes were like two pieces of cold steel“ You think my name's funny, don't you? Since you want to laugh so much, shall I give you an hour to laugh? "

The boys' faces were purplish red, and their closed mouths moved and jerked. One is forced by the smile in his heart, the other is frightened by Li Gang's momentum.

Although they were suffering from suffocation, they did. If you really let them be punished and laugh for an hour without stopping, it's estimated that they will not become facial paralysis, but also a fool?

Li iron and steel scanned every boy in the 12th team and made two rounds. He said coldly, "who just laughed? Stand up. "

No one came forward.

"On the count of three, my last chance. If you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being rude to you... Three, two... "

"Report to instructor, I just laughed." Ye Buqiu took a step forward, raised his head and cheered loudly. Just now, ye Buqiu did laugh. After all, the name of instructor Li Gang is too strange and interesting, and he is a normal boy.

Ye Buqiu is in the middle of the first row. When he came out, it was very obvious.

"Who else?" Li Gang took a look at ye Buqiu and glanced coldly at the boys behind him.

"Tell the instructor, and me." Hu Yuan, a giant gorilla, came forward.

"And me."

"And me."

The last two are Tang Duoduo and Gu Shiyu. Of course, there are still many people in the 12th team who should stand up, but no one is willing to stand up except ye Buqiu's four.

The gun shot the bird in the head. Although they have just passed the rite of passage, they do not have much experience, but they know a lot.

"Good, good." Li Gang Gang walked around the four people, and the anger on his black face became more and more obvious. Finally he pointed to them and said angrily“ Four of you, run ten laps around the playground. In half an hour, if you don't finish the task, you just get out of my team. "

Hearing Li Gang Gang's words, those boys who didn't choose to stand up were secretly happy. They feel how wise and rational their choice is.

"Yes, instructor." Ye Buqiu did not disobey Li Gang's orders. From low to high, they formed a "strange" team and ran towards the playground.

"Stand at attention." Li Gang and ye Buqiu said after the four left“ What we are going to train for this morning is to play forward. When kicking the forward step, you should keep your waist straight and your feet straight, so that the forward step can be powerful and your eyes should be serious. Now I'll give you a correct demonstration first... "

There are also many square teams on the track and field, including men and women. When ye Buqiu's four were punished for running on the track and field field, they became an interesting scene, which made many freshmen look on the scene.

There are also a few instructors to ye Buqiu four as a negative teaching material, on their own team were lecturing.

"It's not fair." Fat Tang Duoduo shakes his fat and complains as he runs“ The whole class laughed and the four of us stood up and admitted our mistakes. But this instructor is good. If he doesn't hate that group of cockroaches, he just stares at the four of us. Isn't it obvious that he can't get along with the four of us? In my opinion, there must be a black curtain. "

"Yes. When instructor Li did this, Hu Yuan was the first to refuse. " Hu Yuan followed suit.

"The second one." Tang Duoduo's health is not good. He is out of breath after running half a circle“ Tell me, did the steel instructor deliberately punish us? If you want me to say that you are so good at it, you should learn from those online novels and force the leading actor to challenge the instructor and knock him down in public to see if he will give us shoes to wear. "

Ye Buqiu could not laugh or cry, and did not speak.

"You read too many novels." Gu Shiyu, who is running at the back, cuts in.

"What? You are only allowed to write novels, but I am not allowed to read novels. Isn't that what you wrote for us losers? "

"I'd rather not have readers like you. What a shame. "

"I don't think you have a single reader?"

"I'm a best-selling writer."

With Tangduo and Gu Shiyu bickering, the four unconsciously ran two laps.

Tang Duoduo is overweight and sickly. He has a share of all kinds of high blood pressure and high fat. So after two laps, he has almost no part to move except the trembling fat and disobeying feet. Gu Shiyu's situation is better than Tang Duoduo's, but after all, he is a "great writer" who doesn't like sports and often sits in front of the computer. He lacks sports all the year round. Naturally, the situation is not much better now. After two laps, he has turned pale and his feet are empty.

It's Hu Yuan and ye Buqiu who don't have a red face and a heart.

"Is that ok?" Ye Buqiu looks at Tang Duoduo and Gu Shiyu and asks with concern.

"I'm fine. I just don't know if old three is OK. If we can't stick to it, we'll go back. It's better to be scolded than to go back to the hospital after ten laps. "

"Nothing." Tang Duoduo waved his hand and insisted“ He's a jerk. Since the instructor wants to see our brothers make a fool of themselves, we can't let him. Since he said he wanted us to run ten laps, we'll run to him. "

"All right." Ye Buqiu ran to the back of the three and said, "it's just that it's not a good way for us to run down like this. Let's not talk about whether our physical strength can support ten laps. I'm afraid that even if we run down at that time, our muscles will be overdrawn and injured, and it's easy to fall ill, and it will also affect our military training later. "

"Well. You all listen to me. When I say one, you lift your left leg. When I say two, you lift your right leg. At the same time, adjust your breathing and try not to talk

"All right, listen to you." Gu Shiyu and Tang Duoduo said.

"I think so."

Thus, the sound of "one, two, one" was loud and sonorous on the track and field. Whether it's the freshmen on the track and field field, or the team next to the track and field, many people secretly put their eyes on these four people.

The twelfth team is in a clearing near the track and field. As soon as instructor Li Gang announced the temporary rest, he heard the voice coming from the track and field. He turned his head and saw that the four students who had been punished by himself were running tenaciously and desperately. Especially when he saw ye Buqiu at the back of the team, he grinned and showed his white teeth under his black face.

"These little guys, not bad." Li steel thought in his heart.

"The rest is over." Li Gang Gang patted his ass, got up from the ground and yelled at the students who had just sat down to have a rest“ When I count to ten, I'll come and gather them. If anyone is late, I'll run with them. "

There were howls in the crowd. But in order not to be punished, they can only drag their tired bodies to gather quickly, and dare not procrastinate. Some people even spit out the cold water that has just been poured into their mouth and can't swallow.

Four laps.

Five laps.

Six laps.

"One, two, one, two, one. Hold on, there are four laps left. " Ye Buqiu's high pitched voice resounded throughout the track and field. Tang Duoduo and Gu Shiyu, who can't feel that they are still alive, drag their bodies and run slowly. After six laps, they feel that they are dead except for their own souls.

Hu Yuan is strong and physical terror. He is a leader among the students. But Rao is so, his forehead is still dripping with sweat, his face is flushed, and his breathing becomes rapid.

Among the small teams punished, ye Buqiu's situation is the best. After six laps of long-distance running, he is not only no different, but more and more energetic, which makes many students who pay attention to the situation think that ye Buqiu played a stimulant.

As the sun becomes more and more poisonous, the three of them are overdrawn quickly.

"No way." Tang Duoduo cried helplessly, and his fat body fell forward. Ye Buqiu's quick eyes and quick hands help Tang Duoduo who falls down, in case Tang Duoduo has a close zero distance contact with the plastic runway.

Hu Yuan and Gu Shiyu also stopped and helped to set up Tang Duoduo.

"Old four, can you still run?" Ye Buqiu looks at the jade of ancient history.

Gu Shiyu, who was pale and almost morbid, shook his head with a bitter smile. He knew that it was his limit to run more than six laps. If he continued to run, he would be the next one to fall.

"I believe you can." Ye Buqiu said with firm eyes“ I'm carrying the third man on my back. You run behind the boss's ass. at the same time, you should continue to adjust your breathing, and then run along with my slogan. "

"What?" After hearing ye Buqiu's words, Hu Yuan and Gu Shiyu think there is something wrong with their ears. But the next moment tells them that their ears are still healthy and happy.

Ye Buqiu carried tangduoduo, who was about 150 tons in tonnage, behind him. He took the lead and ran in front of the team. When Hu Yuan and Gu Shiyu look at each other, they are all shocked. But when they think of Ye Buqiu's means and skills, they are relieved.

Hu Yuan's big hairy hand patted Gu Shiyu on the shoulder, followed ye Buqiu's step, and Gu Shiyu ran up with her teeth.

So, an amazing scene appeared.

A handsome boy with slightly thin figure runs around the playground with a fat man who weighs more than 20 kg on his back. Behind him is a gorilla and a power pole.

"Altman came out to save the earth again?" The students who saw the scene were stunned.

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