Rest area of Guyao Public Security Bureau.

Xia Yumeng sits there with her little head down, facing the passage. As soon as she hears any news, she immediately looks up, but every time she looks forward to it, she is lost.

Several policemen on duty in the hall could not bear to see Xia Yumeng's pitiful and stubborn appearance, but because of his work, no one came forward to give help or advice.

Xia Yumeng is the victim of this case. He can leave only after receiving investigation and recording confession in the Public Security Bureau. But when he found that ye Buqiu was still being held in the Public Security Bureau, she did not hesitate to stay and wait for ye Buqiu to come out.

At the beginning, she asked the police on duty one by one, but when they gave her ambiguous answers, she gave up.

Yan Ruyu came in with two bags of snacks in her hand. Looking at Xia Yumeng, she felt a slight guilt in her heart. However, Yan Ruyu's face soon recovered. She went to Xia Yumeng, put her hamburger and juice next to Xia Yumeng, and said softly, "Yumeng, I just asked the police, they said that ye Buqiu is under investigation, and it can't be over for a while. It's almost eleven now. Let's go back first. "

"Nothing." Xia Yumeng shook his head“ Ru Yu, go back to school first, or the dormitory will be closed. I'll wait here a little longer, brother ye, and we'll go back together later. "

"But you're alone. I'm afraid of danger."

"It's all right. With brother ye, bad people can't bully me. " Xia Yu dreams of the scene that ye Buqiu came out to save her in God bar a few nights ago, and her ears involuntarily ascended a blush.

Yan Ruyu showed a struggling look on her face. She wanted to talk but stopped. At last, she sighed and said, "in that case, I'll go back first. You don't have much supper. Remember to eat the snack later. I'll put the hamburger and juice here. "

"Thank you, Ru Yu." Xia Yumeng said gratefully.

"If you have anything, please contact me by mobile phone." The more she saw the gratitude in the eyes of the stubborn girl in front of her, the more she suffered. After a few words of advice, she left the Public Security Bureau.

Xia Yumeng covers the hamburger and juice in her arms, thinking that brother Ye has been in the Public Security Bureau for so long, must be hungry?

She's timid, she's shy, she's not good at words.

But now she is stubborn like a child, quietly and persistently waiting for ye Buqiu to come out.

Xiangshan District, Chongming Pavilion.

In the middle of the room, two hot and sweaty bodies intertwined with each other and staged a fierce battle. Scenes of vivid colors were presented in the room, and bursts of joyful groans resounded throughout the room.

I don't know how long after that, the voice stopped, and the two white bodies also stopped.

Xu Chongming dotes on the beautiful woman in his arms. His right hand moves slowly down the woman's smooth back, and finally stops in the gap behind the woman. He fondles her playfully and domineeringly, which makes the woman in his arms groan.

Dong Dong.

There was a knock on the door outside the room. Xu Chongming, who was leaning on the head of the bed, patted the head of the woman in his arms and said in a soft voice: "get up quickly and help me get dressed."

The woman pouted her mouth to show her grievance, but she got up from the bed and ran to the bedside to help Xu Chongming pick up his clothes and wait for Xu Chongming to change clothes.

"Look at your grievance." Xu Chongming touched the woman's head, rubbed her peak, put on her coat and went outside“ Help me warm the bed first. When I get back, we'll fight another 300 rounds. "

"Good." The woman nodded cleverly and asked with concern, "pay attention to safety, and don't try to be brave."

"I see." Xu Chongming nodded and left the room.

Outside the door of the room, Xu Zhan, a tall man, was bending respectfully. When he saw Xu Chongming coming out of the room, he lowered his head and called out, "big brother."

"Tell me, what's the situation now?" Xu Zhongming buttoned up and looked indifferent. As he walked towards the outside of the villa, he asked: "the chess pieces of the tiger dragon gang and Tengyun Gang have been activated, and we have also settled down in terms of the police. There are important people, guns and guns. Tonight, we are occupying three important factors, namely, time, place and people. Tell me what went wrong in what way? "

They go to the door of the villa. Xu Zhan comes to help push the door open. Xu Chongming goes in first.

"The plan to assassinate Liu Zhengnan just failed. Originally, we had already ambushed the snipers and gunners, and we also looked for the opportunity to disturb the bodyguards around Liu Zhengnan. Originally it was a matter of certainty, but the snipers and the shooters on our side were killed inexplicably. " Xu Zhan export said: "I think there may be a ghost on our side, which let Liu Zhengnan first know the intelligence."

Liu Zhengnan is the leader of the tiger dragon gang. The Nanbang has planned for a long time. It only needs to remove the high-level personnel of the tiger dragon gang and Tengyun gang in the operation tonight, and then attack the two gangs with the power of thunder to carry out massacres or reorganizations, and quickly rule the whole Mingzhu underground forces, so that the Nanbang can become the real overlord on the Mingzhu.

"No Xu Chongming shook his head and said, "the only people involved in the whole plan are our brothers, and no one else knows."

"But besides our brothers, isn't there another person in your room, elder brother?" Xu Zhan said aloud.

Xu Chongming stopped.

His face became gloomy and his eyes swept coldly at Xu Zhan. He said coldly, "Xu Zhan, this is the first time, and I hope it's the last time."

"Yes, big brother." Although Xu Zhan had some complaints, he did not dare to show them. But he was a little more disgusted with the woman in the elder brother's room. Without that woman, the elder brother would not be so soft hearted and indecisive now.

Xu Chongming sighed and said, "I know you have some opinions on Ziyan. But Ziyan is just a poor person. She has no father and no mother. Now she follows me like walking on thin ice. She has no regrets. She doesn't want any fame and honor. I'm really ashamed of her. "

Xu Zhan stood beside Xu Chongming in silence. Looking at the tenderness in his elder brother's eyes, he could only sigh a little.

When they got to the black motorcade in front of the villa, more than a dozen big men in black came and surrounded Xu Chongming and Xu Zhan, forming a copper wall with their own flesh and blood. Surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards, Xu Chongming and Xu Zhan successively enter the refitted bulletproof car in the middle.

Several black cars started slowly and left Xiangshan community.

Xu Chongming sat in the back seat, staring out of the window and said coldly, "besides the failure of Liu Zhengnan's assassination, is there any other change factor?"

"Not at the moment." Xu Zhan reported“ Judging from the situation over there, everything is going very well. Our people are also gradually devouring the chassis of the tiger dragon gang and Tengyun gang. However, after Liu Zhengnan escaped, our pace of incorporating the tiger dragon gang has become much slower. As for the Tengyun Gang, after their boss died, the engulfment and incorporation there went very smoothly. "

"Stay alert." Xu Chongming said solemnly.


"Do you know where Liu Zhengnan is now?" Xu Chongming asked.

"I don't know yet." Xu Zhan said“ After Liu Zhengnan escaped death, he has become more cautious now. He is afraid that no one knows his whereabouts except a few of his confidants, and the chess pieces placed beside Liu Zhengnan have no effect. "

"Tell them to go down, everyone be careful." Turning the ring on his finger, Xu Chongming said in a low voice, "I have a feeling in my heart that in addition to the local forces of our pearl, there should be other outsiders involved. If that's the case, things will get tricky. "

"But big brother, if there are other people involved in it, our spies should send news."

"It is because there is no news from our spies that we should be more vigilant." Xu Chongming looked at Xu Zhan and said solemnly, "if there are other people involved, it means they are in the dark and we are in the light. That's the real worry. "

Xu Chongming suddenly thought of something and asked, "where is the boy who has dinner with me now?"

"After your advice, we'll send someone to follow him quietly. However, shortly after he left, he fought several street gangsters in order to save a female classmate. Now he is locked up in Gu Yao Public Security Bureau. I specially asked someone to check it. It seems that someone is deliberately looking for that boy in the whole leaf. It's estimated that he won't be able to get out for a day or two now. "

"Send more people to tell him, but don't scare him. I feel vaguely that there may be his shadow tonight. " Xu Chongming leans on the sofa.

"Brother, is ye Buqiu worthy of our attention?" Xu Zhan finally asked the question he had been wondering all night.

"You don't understand." Xu Chongming shakes his head gently. When he thinks of the woman's cruel means, even the murderer can't help but feel awed“ Isn't the apprentice trained by that woman, Xiao Mo's elder martial brother, who is called "genius doctor", worthy of our attention? Moreover, the boy still has courage and wisdom. "

While Xu Chongming was talking with Xu Zhan, the motorcade slowly stopped. His subordinates soon sent word that there was a rear end collision in front of him, which caused the whole road to be blocked by traffic. It took about half an hour to clear it. They also asked Xu Zhan whether he wanted to change the road.

Xu Chongming waved his hand to indicate that Xu Zhan could wait a little longer.

When Xu Zhan just gave the order, Xu Chongming's face changed greatly. A light flashed in front of his eyes. His body subconsciously jumped forward. A bullet burst from the side of the glass and hit Xu Chongming's waist. In an instant, the whole cushion was stained red with blood.

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