"Stand at attention." Li Gang's iron face is like black charcoal, scanning all the students present“ Report the number. "





Li Gang Gang looked at the students in the first row and asked coldly, "where's ye Buqiu?"

"Report to the instructor." Gu Shiyu stood up and yelled: "ye Buqiu had a bad stomach last night. Now he is taking a drip in the school hospital. He asked me to come and ask for a leave."

Li Gang Gang nodded. After finishing the list of students present, he said, "today we will do a whole set of military training system in combination with practice. Look left and right, look forward and relax. "

The temperature of the Pearl did not decrease because of the heavy rain in the past two days, but became more and more hot and dry. In the howl of countless freshmen, the morning military training is finally over.

Gu Shiyu and Hu Yuantang Duoduo are on their way to the canteen. Tang Duoduo looks depressed and says, "do you think the second guy spent the night with the man who looked for him last night? And then the chrysanthemum will be ruined, the essence will be exhausted, and people will die? "

"Nonsense." Hu Yuan glared at Tang Duoduo and threatened with a huge Fist: "if you say this disgusting thing again, believe it or not, I'll kill you with a fist."

"I don't believe it."

"..." Hu Yuan looked at Tang Duoduo, disgusted and said: "forget it, I'll write down this matter for the moment, and then I'll get back with him to settle the accounts with you. But what was the second man doing last night? He didn't go home and didn't call. It's true. "

"I know." Gu Shiyu's voice came from behind them. When they looked back, they saw a meaningful smile on Gu Shiyu's face“ Last night in addition to the second did not come back, our friendship dormitory summer rain dream did not come back yo! Xia Yumeng has a special love for the second child. Maybe they had already... Hehe hehe last night

Gu Shiyu finished, and the three of them showed the exclusive expression of Fei Yuqing, the king of dirty demon.

The two dormitories are social dormitories, and they are usually connected. Gu Shiyu knew before she went to bed last night that Xia Yumeng, the beauty representative of the girls' dormitory, was not sleeping at school, so the answer to where Xia Yumeng and ye Buqiu would go to spend the night is ready.

"The second one is really good. It's just less than a week since the beginning of school. It's really unreasonable that he won our professional department. Treat, you must let him treat you when you come back! " Tang Duoduo said indignantly. There are nearly 100 directors in the Department, but there are only less than 20 girls. Naturally, Xia Yumeng successfully ascends the throne of the Department. Although the gold content in it is a little low, she is really a flower.

Gu Shiyu didn't know. At this time, the "tie Hua" they were talking about was sitting alone in the rest area of the sub Bureau. His eyes were bleary and his face was pale, showing a strong sense of fatigue. From time to time, he looked up at the passage in front of him and pinched his thigh when he was sleepy.

As soon as Liu Tang, dressed in police uniform, entered the station, he saw Xia Yumeng sitting in the rest area. As one of the interrogators of yebuqiu case yesterday, he knows the identity of Xia Yumeng. He and the horse face police sent ye Buqiu to the detention center last night and went home alone. Then he had a rest until today's noon time. He didn't know that Xia Yumeng had been sitting in the rest area of the Branch Bureau waiting for ye Buqiu's release.

Now seeing this tired girl, I was moved and shocked. I didn't expect that there was such a persistent and stupid girl in the world. He walked towards Xia Yumeng without hesitation, stood in front of her and said: "classmate, your friend is under investigation because of the wounding incident, and can't come out for a while and a half. Go back to school first."

"No, thank you for reminding me." Xia Yumeng shook his head stubbornly. From last night until now, she did not know how many words of comfort like this, but they did not have any effect. If these words of comfort really worked, she would not still be sitting here.

Liu Tang shook his head with a bitter smile.

He thought for a while, his head suddenly came up with an idea, and said in a voice: "in fact, I'm not here to comfort you, I'm passing a word for ye Buqiu."

"Really?" Summer rain dream small face excitedly stood up, urgent voice asked a way: "can you tell me, leaf elder brother what he said?"

If I can't tell you, I'll tell you? There was a short circuit in Liu Tang's brain.

This girl is so stupid that it hurts.

"Yes." Liu Tang still chose to circle his white lie and said: "your brother Ye knows that you have been waiting for him all night, but he can't come out. He can only ask me to send a message to you and let you go back to school first. If it goes on like this, he will surely feel guilty all his life. And he cares about you very much. Please help me buy you a lunch. "

Liu Tang painfully handed the lunch he bought to Xia Yumeng.

"Thank you. On behalf of brother ye, I also thank you." Xia Yumeng dexterously handed Liu Tang to him and said softly, "brother, you are really a good man. I believe that a good man will be rewarded. By the way, if I can, can I leave a number for you? When brother Ye comes out, I hope you can help me

"No problem." Liu Tang readily agreed. I've given all my precious lunches, not to mention these little things?

After Xia Yumeng thanks again, she covers the lunch box given by Liu Tang in her hand and leaves the branch quickly and vainly. Liu Tang looks at Xia Yumeng's back as he leaves. He takes his eyes back to Xia Yumeng's position and finds that there is an intact hamburger and juice on the seat.

Pearl University, at noon.

Gu Shiyu is a best-selling Internet writer. In addition to reading some strange books, he also likes to go to school forums to read funny messages and all kinds of God comments on the Internet. After all, this plays a very important role in his humorous writing style.

Today, as usual, he opened the forum to continue to brush, and from time to time went into the post of "load 150, run four laps". When he saw the post, he praised those who praised his handsome and bravery, and if he insulted himself, he said "down.". It's just that Gu Shiyu hasn't found a chance to make a little finger, because the messages in these posts are all about ye Buqiu and Tang Duoduo.

"What is this?" The forum suddenly popped up a new dynamic. Gu Shiyu read the post with the title of "Dean's disciple, rogue student" and went in with some doubts. Then he cried out: "boss, third, come and have a look! There's something wrong with number two

"What can happen?" Tang Duoduo sat in front of the computer to enjoy Island art blockbusters. It was a key period to compare bodono's dressing and Ma shengzaomiao's bigger ass and rounder chest. He was interrupted by Gu Shiyu and said impatiently, "even if there is something, it's Xia Yumeng's business. What's his loss as a man?"

"I agree with Lao San. If you think about it, it must be Xia Yumeng who suffers with the second child's terrible and abnormal physical strength. " Hu Yuan's voice came from the bathroom.

"No, it was the second man who took part in a fight last night and was caught by the police. It seems that he is still in the Public Security Bureau." Gu Shiyu finished watching the video with a frown.

"What?" Tang Duoduo jumped up and even forgot to turn off the art film. The door of the bathroom opened wide, and the naked Hu Yuan, who was covered with soap bubbles, ran out of the crotch.

They came to Gu Shiyu and played the video in the post again. They both fell into solemnity and silence.

Gu Shiyu takes out her mobile phone and calls ye Buqiu. She finds that it is turned off.

After a long time, Tang Duoduo came out of his thick mouth: "the second one was framed. If it happens, the police won't come in time, early or late. Why did they wait until the second child put them all to the ground before they came out? "

"Not a fool can tell." Gu Shiyu said with a frown“ Now the key is, what's the second one going to do? If this post comes, even if the second child can come out of the police station safely, the school will definitely write down a big stain on the second child's file, which has a great impact on the second child. "

"Moreover, this guy also targets Dean Jiao. I'm afraid it's a two pronged strategy. First, let the school deal with the problem of sophomores, and at the same time, put pressure on the dean. This post really pushes the second child to the top of the storm. "

"Can the contact delete this post?"

"No way." Gu Shiyu shakes her head“ Even if it can be deleted, it can't stop those who frame the second. And I'm sure it's coming from the whole circle of friends of Mingda. "

Yes, with the title of Jiao Tianya's disciple, ye Buqiu is really one of the objects of attention among college students in Ming Dynasty.

"Help people out first."

"That's right." Gu Shiyu checked the mobile phone address book, transferred to a number, dialed the phone and said: "Dad, I have a friend who was locked up in the Public Security Bureau and was framed. See if you can help protect him. He said that he was guilty of fighting. My friend, his name is ye Buqiu

There was a blind voice on the phone. It was obvious that Gu Shiyu's father was already helping with the operation.

Soon, Gu Shiyu's father's phone call came over, Gu Shiyu instantly connected, Gu Shiyu's father's mellow and heavy voice came over: "Xiaoyu, this matter is a little tricky, I heard that the director of the Branch Bureau personally ordered to go down, and your friend's beating video is also authentic, with my old face, the director of the Branch Bureau over there will not sell me this face. You have to think about it. Don't fall too deep. I'll introduce some young people to you some other day. "

"Good." Gu Shiyu's face was very dignified after hanging up the phone.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

"I'll call, too." Tang Duoduo picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said straight to the point: "Dad, do we have any contacts in the Pearl? I have a friend who has been framed and put into a public security bureau. There is a director of the Bureau. Do you have a look at anyone who can protect him? "

After a while, Tang Duoduo hung up in disappointment.

"Still not." Tang Duoduo shook his head and said“ It's true that my family has some strength in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but the contacts on the Pearl side are very narrow, and there are no people at all. "

"Well, let's ask drillmaster Li for an afternoon off, and then go to the branch to see what's going on. Although it won't take many days to be locked up with the second child's evidence of fighting, if someone is sincere in framing, the second child may suffer a lot of means in it! "

"I think so." Hu Yuanpao went back to wash the foam and quickly put on his clothes.

"And call Xia Yumeng to see if she stayed with her second son last night. If you really stay together, you may be able to learn some real things from Xia Yumeng. "

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