Those who use their strength to convince others are not convinced, and they do not have the strength to look forward to it. Those who are convinced by virtue are satisfied by the center.

This is the truth left behind by the ancient Mencius, which has been respected throughout the ages.

But sometimes, ye Buqiu felt that this method of persuading people by virtue was slow and ineffective, so he often adopted the first method. I'll beat you down with my strength. As for whether you are convinced or not, I don't care. I just want you to compliment me on the surface, which is enough.

Ye Buqiu's method is very effective.

More than a dozen completely unruly prisoners gathered in a circle, some carrying cigarettes and water, some pinching shoulders and thumping their backs, cautiously presenting ye Buqiu as their ancestors.

"Heng Dali." After a short time together, ye Buqiu knows the bald man's name is Heng Dali. He looked at Heng Dali and asked, "what did you do to come in?"

At this time, Heng Dali's left eye swelled into a panda's eye, one of his front teeth was missing, and his thick lips were stained with blood, which was completely different from his previous fierce and brutal appearance. Hearing ye Buqiu's question, Heng Dali replied with a flattering face: "elder brother, I met a beautiful girl at the intersection of West Lane last month. The girl's figure is so wonderful that she can wring out water. Moreover, after investigation, he found that she lives outside alone, so..."

"What did you do?" Ye Buqiu's cold eyes swept in.

"Burglary, rape." Heng Dali shivered in his heart and did not dare to look directly at ye Buqiu's eyes. He quickly lowered his head to answer. Finally, he added in a low voice: "attempted."

"And you?" Ye Buqiu looks at the others.



"Assaulting police..." and a shy man said in a low voice. After Heng Dali's explanation, ye Buqiu knows that this guy is in the rental house of the community and is about to peep at the beauty taking a bath. A policeman who lives in the community happens to find out and threaten to publicize it. As a result, he is so angry that he breaks the plain clothes policeman's head.

Many people talk about their crimes, but most of them are misdemeanors sentenced to two or three years, there is nothing to pay attention to.

Ye Buqiu's eyes fall on a weak boy with glasses squatting in the corner. The frail boy was about twenty years old. He was pale and shivering, as if he had some serious illness. Ye Buqiu has a deep impression on this boy. When he first entered the room, he was the only one who didn't intimidate himself. Now he is the only one who didn't flatter himself.

Feeling ye Buqiu's eyes, Heng Dali glanced at the boy with glasses, and said in an uncomfortable tone: "brother, this guy is a strange man. He came in two weeks ago. We asked him what he had done. He even lied that he was a murderer. As a result, he became honest after we exchanged our fists. However, his temper is as stubborn as a cow. We told him to do things, but he didn't do them. Later, he fought several times and found it boring, so we didn't care about him. "

The boy with glasses seems to feel ye Buqiu's eyes. After looking up at him, he continues to bury his head.

"Did you really kill?" Ye Buqiu looks at the boy with glasses and asks.

"Yes." Glasses boy also does not lift the head, light answer. Hearing that this guy is going to cheat again, Heng Dali shouts to clean up his glasses. As a result, he is stopped by Ye Buqiu.

"Who did you kill?"

"Dragon three." When the boy with glasses said the name, his body trembled inadvertently.

"You are talking nonsense again. Believe it or not, I will tear your mouth." Some people began to roll up their sleeves to teach the boys with glasses, but because ye Buqiu, the current "big brother", didn't speak, he could only stare at the boys with glasses like a knife.

"Brother, his skin is itching. Let the brothers work hard and loosen their muscles and bones. "

Naturally, they don't believe the boy with glasses. Let's not mention that long San is a famous thug in Mingzhu road. He is a great general in the tiger dragon sect, whose influence is second only to that of the South gang. In recent years, he has been famous for his double fists. Usually, some people in the street can pee their pants when they hear his name. How can such a guy be easily moved by others?

Moreover, the boy with glasses in front of him was weak and weak, and his limbs were weak. He was afraid to kill a chicken or duck. Can he kill long San? Don't say it's Heng Dali. They don't believe it. They're afraid that even the boys with glasses won't believe it, will they?

Hearing the boy with glasses, ye Buqiu's eyes narrowed slightly. When he first came to the Pearl, he had already found out the distribution of power on the whole table and underground. Naturally, he also knew dragon three, a famous and powerful general in the river and lake. And he also knew that long San had already died half a month ago.

I didn't expect that the murder of dragon three was connected with the boy with glasses in front of him?

Ye Buqiu ignored the clamour of the prisoners beside him. He stared at the boy with glasses and said, "if it's convenient, tell me your story with long San."

Hearing this, Heng Dali couldn't turn his head around. Their hearts are extremely depressed. How can this "new big brother" with terrible skills not work well? Can't you see that the boy with glasses is cheating them?

The boy with glasses seems to be surprised by Ye Buqiu's question. He takes a look at ye Buqiu more, grins his teeth slightly, and says: "long San raped and killed my girlfriend, then threw her body. He has a relationship with Bai Dao, and he can't help calling the police, so I choose to do it myself. Long San is suspicious and has terrible skills. He is often followed by several subordinates. If he is forced to assassinate long San, his chances are slim. But I know that long San has a little lover named Xiao Qian. "

"Xiaoqian is the little lover longsan rescued from the bar and kept. She is clever and obedient, but she is very skillful in bed. She is deeply loved by longsan. Xiaoqian and long San have been together for three years. She is not only the vent tool of long San, but also the spiritual sustenance of long San. No matter what aspect, long San always dotes on Xiaoqian. Naturally, she will not bring other men with her every time she has a tryst with her. I know that Xiaoqian is a good breakthrough to kill long San. "

"It took me a month to imitate Xiaoqian's behavior and make-up. After I wrote down the appearance of Xiaoqian, I entered Xiaoqian's home, kidnapped and raped her, which was a little revenge for long Sandu's treatment of my woman. I disguise myself as Xiaoqian, and then I hide her in a private place, and I start to ask long San to come out. "

"When long San saw me dressed as Xiaoqian, I didn't have any doubts, which proved that my pretending was very successful. As soon as long San met him, he began to kiss me, but in order not to show his true feelings, I could only kiss him, and deliberately didn't let him touch my chest and below. " When the boy with glasses said this, he stopped for a moment“ As long San took off his clothes, I took out the dagger I had placed in the dark and cut long San's neck. Although he gave me a few punches before he died, it was him who died in the end. "

Heng Dali, they don't care whether they believe that the boy with glasses really killed long San or not. But when they heard these words from the man with glasses, they felt a shiver and... Awe. They asked themselves that if they were themselves, they would not be able to pretend to be women and then make out with men.

"What's your name?" Ye Buqiu has a little interest in the boy with glasses.

"Tu Fusheng." The boy replied.

"Interesting name." Ye Buqiu chewed three words and asked with a smile, "what happened later? How did you get here? I know that if the people of dragon three know that you killed dragon three, they will not give up

"I turned myself in." Tu Fusheng said“ I know long San's people will know sooner or later that I killed him, so I went to the public security bureau to turn myself in before the tiger dragon Gang found out about it. Anyway, sooner or later is a death, what's the difference? At least after entering here, the death is more beautiful than that of the people of the tiger dragon gang who were hacked to death by random knives outside. "

"Why didn't you leave the Pearl?" Heng Dali asked. Heng Dali, unconsciously, had been immersed in the story of Tu Fusheng, which they did not find.

Tu Fu Sheng lowered his head slightly without any explanation.

"Do you want to go out?" Ye Buqiu stares at TU Fusheng and asks with a smile.

"If I wanted to go out, I wouldn't come in here. I really cherish my life. " Tu Fu Sheng laughed at himself.

"That was before you met me." Ye Buqiu said seriously: "if I say, it can cure your inherent disease. Do you want to go out? "

Hearing ye Buqiu's words, Tu Fusheng's whole body was shaking. If it wasn't for the excitement on his face, Heng Dali thought Tu Fusheng was ill again. In these two weeks, Tu Fusheng often rolled on the ground in agony, and his forehead was sweating and his whole body was hot.

For a long time, Tu Fusheng's body slowly calmed down. His dead eyes were a bit more colorful. He looked at ye Buqiu and asked in a trembling voice, "can you cure my disease?"

"No Ye Buqiu shakes his head. He can see it, but it doesn't mean he has the ability to solve it.

Tu Fusheng's body suddenly vibrated, and the light in his eyes quickly faded.

"But someone can." Ye Buqiu said with a smile.



Tu Fusheng just had a smile on his face. He stared at ye Buqiu. When he saw that there was no deception in his eyes, he held out his hand and said, "introduce yourself. Tu Fusheng, butcher's Tu, Fusheng's Fusheng. My life is yours in the future. "

"Ye Buqiu." Ye Buqiu holds Tu Fusheng's hand.

From this moment on, ye Buqiu knows that he has gained a great general here.

Tu, Fusheng.

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